充滿創意的朱古力甜點,以香甜誘惑為您呈獻與別不同的復活節早午自助盛宴,更將肆意出走甜點區為品味饕客滋味上演自助餐桌上的美饌秀!創意料理包括朱古力醬烤豬肋骨。小朋友更可參與烹飪班及化身成可愛的復活兔,置身於香甜的COCO 朱古力樹林隨意摘下甜蜜驚喜!
3月30日:HK$438* ﹝成人﹞ HK$248﹝小童;3-11歲﹞
3月31至4月2日:HK$488* ﹝成人﹞ HK$288 ﹝小童;3-11歲﹞

要為舌尖探尋朱古力以外的經典美味? 傳統滋味美饌如蒜蓉香草烤羊腿肉、燒鴨肝壽司、新鮮生蠔及即席烹調的亞洲美饌亦同時供應,定必令喜愛嚐鮮的您無法抗拒!
- 蒜蓉香草烤羊腿肉﹝烤肉﹞
- 香煎帶子柑橘蘆筍沙律配幼滑朱古力醬
- 士多啤梨火箭菜沙律配朱古力黑醋汁
- 香辣可可三文魚柳
- 朱古力醬烤豬肋骨 ﹝印度即席烹調區﹞
- 燒咖啡羊架
- 烤熊本豬肩肉配苦瓜薑汁
- 琳瑯滿目的朱古力甜點

- 新鮮生蠔
- 燒鴨肝壽司
- 天草鯛魚醋飯
- 花膠桂圓燉雞湯
- 海膽豆腐果凍
- 甜椒炒牛柳粒配天草醬油

- COCO香甜的糖果樹林
- 復活兔大步走﹝下午12時30分至1時﹞
- 魔幻氣球﹝下午12時30分至2時30分﹞
- 繽紛繪畫班﹝下午12時30分至2時30分﹞
- 小童烹飪班 ﹝下午12時30分至2時30分﹞
• 迷你夏威夷薄餅 | 3月30日
• 雞蛋餡餅 | 3月31日
• 意大利餛飩 | 4月1日
• 牛油曲奇| 4月2 日
Creative chocolate temptations abound at Yamm’s brunch feasts and not just on the dessert counter – think Chocolate-rubbed Roasted Pork Ribs. Immerse in Easter family fun with cooking classes for kids and let them frolic like bunnies on the grass, picking a wealth of candies from the chocolate tree forest at COCO!
Available from 30 Mar – 2 Apr, from 11:30pm till 2:45pm
30 Mar: HK$438* (Adult) HK$248 (Child; 3-11 years)
31 Mar – 2 Apr: HK$488* (Adult) HK$288 (Child; 3-11 years)
*inclusive of free-flowing sparkling wine
All prices are subject to a 10% service charge.
On Easter weekend Yamm’s brunch specials include a medley of chocolate temptations both sweet and savoury such as Baked Salmon with Cocoa Breadcrumb. Even the citrus and asparagus salad comes with seared scallops in creamy chocolate to surprise your palate.
Not a fan of cocoa? More traditional fare on the buffet includes a carving of Roasted Lamb Leg with Garlic and Thyme, Foie Gras Sushi, Fresh Oysters, and a host of Asian delights from our live cooking stations.

Chef’s Picks:
- Roasted Lamb Leg with Garlic and Thyme (Carving)
- Chocolate-seared Scallops with Citrus and Asparagus Salad
- Strawberry & Arugula Salad with Chocolate Balsamic Dressing
- Baked Spiced Salmon Fillet with Cocoa Breadcrumb
- Roasted Chocolate-rubbed Pork Ribs (Indian Live Cooking Station)
- Grilled Coffee-marinated Lamb Chop
- Roasted Kumamoto Pork Shoulder with Bitter Melon Ginger Sauce
- Chocolate Dessert Decadence with over a dozen of desserts

- Fresh Oysters
- Roasted Foie Gras Sushi
- Amakusa Sea Bream Sushi Rice
- Double Boiled Chicken Soup with Fish Maw and Longan Pulp
- Sea Urchin & Bean-Curd Jelly
- Stir-fried Beef with Amakusa Soy Sauce and Bell Pepper

Kids’ Easter Fun:
Make this Easter Brunch a true family event. With a host of activities designed for kids you may focuss on enjoying those chocolate rubbed delicacies and free-flowing bubbles while we keep the little guests fully engaged!
- Candy Forest at COCO
- Easter Bunny Walk (12pm – 1pm)
- Balloon Twisting (12:30pm – 2:30pm)
- Colorful Printing Class (12:30pm – 2:30pm)
- Cooking Class (12:30pm – 2:30pm)
• Mini Hawaiian Pizza | 30 Mar
• Savory Quiche Selection | 31 Mar
• Homemade Tortellini | 1 Apr
• Butter Cookies with Vanilla Icing Filling | 2 Apr