唯港薈糕餅行政總廚何維城(Danny Ho)從碌祿高級時尚風格中取得靈感,特意為是次限定下午茶設計部分全新獨特甜品,以突顯和呼應碌祿的設計特色。而碌祿更為是次聯乘設計出天外天獨有的咭片套,送贈每位品嚐限定下午茶的客人。設計師選用了大膽明亮的綠色和藍色作咭片套的色調,創作出中國傳統木刻版畫的風格。天外天期望客人一邊在壯麗維港景致下品嚐精緻的甜品和點心,一邊從本港當代設計師中取經,感受全新獨有的餐飲體驗。
為突顯和呼應碌祿設計師何善恒(Polly Ho)最新系列中的大膽圖案與用色,糕餅行政總廚何維城及行政中菜總廚徐偉輝師傅,分別相應設計別具特色的甜品和點心,讓整個聯乘更臻完美。當中融合碌祿明亮搶眼圖案的甜品包括鐵觀音黑森林蛋糕和藍莓法式泡芙,以及包點杏汁流沙包;至於中式美點推介還有徐師傅特製的傳統廣東點心鮮蝦燒賣、鮑魚荔蓉酥及烏龍茶燻蛋。
Hotel ICON’s Above & Beyond is delighted to announce the launch of an exclusive Afternoon Tea collaboration with Hong Kong fashion brand Loom Loop. Each weekend between Saturday 10 June – Sunday 30 July Above & Beyond will be the Hong Kong destination for a luxurious summer afternoon.
Bringing a whole new dimension to the restaurants already celebrated Afternoon Tea the partnership gives guests the unique chance to taste the exquisite flavours of Chef Danny Ho’s specially crafted pastries inspired by Loom Loop designs. While enjoying Afternoon Tea with Above & Beyond’s spectacular view of Victoria Harbour guests will be inspired by the creative world of one of Hong Kong’s leading contemporary designers. Each guest will walk away with an exclusive gift from Loom Loop, who have created a card holder exclusively for Above & Beyond that features a bold forest green and navy blue design, mirroring the theme of the latest collection, which pays homage to an ancient Chinese legend. The legend tells a love story about a cowherd and a fairy, their love wasn’t allowed so they were banished to either sides of the Silver River and once a year a group of magpies would form a bridge allowing the lovers to reconnect, hence the running magpie motif in the latest collection.
Above & Beyond recognises Hong Kong’s unique position on the world stage as a centre for both high end food and fashion, and effortlessly combines the two, making it the number one dining spot for stylish urbanites and travellers alike, who are looking for a luxury dining experience. The collaboration between Above & Beyond and Loom Loop highlights the Chinese heritage and modern aesthetics that they both embody, as well as furthering their respective commitments and dedication to supporting home-grown talent and the local community.
To reflect the bold prints and colours of Polly Ho’s latest Loom Loop collection, pastry chef Danny Ho has prepared a number of new desserts complete with equally bold designs.
Executive Chef Paul Tsui and Executive Pastry Chef Danny Ho have prepared a series of special desserts and dishes reflecting Loom Loop’s heritage designs. Savoury highlights include Pork Dumpling with Shrimp, a traditional Cantonese dish served in Chef Paul Tsui’s signature contemporary style, Crispy Taro Cake with Diced Abalone and Smoked Egg with Oolong Tea Leaves. Sweets are taken care of with a newly created Steamed bun with Almond Custard, Black Forest Cake with Iron Buddha Tea and Éclair with Blueberry Cream that play homage to the vibrant colours of Loom Loop’s bold prints.
“The creativity displayed in the dishes Above & Beyond’s Chefs have created is so in keeping with the style and philosophy of Loom Loop. It’s great to work with a restaurant that champions local brands and supports Asian design”. Polly Ho, Founder and Designer, Loom Loop.
“It has been a delight to work with Polly and her team, Loom Loop’s designs are vibrant, colourful and bold, and such an inspirational starting point from which to create my newest desserts”. Executive Pastry Chef, Hotel ICON, Danny Ho.
Date: 10 June – 30 July 2017
Price: HKD438 + 10% for 2 persons with tea and freshly brewed coffee