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「美饌頌父恩」父親節自助餐 / Treat Your Dad” Father’s Day Buffets @ Harbour Restaurant - The Harbourview

「美饌頌父恩」父親節自助餐 / Treat Your Dad” Father’s Day Buffets @ Harbour Restaurant - The Harbourview



Read in English

[wpvideo 7KcVlu4j]





滿足不了爸爸的食慾?我們為眾爸爸額外加設了多款佳餚;先來一客鮮甜味美的焗龍蝦科米多(每位賓客奉送一客,每客半隻),隨即品嘗即席烹煮又惹味的火焰和牛 - 於放在鐵板燒爐的澳洲和牛片上輕輕灑上干邑,隨即上升的火焰叫人雀躍,一口咬下,和牛鮮嫩美味,不禁讓人食指大動!再來享用特意為爸爸們預備的清甜海鮮菜式香草汁焗鱈場蟹腳清蒸沙巴大龍躉,再吃一碗滋潤養顏的桂圓蓮子紅棗燉桃膠(每位賓客奉送一碗),來一個完滿又滋味的父親節回憶。

Harbour Restaurant The Harbourview 灣景廳 - 灣景國際 OKiBook Hong Kong Restaurant Booking 自助餐預訂香港 - 每位一客Sea Urchin Sashimi Harbour Restaurant The Harbourview 灣景廳 - 灣景國際 OKiBook Hong Kong Restaurant Booking 自助餐預訂香港 - Slow-cooked Roasted Kurobuta Pork Rack with Apple Mustard and Hon

Harbour Restaurant The Harbourview 灣景廳 - 灣景國際 OKiBook Hong Kong Restaurant Booking 自助餐預訂香港 - lobster_thermidor_龍蝦科米多

Harbour Restaurant The Harbourview 灣景廳 - 灣景國際 OKiBook Hong Kong Restaurant Booking 自助餐預訂香港 - a4_kobe_beef_skewer_with_brussels_sprout_&_harissa_coulis_特級a4神戶牛串配阿拉伯菠椒醬




甜品一向是自助晚餐最吸引的專櫃 灣景廳的王牌甜品是綿密柔滑的瑞士名牌MÕVENPICK雪糕 8款不同的口味讓您大快朵頤。其他推介有黑森林蛋糕、雜莓白酒啫喱、櫻桃杏仁撻、開心果吉士餅、草莓泡芙、迷你朱古力軟心撻、法式焦糖燉蛋、牛油麵包布甸、各式芝士餅、窩夫及熱香餅、中式糖水朱古力噴泉等,讓敬重的爸爸於今個父親節展開豐盛甜蜜的珍饈之旅!



1. 生日爸爸免費用餐禮遇

616日生日的爸爸們,可於2018616日免費享用自助晚餐 (必須最少2人同行及出示身份證)

2. 玩遊戲獲贈灣景國際免費雙人海景客房住宿一晚

2018617日惠顧自助晚餐,每枱賓客可參加「黑毛豬火腿有幾重」競猜遊戲,猜中指定黑毛豬火腿重量的賓客,可獲贈灣景國際免費雙人海景客房住宿一晚 (每枱限猜一次,當晚830分揭曉答案並送出禮券乙張)

3. 次輪自助午餐買11優惠




*新西蘭半殼生蠔只適用於父親節正日供應 (17/6)


1. 送賀卡吃糖果


2. 次輪自助午餐買11優惠






1. 灣景廳特別提供「即影即有」攝影服務,為您紀錄與父親的溫馨時刻 (每枱乙張)

2. 支裝啤酒、指定汽水及果汁半價;支裝750毫升餐酒及香檳7 (不適用於加一服務費)

午餐: 6月16號: 自助餐成人:HK$248 / 自助餐兒童:HK$188 / 自助餐長者(65+):HK$218 6月17號: 自助餐成人:HK$288 / 自助餐兒童:HK$208 / 自助餐長者(65+):HK$238
次輪自助: 6月16-17號:自助餐價錢:HK$178 晚餐: 6月16號::自助餐成人:HK$538 / 自助餐兒童:HK$318 / 自助餐長者(65+):HK$418 6月17號::自助餐成人:HK$538 / 自助餐兒童:HK$328 / 自助餐長者(65+):HK$428

