與親朋好友齊聚於canton pot,讓意頭火鍋食材伴您共慶新春!
- 花開富貴(珊瑚蚌併桂花蚌)
- 金玉滿堂(玉米鮮蝦丸)
- 從心所欲(黑松露豬肉釀豆卜)
- 金錢滿載(蟹籽百花釀鮮冬菇)
- 年年有餘(墨魚釀蓮藕餅)
- 恭喜發財(髮菜上素餃)
– 於大除夕及元宵(2月4及19日)惠顧晚市火鍋,奉送每位賓客紅豆沙湯圓 乙份。
– 於大年初一至年初三(2月5至7日)惠顧晚市火鍋,奉送每枱4位或以上賓客風生水起 乙碟 及 每位賓客精美糕點(煎年糕﹑煎馬蹄糕及杞子桂花糕)乙碟。
Come and celebrate Chinese New Year at canton pot with hearty hot pot and an array of delicacies symbolize good fortune!
Auspicious Hot Pot Delicacies (Available on Feb 5-19):
- Coral Clams and Giant Clams
- Minced Shrimps Balls with Sweet Corn
- Bean Curd Puffs Stuffed with Truffle Minced Pork
- Fresh Black Mushrooms Stuffed with Crab Roe and Minced Shrimp
- Sliced Lotus Roots Stuffed with Minced Cuttlefish
- Vegetarian Dumplings with Sea Moss
Chinese New Year Privileges:
– On Feb 4 & 19, a complimentary Sweetened Red Bean Soup with Dumplings will be offered to each diner.
– During Feb 5 to 7, a complimentary dish of Salmon Sashimi and Assorted Vegetables will be offered to a table of 4 dining guests; and
a complimentary dish of Chinese New Year Puddings (Pan-fried Chinese Glutinous Rice Cake, Water Chestnut Cake and Wolfberry & Osmanthus Jelly) will be offered to each diner.
Promotional period from February 5 to February 19, 2019