中國廚藝博大精深,不同省份的美食風味各異,各具特色。為支持澳門旅遊局「2018 澳門美食年」,由即日起至 9 月 8 日期間,繼之前帶來別具特色的東北菜後,「澳門銀河™」綜合渡假城特別呈獻中國四大名菜之一的淮揚菜,「澳門銀河」的廚師團隊聯同淮揚菜大師居長龍師傅以及《舌尖上的中國》總顧問沈宏非老師,運用精湛的烹調技藝,配以上乘食材及非凡心思,讓賓客以味蕾感受如詩如畫的淮揚風采。
作為亞洲美饌首選目的地,「澳門銀河」雲集超過 120 間泛亞洲及國際美饌食府,提供來自13 個國家和 18 個地區,多達 56 種地方風味美食,並致力引進不同菜系的名廚大師,親自為「澳門銀河」的座上客帶來嶄新的美食體驗。
匯聚環球及亞洲美食、以豐盛美味自助餐享譽的群芳,帶來 逾30 道淮揚經典名菜,為澳門食客帶來全新選擇。
自助午餐價格為每位澳門幣 268 元* 起;自助晚餐為每位澳門幣 488 元*起。

主打台式美食的鹿港小鎮於此次淮揚菜推廣期間將精心挑選上乘的材料,以蒸、炒、煨、燉、燒等烹調手法,重新展現經典淮揚佳餚,價格由澳門幣 98 元*起,包括清燉獅子頭、藍天使小龍蝦燒冬筍和甜豆炒蝦仁。飽餐過後,賓客又怎能錯過鹿港小鎮正宗的台式珍珠奶茶和各款透心涼冰品,為美食之旅寫下完美句號。

以現場手拉鮮製麵條而聞名的巧麵館,於活動期間為一眾美食愛好者烹調同樣講究手工的淮揚名菜,包括六月黃蟹粉拌麵,以「六月黃」的香滑蟹膏與鮮甜蟹肉配搭手拉麵條,每一口 都滿載著廚師們的誠意與心思,再加上松茸菊花白玉湯以及白雪紅梅等特色淮揚菜餚,均由 澳門幣 88 元*起,愛吃麵食的人盡可大飽口福!


如欲獲取更多資訊或訂座,請瀏覽 或致電+853 8883 2221。
*所有價格均以澳門幣計算,並附加 10%服務費。
The art of Chinese cuisine is both broad and profound, comprising unique dishes from each region which are distinct in their taste and characteristics. From now till 8 September, Galaxy Macau™ will bring Huaiyang cuisine, one of the four great regional cuisines of China, to Macau; supporting the Macao Government Tourism Office’s “2018 Macao Year of Gastronomy”. In collaboration with Huaiyang Cuisine Master Chef Ju Chang Long and Mr. Shen Hong Fei, the chief consultant of China’s leading food documentary “A Bite of China”, Galaxy Macau’s expert culinary talents bring this refined culinary art to the table with an exceptional selection of dishes that promise to dazzle the palate.
Asia’s leading dining destination, Galaxy Macau is a spectacular integrated resort renowned for offering the widest variety of international and Asian dining options with over 120 outlets serving up 56 different types of cuisine which originate from 13 countries and 18 regions around the world. Galaxy Macau is committed to introducing diverse masters of cuisine and bringing a refined culinary experience to guests.
Galaxy Macau has invited Master Chef Ju Chang Long, an authority of Huaiyang cuisine, to share his skillful dishes with guests in Macau. Featured in A Bite of China season 1 as the Master of Huaiyang Cuisine, Master Chef Ju’s Huaiyang specialty is celebrated for its artistic presentation, rich texture and light, elegant flavor, which allows the taste of the premium ingredients to shine through. Renowned for revolutionizing the culinary world as a food author and chef, he made a splash in the Chinese culinary world by recreating the “Red Mansion Banquet” and he has brought Huaiyang cuisine into the spotlight at Japanese cooking schools, public tastings and on television shows.
Take your taste buds on an inspiring gastronomic journey with more than 30 perfectly prepared Huaiyang dishes to provide new choices for Macau diners at Festiva, the well-known international buffet restaurant. Highlights include Huaiyang Marinated Duck, Steamed Pork Meat Balls with Salted Egg, Grilled Blue Yabbies with 13 Spices.
Lunch Buffet: from MOP 268* per person / Dinner Buffet: from MOP 488* per person

Lugang Cafe
Discover traditional Huaiyang cuisine at Lugang Cafe, where all Huaiyang special dishes are priced from MOP 98*. Highlights include Braised Pork Meatball with Chicken Broth, Stewed Bamboo Shoots with Blue Yabbies and Sauteed River Shrimps with Green Peas. A glass of Taiwan’s famous Bubble Tea and a Shave Ice dessert topped with the freshest fruits of the season complete this incredible summer dining experience.

The Noodle Kitchen
Feast on delectable hand-pulled noodles and the finest Huaiyang cuisine at The Noodle Kitchen this summer. With prices starting from MOP 88*, highlights include Tossed Noodle with Baby Hairy Crab Roe, Stir-fried Fish Maw and Egg White Topped with Baby Hairy Crab Roe and Double-boiled Chicken Soup with Matsutake and Tofu.

Exclusive Soup Dumpling at Galaxy Macau
In addition, Galaxy Macau’s skilled culinary team is collaborating with Mr. Shen Hong Fei to create a unique soup dumpling encompassing superb cooking skills and special ingredients like sliced matsutake mushroom and snow crab. Presented on a bed of pine needles in the steamer, the soup dumpling will be available for a limited time at Galaxy Macau. If you want to taste a giant soup dumpling created by famous Chinese culinary talents, don’t miss this exclusive opportunity! Please check the Galaxy Macau official website for more details.

For more information or reservations, please visit or call +853 8883 2221.
* All prices are in MOP, and subject to 10% service charge