現今的小朋友要十八般武藝,樣樣皆精,所以Café Circles於復活節假期期間,餐廳將提供色彩繽紛的復活蛋及顏色筆給每位小朋友,讓他們為復活蛋添上可愛的樣子,以多感官的有趣活動訓練他們保持耐性,靈活思考。大人可於自助晚餐中品嘗以「亞洲之色」為主題的美食,包括印尼炒龍蝦配黑椒茄茸、泰式蒸海鱸、馬來西亞叻沙湯粉,更有由印度藉廚師精心炮製的各式咖哩及馬來西亞飛天薄餅。另外,甜品桌上將每天輪流供應多款充滿亞洲風味的特色糕點及復活節主題甜品,讓你大快朵頤,過一個豐足美滿的復活節。自助午餐 (上午11:45至 下午1:45)
每位成人 港幣328元 每位小童/長者 港幣288元
晏D食自助午餐 (下午2:30至4:15)
「亞洲之色」自助晚餐 (晚上6:30至9:30)
每位成人 港幣518元 每位小童/長者 港幣428元
復活節期間 (4月19至21日@下午3-4:30) 將首次推出親子烹飪班,由酒店糕餅師親自指導小朋友製作朱古力復活蛋,讓他們由零開始「自煮」出具個人特色的復活蛋。凡惠顧復活節自助午餐,另加$288 (淨價) 便可參加(一位四歲或以上的小朋友及一位家長),小朋友更可獲贈醒目廚師服一套及課程證書,讓他們體驗入廚的樂趣。
- 所有價目以每位港幣計算,須另收加一服務費 (除特別說明外)
- 所有優惠不可與其他優惠或折扣同時使用
- 自助餐菜式每日輪流供應
- 圖片只供參考
- 如有任何爭議,酒店保留最終決定權
復活節長假期快到,LIS Café假日自助餐除了供應國際滋味美饌及目不暇給的甜品之外,復活節期間氣氛熾熱,除了為各位加推美味佳餚,更有一連串精彩復活節節目,適合一家大小一同放慢腳步,享受一個身心放鬆的精彩假期。
1. 親子烹飪班
於推廣期間惠顧假日自助早午餐 / 晚餐,即可以淨價$98報名參加親子烹飪班 (於4月19日至4月21日,2:30pm – 4pm舉行)。烹飪班讓小朋友化身小廚神,跟著酒店廚師動手製作可愛復活節杯子蛋糕,讓他們體驗入廚的樂趣。小朋友更可獲贈醒目廚師服一套及課程證書,份外滿足!
LIS Café將於復活節期間佈滿繽紛節日裝飾,歡迎客人參與復活節「彩」蛋競猜遊戲,猜一猜指定容器內的彩蛋數量,增添用餐歡樂!3. 扭汽球及小丑表演
於假日自助早午餐時段內,特設歡樂表演,與眾同樂 (表演時間詳請歡迎向餐廳查詢)。
成人 $288 | 小童/長者 $188
成人 $458 | 小童/長者 $258
- 推廣期由2019年4月19日至4月22日。
- 每兩位惠顧復活節自助早午餐/晚餐之成人賓客,即可報名親子烹飪班。
- 每個烹飪班名額可供1名小孩連同1名成人參加。
- 假若報名人數不足,酒店有權取消課程或改期進行。
- 所有價目以港幣計算及另收原價加一服務費。
- 小童價錢適用於3-11歲之小童;長者價錢適用於65歲或以上之長者。
- 所有優惠不可與其他優惠同時使用。
- 如有任何爭議,酒店保留最終決定權。
1. 親子烹飪班
於推廣期間惠顧假日自助早午餐 / 晚餐,即可以淨價$98報名參加親子烹飪班 (於4月19日至4月21日,3pm – 4:30pm舉行)。烹飪班讓小朋友化身小廚神,跟著酒店廚師動手製作可愛復活節杯子蛋糕,讓他們體驗入廚的樂趣。小朋友更可獲贈醒目廚師服一套及課程證書,份外滿足!
