香港萬麗海景酒店為法國五月美食節官方酒店伙伴,特意呈獻一系 列的美酒佳餚,共您舉杯慶祝! 無論是加入了香檳亞丁區菜式的萬麗咖啡室海鮮自助晚餐、 Mirage Bar & Restaurant 的香檳四道菜晚宴,還是滿福樓精心炮製的香檳盛宴二重奏,您總 可品嚐到心儀的香檳口味!
法國五月美食節載譽歸來,並以香檳作為本年度的主題。香檳亞丁區除了出產為人喜愛的香檳 酒外,亦有不少著名的傳統佳餚。萬麗咖啡室特別呈獻具香檳亞丁區特色的國際海鮮自助晚 餐,讓美食愛好者體驗法國香檳亞丁區的美食魅力。
您的法國五月美食之旅將由精心製作的頭盤展開。經典地道的肉醬酥皮卷被譽為是該區的美食 瑰寶之一, 酥皮包裹著以白酒醃過的豬肉、鴨肝、蘑菇及開心果等,焗完後的濃郁香味定會讓 您一試傾心! 而來自區內城市漢斯的火腿肉香四溢,油脂分佈成雲石般的紋理,除了是當地人 喜愛的可口小食外,亦可配搭沙律進食。
主菜方面,香檳亞丁區的蔬菜燉肉是法國北部的傳統家常菜,以新鮮蔬菜及多款香腸入饌燉 成,簡單的做法帶出食材的原汁原味。來自勒泰勒市鎮的特色美食手工白肉腸口感綿滑,而於 內餡混入牛奶令味道層次更豐富。鱒魚菜式常見於法國美食中,我們的團隊特意為您炮製杏仁 焗鱒魚,帶來與別不同的味覺享受。

Explore a variety of dining options to celebrate Le French GourMay at Renaissance Harbour View Hotel Hong Kong, the official hotel of Le French GourMay! Savour our seafood dinner buffet at Cafe Renaissance with Champagne-Ardenne specialties, an intriguing 4-course dinner with a sip of champagne at Mirage Bar & Restaurant or the delicately crafted champagne pairing duet at Dynasty.
Champagne-Ardenne Dinner Buffet at Cafe Renaissance The renowned Le French GourMay is back with the highlight of Champagne-Ardenne gastronomy this year. Apart from producing famous Champagne wines, Champagne-Ardenne region is also renowned for its fine gourmet food to match with the bubblies. Experience the indigenous French cuisine at Cafe Renaissance with an international seafood buffet and a touch of Champagne-Ardenne delicacy.
Kick off the gastronomic journey with a range of handcrafted appetizers. The indigenous terrine Pate en Croute is one of Champagne-Ardenne’s signature culinary heritage. It is a baked puff pastry stuffed with white-wine-marinated minced pork, duck liver, mushroom and pistachio, creating rich and aromatic tastes to whet your appetite. The well-flavoured Pork ham from Reims is a local marbled ham that is usually served alone as a snack or with salad.
Enjoy the traditional Champagne-Ardenne specialty Pote e, which is a French stew with various sausages and fresh vegetables. This simple yet hearty dish is ideal for family gatherings in Northern France. Boudin Blanc is a pudding-textured white sausage, which is a traditional specialty from the small town of Rethel in Champagne-Ardenne. The meat is blended with milk to enrich the layers of flavours that is surely not-to-be-missed. While trout is extensively used in French cuisine, our kitchen team presents the unusual Oven-Baked Trout with Almond to trigger your taste buds.

Lobster with Homemade Sauce and Deep Fried Bun. Coconut milk is added to enrich the aroma of this dish and matches perfectly with the lobster. Don’t miss out other highlights including the delightful Steamed Sliced Garoupa with Bean Curd in X.O. Chili Sauce, signature Baked Crab Shell Stuffed with Crab Meats and Onions, and much more.
Dynasty champagne pairing duet is available from now to 30 June 2017, priced at HK $980 per person (min. two persons) inclusive of a bottle of Champagne.
Explore the culinary treasures of Champagne-Ardenne now!