- 蜜糖菠蘿燒火腿

- 繽紛魔鬼蛋配魚子

- 農夫批

- 賓尼兔芒果慕斯

- 甘筍牛油蛋糕

- 檸檬十字包布丁

- 百力滋雲石朱古力蛋糕

- DIY自由創作雞蛋仔專區

- 彩繪糖霜曲奇工作坊

Join in an “eggs-traordinary” Easter celebration at Centre Street Kitchen with children's cookie decorating workshop, a DIY egg waffle corner and sumptuous Easter lunch buffet from 30 March to 2 April. Get ready to unleash the creativity of your kids and enjoy plenty of family fun!
Chef's Recommendations:
- Honey Glazed Bone Ham with Pineapple

- Rainbow Deviled Egg with Caviar

- Easter Shepherd’s Pie

- Chocolate Bunny Mango Mousse Cake

- Carrot Cake

- Hot Cross Bread and Lemon Pudding

- Marble Chocolate with Pretzel Bar

- DIY Egg Waffle Corner

- Children's Cookie Decorating Workshop

Lunch buffet (12noon to 2:30pm): Adult buffet: HK$248 /Child buffet: HK$188 / Senior buffet (65+): HK$188
10% service charge applies