HK$538* ﹝成人﹞HK$288 ﹝小童﹞
- 即開新鮮生蠔
- 黑松露炒蛋 (即席烹調區)
- 北京烤鴨卷 (即席烹調區)
- 迷你龍蝦包 (即席烹調區)
- 自家製作關西名物大阪燒 (即席烹調區)
- 香煎鵝肝 (即席烹調區)
- 逾10款琳琅滿目精緻甜點
- 仲夏鮮果沙冰及芝士奶蓋果茶
- 扭扭氣球
- 肖像描繪工作坊 (7月28日及8月25日)
- 創意繪畫工作坊 (7月7日及8月11日)
Summer is for long lazy brunches with family and friends. Take shelter from the heat at the cool interiors of Yamm which twice a month serves premium specials cooked to order at its live buffet stations including Peking duck wraps, mini lobster buns, fried to your liking okonomiyaki pancakes and freshly shucked oysters with free-flowing sparkling wine! For kids, summer smoothies and cheese fruit tea await along with playful desserts!
Available twice a month: 7 & 28 July and 11 & 25 Aug, 11:30am – 2:45pm
HK$538 (Adult) / HK$288 (Child)
with free-flowing sparkling wine / soft drinks
Child price is for Guests of 3 – 11 years old. All prices are subject to a 10% service charge.
Brunch Buffet Highlights:
- Freshly Shucked French Oysters
- Scrambled Eggs with Black Truffle (Live Station)
- Peking Duck Pancake Wraps (Live Station)
- Lobster Mini Buns (Live Station)
- Tailor-made Okonomiyaki (Live Station)
- Pan-Fried Foie Gras (Live Station)
- Dessert counter with over a dozen of choices
Fun for Kids:
- Summer Smoothies and Cheese Fruit Tea
- Balloon Twisting
- Portrait Painting Workshop (available on 28 July & 25 Aug)
- Art Jamming Workshops (available on 7 July & 11 Aug)