2. 扭汽球及小丑表演
於假日自助早午餐時段內,特設歡樂表演,與眾同樂 (表演時間詳請歡迎向餐廳查詢)。
3. 小食客專享趣緻美食
成人 $298 | 小童/長者 $218
成人 $478 | 小童/長者 $298
- 推廣期由2019年4月19日至4月22日。
- 每兩位惠顧復活節自助早午餐/晚餐之成人食客,即可報名親子烹飪班。
- 每個烹飪班名額可供1名小孩連同1名成人參加。
- 假若報名人數不足,酒店有權取消課程或改期進行。
- 所有價目以港幣計算及另收原價加一服務費。
- 小童價錢適用於3-11歲之小童;長者價錢適用於65歲或以上之長者。
- 所有優惠不可與其他優惠同時使用。
- 如有任何爭議,酒店保留最終決定權。
Corner 18 – 如心銅鑼灣海景酒店
復活節長假期快到,Corner 18假日自助餐除供應滋味美饌及滋心甜品外,復活節期間更有一連串精彩節目,適合一家大小一同享受輕鬆親子好時光!
1. 親子烹飪班
讓小朋友化身小廚神,更有酒店甜品廚師帶領,親手製作美味兔子形狀曲奇,體驗入廚樂趣!於推廣期間惠顧假日自助午餐 / 晚餐,即可以優惠價港幣$98 (原價港幣$288) 報名參加親子烹飪班。
– 親手製作美味兔子形狀曲奇
– 獲贈醒目廚師服一套
– 精美課程證書
於假日自助午餐及自助晚餐時段內,特設小丑表演娛樂環節,令氣氛更溫馨! (表演時間詳請歡迎向餐廳查詢)。
4月19-21日:成人 $268 | 小童/長者 $228
4月22日:成人 $248 | 小童/長者 $208
4月19-22日:成人 $398 | 小童/長者 328
- 推廣期由2019年4月19日至4月22日。
- 烹飪班適合所有惠顧復活節自助午餐/晚餐之顧客。
- 每個烹飪班名額可供1名小孩連同1名成人參加。
- 所有價目以港幣計算及另收原價加一服務費
- 小童價錢適用於3-11歲之小童;長者價錢適用於65歲或以上之長者
- 所有優惠不可與其他優惠同時使用
- 自助餐菜式輪流供應
- 如有任何爭議,酒店保留最終決定權
Café Circles – L’hotel Nina Et Convention Centre (Buffet)
Fill Your Holiday with Easter Fun!
Hop into the eggciting Easter with scrumptious buffets along with fun-filled activities!
1. Develop Kids’ [email protected] Circles
Develop your kids’ creativity and train up for their patience! Each kid will be provided a colorful Easter egg with pens to decorate the egg during Easter holiday period, while parents can enjoy a wide range of Asian-themed delicacies including Stir-fried Lobster with Pepper Flavored Tomato Sauce in Indonesian Style, Steamed Baramundi in Thai Style, Malaysian Laksa as well as a variety of curry by our Indian chefs and Malaysian Roti. Don’t forget to try the special Asian and Easter-themed desserts to make your holiday much sweeter!
2. Easter Cooking Class
Let your children to explore a real cooking experience taught by our Chefs in this Easter holiday! From April 19 to 21 (@3-4:30pm Daily), the newly launched cooking class will be teaching chocolate Easter Egg. Patrons of Easter Buffet can participate the class with $288 net (applicable to child aged 4 or above and one of the parents) and each child will be provided a chef uniform and certificate!
Lunch Buffet (11:45am – 1:45pm):
Adult: $328 Child/Senior: $288
Late Lunch Buffet (2:30pm – 4:15pm):
$288 per person
“Asian Colors” Dinner Buffet (6:30pm – 9:30pm)
Adult: $518 Child/Senior: $428
Terms and Conditions:
- All prices are in Hong Kong Dollars and subject to 10% service charge unless specified
- All offers cannot be used in conjunction with other promotional offer or discount
- All buffet dishes are on daily rotation basis
- In case of any disputes, the decision of the Hotel shall be final
LIS Café – L’hotel Island South
Easter Eggstravaganzer Holiday Buffet
Family Cooking Class
Hop into the eggciting Easter with sumptuous holiday buffets featuring a range of delectable international delicacies and hearty desserts with a host of fun-filled activities!