Book Harbour Restaurant - The Harbourview - OKiBook Hong Kong - 灣景廳 - 灣景國際 - Restaurant Reservation OKiBook Hong Kong - Restaurant & Buffet Booking Reviews Discounts Promotions - OKiBook香港,餐廳及自助餐預訂, 評價,折扣,優惠 June Members Dining Offers - OKiBook Hong Kong Restaurant Buffet booking 自助餐預訂香港 Birthday Dining Offers - OKiBook Hong Kong Restaurant Buffet booking 自助餐預訂香港

Father’s Day is coming soon! It is a perfect time to give thanks to your beloved dad for his love and contribution. Come and treat your dad to scrumptious buffets at Harbour Restaurant of The Harbourview where special offers and gifts are well prepared for our special heroes.

“Sea Urchin & Kurobuta” Father’s Day Dinner Buffet

Available on 16 and 17 June, the dinner buffet will feature delectable dishes including Snow Crab Leg Café de Paris, Steamed Sabah Giant Grouper, and Wagyu Beef Flambé which will be prepared at Live Cooking Station. A complimentary serving of Lobster Thermidor (half piece per serving) and Double-boiled Peach Gum with Lotus Seeds, Longan and Rad Dates will be offered to each patron.

All the above mentioned mouthwatering dishes will be available in addition to the signature dishes of “Sea urchin & Kurobuta” Dinner Buffet prepared with ingredients imported from the U.S., Spain and Canada, including Ibérico Ham with Compressed Melon and Balsamic Jelly, Grilled Iberico Ham rolled with Endive with Balsamic Vinegar, Stir-fried Kurobuta Pork Cheek with Garlic Chips and Chilli in Hong Kong Style, Slow-cooked Roasted Kurobuta Pork Rack with Apple Mustard and Honey, Bng heo Ph (Vietnamese Kurobuta Pork Belly Soup Noodle), Rock Salt Sea Urchin Panna Cotta with Wasabi Foam, and Sea Urchin Potato Croquette. Each patron will receive a complimentary serving of Sea Urchin Sashimi.

Harbour Restaurant The Harbourview 灣景廳 - 灣景國際 OKiBook Hong Kong Restaurant Booking 自助餐預訂香港 - 每位一客Sea Urchin Sashimi Harbour Restaurant The Harbourview 灣景廳 - 灣景國際 OKiBook Hong Kong Restaurant Booking 自助餐預訂香港 - Slow-cooked Roasted Kurobuta Pork Rack with Apple Mustard and Hon Harbour Restaurant The Harbourview 灣景廳 - 灣景國際 OKiBook Hong Kong Restaurant Booking 自助餐預訂香港 - lobster_thermidor_龍蝦科米多 Harbour Restaurant The Harbourview 灣景廳 - 灣景國際 OKiBook Hong Kong Restaurant Booking 自助餐預訂香港 - a4_kobe_beef_skewer_with_brussels_sprout_&_harissa_coulis_特級a

Fresh Seafood, Sashimi, and Other Delicacies

Other than the above appetising dishes, choices of fresh seafood including Canadian Snow Crab Legs, Pacific Sea Whelks, New Zealand Mussels, Blue Mussels, Edible Crabs, Clams, Fresh Shrimps, and New Zealand Oysters are alternately served on the Assorted Seafood Platter. The Sushi and Sashimi Counter serves various Sashimi selections such as Salmon, Octopus, Tuna, Hokkaido Scallop, Herring, Sweet Shrimp, Snapper, and Swordfish. All are sliced on the spot and served on a rotational basis. All of the seafood and sashimi are sure to pamper your father’s palate with their fresh ocean tastes. There are choices of other hot dish items like Roasted US Sirloin of Beef, Roasted Kurobuta Pork Belly served with Thai Sauce, Pan-seared Duck Liver with Pomelo Balsamic Reduction on Toast, Steamed Sea Urchin and Sole Fillet Roll with Crab Roe and Wasabi Cream Sauce, etc., provided alternately.


