信和酒店旗下位於皇家太平洋酒店、城市花園酒店及香港 黃金海岸酒店之三間沙嗲軒將於8月1日至9月30日期間推出「娘惹風味」菜譜,呈獻一系 列地道的娘惹美饌,讓喜愛東南亞美食的饕客以味蕾體驗與別不同的南洋風情。
饕客無需遠赴東南亞,可於沙嗲軒品嚐到正宗味美的「娘惹風味」美饌。整個菜譜由馬來 西亞籍的皇家太平洋酒店行政總廚黎錦祥師傅精心設計及主理,菜譜結合了鮮、甜、酸、 辣及濃等主要娘惹菜系的重要元素。
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頭盤小食「馬來風味-大樹菠蘿豬肉沙嗲、雞肉沙嗲配馬來亞薄餅」以香甜爽口的大樹菠 蘿與豬肉及連雞皮的雞肉相間串連,掃上秘製醬料後將兩面烤至表皮微焦脆,配以自家炒 製的花生沙嗲醬,成為味道酸甜開胃的串燒。賣相與中式春卷相近的馬來西亞薄餅釀入沙 葛、蝦米、紅蘿蔔絲等材料,口感香脆可口。「海參大蜆湯」以老雞及玉竹精心熬製成湯 頭並加入海參及大蜆,讓海鮮盡吸雞湯的鮮甜味道。「豆醬燴花肉」中香濃的豆醬滲透肥 美而入口即化的五花肉,散發出陣陣黃豆香味,讓人齒頰留香。「鮮菠蘿椰香咖喱燴大 蝦」香辣的咖喱汁與菠蘿的酸甜味道相得益彰,濃稠適中的咖喱汁沾滿每隻鮮美肉厚的大 蝦,並洋溢著椰汁及各種香料之香氣。最後,萬勿錯過精彩娘惹甜品 — 「斑蘭班戟卷椰 絲焦糖香蕉、香芒、椰子雪糕」,外層翠綠的斑蘭班戟包裹著香甜的焦糖香蕉及椰絲,配 以新鮮芒果及椰子雪糕,為娘惹滋味旅程完美作結。
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Satay Inn of Sino Hotels unveils “Authentic Nyonya” menu to celebrate traditional Peranakan fare this summer. The promotion menu available at all three branches of Satay Inn at Royal Pacific Hotel, City Garden Hotel and Hong Kong Gold Coast Hotel from 1 August to 30 September 2019 promises to delight devotees of South Asian cuisine.
Without travelling miles, discerning food connoisseurs can now visit Satay Inn to sample the authentic Nyonya recipes brought by native Malaysian Chef Danny Lai, Executive Chef of Royal Pacific Hotel. The menu harmonises all the essential traits of Nyonya dishes including freshness, sweetness, sourness, spiciness and rich flavours. It is an exemplar of authentic Nyonya tastes.
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Begin the Nyonya culinary journey with Malaysian appetiser platter - Jackfruit pork satay, chicken satay, deep-fried popiah. Served with savoury homemade peanut sauce, the chicken and pork skewers are marinated with spices and grilled to perfection, with juicy jackfruit interlocked in between to enhance the taste of the meat cubes. The deep-fried popiah is spring roll in Nyonya style filled with jicama, dried shrimp and shredded carrots. The nourishing Sea cucumbers and clams soup uses aged chicken and Yu Zhu broth as its base, perfectly saturating the fresh sea cucumbers and clams with the natural sweetness of the broth. Braised pork belly in fermented soy bean sauce, the melt-in-your-mouth pork belly pieces are deeply infused with the soy bean sauce and linger with its distinctive aroma. Prawns and pineapple in coconut curry, also known as “udang masak lemak nanas” is an iconic Nyonya dish that is usually served during festivals and family celebrations. The tongue- tingling curry is packed with aroma from spices and coconut milk, along with bursts of sweetness and acidity from the pineapple, and succulent prawns. Sign off the meal on a sweet note with the traditional Pandan pancake wrapped with caramelised banana, coconut ice cream and fresh mango.
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Prawns and pineapple in coconut curry[/caption]

In addition to these signature dishes, diners can also relish other sought-after Nyonya delicacies include Prawn Mee Siam, Pork rib curry in clay pot, Baked spring chicken marinated in spice and Braised marble goby in spicy Assam sauce.
“Authentic Nyonya” special menu will be available from 1 August to 30 September, covering the Singapore National Day celebrations. The menu is served daily at lunch and dinner, and at all Satay Inn outlets under Sino Hotels.
About NyonyaThe Nyonya culture (also known as Peranakan) arose from the interracial marriage between Chinese and local South Asians in the 16th Century, while Nyonya denotes the female descendants from the intermarriages. Nyonya cuisine is a concoction of South Asian and Chinese culinary traditions that has flourished with the Nyonya ladies who embrace the essences of both cuisines to create their unique style of fusion recipes. The Nyonya recipes carry Chinese culinary legacy in its cooking techniques including stir-fry, deep-fry, pan-fry, braise and stew, while incorporating indigenous Southeast Asian ingredients, especially the spices and herbs. Nyonya cuisine tends to be richer in flavours from the abundant use of coconut milk and spices.