1. Family Cooking Class
Kids will be thrilled to be Mini Master Chefs and make their own Easter cupcakes under the guidance of our chefs in our Easter Family Cooking Class (From April 19 to 21, 2:30pm – 4pm Daily). Patrons of Easter Buffets can sign up for the class with $98 net(applicable to kid aged 4 or above with one adult) and each child will be provided a chef uniform and certificate to double the happiness!
Guests are welcome to join the game. Let’s guess how many Easter eggs are in the selected jar, to add the maximum fun to your dining experience!3. Balloon Twisting & Clown Performances
During holiday brunch, special performances will be held to spark joy (please check with the restaurant for the show time).
Holiday Brunch prices per person:
Adult: $288 | Child and Senior: $188
Buffet Dinner prices per person:
Adult: $458 | Child and Senior: $258
Terms and Conditions:
- Promotional period from April 19 to 22, 2019.
- Family Cooking class is open to all Easter buffets patrons (both Brunch and Dinner) upon every 2 adults’ purchase.
- Each cooking class kid participants can be accompanied by 1 adult.
- The Hotel reserves the right to cancel or reschedule the cooking class in case of insufficient enrollment.
- All prices are in HK Dollars and it is subject to 10% service charge on original prices.
- Child prices apply to child aged 3 to 11; senior prices apply to senior aged 65 above.
- All offers cannot be used in conjunction with other promotional discount and offer.
- In case of any disputes, the decision of the Hotel shall be final.
forte – L’hotel élan
Easter Eggstravaganzer Holiday Buffet
Family Cooking Class
During the holiday brunch, special performances will be held to spark joy (please check with the restaurant for the show time).
3. Special Dishes for our little patrons
A complimentary rabbit-shaped Panna Cotta will be served to every kid patron during Easter brunch & dinner buffet period.
Holiday Brunch prices per person:
Adult: $298 | Child and Senior: $218
Semi-buffet Dinner prices per person:
Adult: $478 | Child and Senior: $298
Terms and Conditions:
- Promotional period from April 19 to 22, 2019.
- Family Cooking class is open to all Easter buffets patrons (both Brunch and Dinner) upon every 2 adults’ purchase.
- Each cooking class kid participants can be accompanied by 1 adult.
- The Hotel reserves the right to cancel or reschedule the cooking class in case of insufficient enrollment.
- All prices are in HK Dollars and it is subject to 10% service charge on original prices.
- Child prices apply to child aged 3 to 11; senior prices apply to senior aged 65 above.
- All offers cannot be used in conjunction with other promotional discount and offer.
- In case of any disputes, the decision of the Hotel shall be final.
Corner 18 – L’hotel Causeway Bay Harbour View (Buffet)
Easter Fun is here!
Looking forward to something enticing and fun in Easter Holiday? We’ve got you ideas here!
1. Family Cooking Class
Make your kids proud with experiencing as Mini Master Chefs, learn with hotel’s Chef team and make their own Easter Rabbit Cookies! Patrons of Easter Buffets can sign up for the class with special price $98 net (Standard price @ $288)
Family Cooking Class:
Date: April 20
Time: 2pm – 3:30pm
Location: 39/F @ The Penthouse
Size of Class: 6-12 number of kids
Class includes:
– learning to make festive Rabbit Cookie
– 1 complimentary set of chef uniform for kid
– cooking class certificate
2. Clown Performances, Magic & Balloon Twisting!
Holiday Lunch prices per person:
Apr 19-21: Adult $ 268 | Child & Senior $228
Apr 22: Adult $ 248 | Child & Senior $208
Holiday Dinner prices per person:
Apr 19-22: Adult $ 398 | Child & Senior $328
Terms and Conditions:
- Promotional period from April 19-22, 2019
- Family Cooking class is open to all Easter buffets patrons (both Lunch and Dinner).
- Each cooking class kid participants can be accompanied by 1 adult.
- All prices are in Hong Kong Dollars and it is subject to 10% service charge on original price
- Child prices apply to child aged 3 to 11; senior prices apply to senior aged 65 above
- All offers cannot be used in conjunction with other promotional discount and offer
- All buffet dishes are on rotation basis
- In case of any disputes, the decision of the Hotel shall be final