Round off the lavish buffet with our irresistible MÕVENPICK Ice cream from Switzerland. 8 flavours are now ready for ice cream lovers, and homemade desserts such as Black Forest Cake, Mixed Berries with White Wine Jelly, Cherry Almond Tart, Pistachio Custard Cake, Strawberry Cream Puff, Mini Chocolate Truffle Tart, Crème Brulee, Bread and Butter Pudding, Assorted Cheesecakes, Waffles and Pancakes, Daily Chinese Sweet Soup, Chocolate Fountain with Condiments, etc., are available at the Dessert Counter.

*A complimentary pitcher of Tiger Draught Beer will be served to every 6 adult and senior patrons.

Father’s Day Dinner Buffet Privileges

1. Birthday Dad Offer

Fathers whose birthdays fall on 16 June are entitled to enjoy the Father’s Day Dinner Buffet for free on 16 June 2018 (a minimum of 2 patrons together and verification of ID card are required)

2. One-night Free Harbour View Room for Two Guests

Stand a chance to receive a one-night free Harbour View Room for two guests at The Harbourview if you participate the game held during the Father’s Day Dinner Buffet at Harbour Restaurant on 17 June 2018 (each table can participate once and one voucher will be presented at 8:30pm on 17 June.

3. Buy 1 Get 1 Free for Late Lunch Buffet

Enjoy “Buy 1 Get 1 Free” for “Deliciously 2:30” Late Lunch Buffet at Harbour Restaurant during 1-30 July 2018 upon presentation of the official receipt of the Father’s Day Buffet.

Father’s Day Lunch Buffet

Apart from our dinner buffet, Father’s Day Lunch Buffets are also delicately served at Harbour Restaurant. In addition to New Zealand Oyster and Snow Crab Leg Café de Paris, 3 types of Sashimi including Salmon, Sweet Shrimps, and Snapper will be added to the Sushi and Sashimi Counter on 16 and 17 June. Don’t miss the MÕVENPICK Ice cream from Switzerland which we have added 4 flavours in the Father’s Day Lunch Buffets to give you and your father a delightful dining experience.

* New Zealand Oyster will be served on 17 June only.

Father’s Day Lunch Buffet Privilege

1. Candy Mini Pack for Kids

Kids (aged 3-11) who patronage Father’s Day Lunch Buffet on 16 or 17 June 2018 will receive a candy mini pack if they present Harbour Restaurant’s Father’s Day Greetings Card written /drawn with message of love to their father.

2. Buy 1 Get 1 Free for Late Lunch Buffet

Enjoy “Buy 1 Get 1 Free” for “Deliciously 2:30” Late Lunch Buffet at Harbour Restaurant during 1-30 July 2018 upon presentation of the official receipt of the Father’s Day Buffet.

3. Early Bird Offer

Patrons who make reservations and full payment on or before 10 June 2018 will enjoy a waiver of the 15% service charge on the buffets.

Other Privileges

1. Instant photo shooting service to capture the memorable moment (one photo per table)

2. Half price for bottled beers, selected soft drinks and juices, and a 30% discount on bottled wines and champagnes (750ml) (not applicable to 10% service charge)

Programme (original prices before any discount):
Lunch: 16 June: Adult buffet: HK$248 / Child buffet: HK$188 / Senior buffet (65+): HK$218 17 June: Adult buffet: HK$288 / Child buffet: HK$208 / Senior buffet (65+): HK$238
Late Lunch:
16-17 June: Buffet: HK$178 Dinner: 16 June: Adult buffet: HK$538 / Child buffet: HK$318 / Senior buffet (65+): HK$418 17 June: Adult buffet: HK$538 / Child buffet: HK$328 / Senior buffet (65+): HK$428
10% service charge applies 16-17 June: Full pre-payment (non-refundable) required in order to confirm booking. 15% early bird discount when deposit paid before 10 June. The restaurant will contact the guests to collect the payment.

Book Harbour Restaurant - The Harbourview - OKiBook Hong Kong - 灣景廳 - 灣景國際 - Restaurant Reservation OKiBook Hong Kong - Restaurant & Buffet Booking Reviews Discounts Promotions - OKiBook香港,餐廳及自助餐預訂, 評價,折扣,優惠 June Members Dining Offers - OKiBook Hong Kong Restaurant Buffet booking 自助餐預訂香港 Birthday Dining Offers - OKiBook Hong Kong Restaurant Buffet booking 自助餐預訂香港

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