來自意大利佛羅倫斯市,總廚- Cosimo Taddei 將會為您獻上無與倫比的意大利佳餚; 包括:西冷牛扒配特級葡萄黑醋或自家製意式雲吞配蝦及蘆筍,藏紅花汁及青口 萬勿錯過!
9月22日至9月28日 Monday to Saturday: Lunch: 12:00PM - 3:00PM Dinner: 6:00PM - 11:30PM Sunday: Lunch: 11:30AM - 3:00PM Dinner: 6:00PM - 11:30PM
Hailing from Florence, Italy, Chef Cosimo Taddei is now ready to serve you the best of Tuscan cuisine. Available for a limited time only, do not miss his iconic Grilled Sirloin Steak with aged Balsamic Vinegar or Homemade Ravioli stuffed with Prawns and Asparagus, Saffron Sauce with Mussels.
Reserve your table today! Form 22 Sept (Sun) to 28 Sept (Sat) Monday to Saturday: Lunch: 12:00PM - 3:00PM Dinner: 6:00PM - 11:30PM Sunday: Lunch: 11:30AM - 3:00PM Dinner: 6:00PM - 11:30PM Guest Chef Cosimo Tadei Menu