由意大利總廚精心烹調,融合多種新鮮食材及細心調味,設計出「仲夏海鮮盛宴」中的五道動人菜色,讓您於AVA Restaurant Slash Bar中細味正宗意式海鮮佳餚。
香煎海螯蝦配魚子醬, 大葱
香煎北海道帶子配椰菜花咖啡蓉, 意大利燻肉
西班牙蕃茄凍湯配鮮蟹肉, 牛油果
烤海鱸魚柳配意大利薯麵, 青豆
秘製菠蘿薄片配椰子泡沫, 朱古力蛋糕
供應時間︰2018年5月1 日至6月30日 下午6:30 - 10:30 (不適用於2018年5月13 日及6月18日 ) 價目︰每位HK$648

Integrated by the freshest ingredients and most authentic spices, our executive chef proudly presents a special “Ocean in Festa” 5-course set dinner menu for you to indulge in the genuine seafood cuisine amidst the cozy atmosphere at AVA Restaurant Slash Bar.
Ocean in Festa 5-course Set Dinner:
Pan Seared Langoustine with Caviar and Leek
Pan Seared Hokkaido Scallop
with Cauliflower & Coffee Purée, Pancetta
Tomato Gazpacho
with Crab Salad and Avocado
Roasted Seabass Fillet
with Potato Gnocchi and Green Peas
Pineapple Carpaccio
with Spiced Syrup, Coconut Mousse & Chocolate Cake
Available: 1 May – 30 Jun, 2018 (Menu is not available on 13 May and 18 Jun , 2018) Daily 6:30pm - 10:30pm Price: HK$648 per person