天際咖啡室為俘虜一眾海鮮愛好者的味蕾,特意搜羅林林總總的優質海鮮,包括瀨尿蝦(星期五至日)、波士頓龍蝦(星期五至日)、藍青口、紐西蘭生蠔等,以及呈獻多款日本新鮮刺身和壽司。此外,廚師團隊以不同的烹調手法,炮製多款惹味的海鮮菜式,令自助晚餐成為目不暇給的頂級盛宴。 (特色美饌每晚輪流供應)
SkyCity Bistro is going to satisfy all seafood aficionados with a bountiful spread of freshest choices. Highlights include Mantis Shrimps (Fri-Sun), Chilled Boston Lobster (Fri-Sun), Blue Mussels, New Zealand Oysters, sashimi and sushi, to mention a few among many other seafood offerings. (Specialties of the buffet are served on rotation basis)
From now until 1 September 2019Dinner: Adult buffet: HK$528 (Mon-Thu) / HK$588 (Fri-Sun, Eve of PH & PH) Child buffet: HK$264 (Mon-Thu) / HK$294 (Fri-Sun, Eve of PH & PH) 10% service charge applies