由即日起至3月5日,意籍總廚Andrea Delzanno以多款精選肉類及新鮮食材入饌,包括野味、家禽、松露及蘑菇等,配以細膩的烹調技巧炮製6款傳統意式菜式,讓您於醉人的維港景色下以味覺遊走意大利。
Andrea精挑以意大利北部皮埃蒙特(Piedmont)的黑松露入饌炮製意大利Fassona牛肉他他伴蛋黃醬及黑松露 (港幣298),選用粉紅色的意大利優質Fassona牛肉伴有機蛋黃汁、紅蔥頭及醃青瓜調味,肉質香濃嫩滑的牛肉襯托芳香的黑松露菌,不同的香氣互相輝映,滋味無窮。

來自皮埃蒙特的Andrea擅長自家製意大利粉,自家製闊條麵伴珍珠雞肉醬及黑松露片 (港幣498)亦是他推介菜式之一。闊條麵是由人手以意大利進口的雞蛋炮製,味道特別濃郁,雞蛋的芳香配上肉質嫩滑及味道鮮美的法國珍珠雞及香氣撲鼻的黑松露,每一口均令人陶醉。

充滿濃濃肉香的意式雜扒拼盤 (港幣1,288) 用上優質美國肉眼扒、意大利托斯卡納肉腸、西班牙黑毛豬扒骨及安格斯牛肉串等矜貴肉類炮製,大廚將肉的表面烤得香脆可口,亦將鮮味的肉汁鎖住,吃起來外酥內嫩,每款精選肉類的口感及味道定能觸動賓客的味蕾。

其他推介還有和牛肉丸意大利麵伴燴洋蔥及番茄汁 (港幣328)、慢煮牛排骨肉伴蘑菇意大利飯及梅醬 (港幣428)及燒原隻乳鴿伴鴨肝、 青蔥蓉及蕯巴酒汁 (港幣458)。
From now until 5 March, Cucina’s Italian Chef Andrea Delzanno will present six Italian specialties showcasing a variety of the finest flavours of the earth, including game, poultry, truffles and mushrooms, against the magnificent backdrop of Victoria Harbour.
Italian cuisine is renowned for its rich flavours, fresh ingredients and elegant simplicity. The region’s fertile farmland produces superb grains, meats, vegetables, herbs and olive oil. In wintertime, game and truffle are popular ingredients in hearty, full-flavoured seasonal dishes.
For starters, Chef Andrea recommends the Italian Beef Tartare with Organic Egg Yolk Sauce and Shaved Black Truffle (HK$298). This classic appetiser features Fassona beef, a top-quality lean meat renowned for its taste and tenderness, combined with a silken egg yolk sauce, preserved cucumber and red shallot, perfectly complemented with rich black truffle.

Homemade Fettuccine with Guinea Fowl Ragout and Shaved Black Truffle (HK$498) is Chef Andrea’s personal favourite, combining a fine game ragout with the delicate texture of homemade fettuccine, enhanced by the unforgettable aroma of black truffle.

Selection of Grilled Meats ($1,288) is a show-stopping platter of premium meats, including U.S Prime Rib Eye, Tuscany Sausage, Iberian Pork Spare Ribs and Black Angus U.S Beef Skewers. Grilled to perfection, it presents a superb combination of textures and succulent, savoury flavours.

Other exciting dishes on Cucina’s special menu, include: Spaghetti with Wagyu Beef Meatballs, Stewed Onions and Tomato Sauce (HK$328); Slow-cooked Beef Short Ribs with Mushrooms Risotto and Plum Sauce (HK$428); and Roasted Whole Pigeon with Seared Duck Liver, Shallots Confit and Saba Sauce ($458).
Cucina’s Earthy Flavours of Italy menu is available during lunch and dinner from now until 5 March.