咖啡園於4月19至22日期間為你帶來復活節升級版海鮮自助晚餐,嚴選一系列鮮美海鮮,炮製多款滋味菜式。亮點推介菜 式包括法式馬賽魚湯、海貝膽手卷、西班牙海鮮飯。除了期間限定的港式滋味外,當然不少得復活節應節美食如可愛復活 節兔瑞士卷、經典復活節檸檬撻、意式復活節麵包。深受歡迎的現切魚生刺身、各式鮮美海鮮及戶外燒烤美食讓你的假期 聚餐更添歡愉。
4月19/20/21/22號:自助餐成人價錢:HK$718 / 自助餐兒童價錢:HK$418
From 19 to 22 April, Garden Café will be filled with a range of deluxe seafood dishes like Bouillabaisse, Soft Shell Crab Hand Roll and Seafood paella on rotation basis. In addition, a slew of Easter specialties including Easter Bunny Swiss Cream Roll, Easter Classic Lemon Tart and Easter Italian Colomba are created to celebrate Easter.
19/20/21/22 Apr: HK$718 (Adult buffet) / HK$418 (Child buffet)
10% service charge applies