Theo Mistral by Theo Randall的復活節周日早午餐帶來多款復活節節慶美食,讓顧客同賀歡愉佳節。海景咖啡廊的復活節自助餐盛宴網羅令人垂涎欲滴的各國佳餚及滋味美食。
Theo Mistral by Theo Randall復活節意式早午自助餐 Theo Mistral by Theo Randall為顧客帶來滋味的復活節意式早午自助餐,呈獻多款美食如即開生蠔、冰凍龍蝦、蟹腳、復活節烤羊、香煎雅枝竹以及一系列精美意大利甜品。小朋友亦可參與各式各樣的精彩活動如欣賞小丑表演、扭氣球及自製復活節花籃等,又或到「兒童天地」盡情玩樂。 日期︰4月21日 (星期日) 時間︰上午11時30分至下午2時30分 價錢︰成人每位港幣$598,小童每位港幣$338 另加每位港幣$68享用源源不絕供應的汽水、冰凍橙汁、雜果賓治及冰茶 另加每位港幣$138享用源源不絕供應的意大利Prosecco氣酒及葡萄酒 10%服務費 海景咖啡廊復活節自助餐盛宴 海景咖啡廊的廚師團隊網羅多款滋味復活節美食及令人垂涎欲滴的各國佳餚包括即開生蠔、鱈蟹腳、即烤乳豬、香烤羊肋排、牧羊人餡餅等。甜品去更有小朋友摯愛的Nutella朱古力噴泉配各式配料、復活節朱古力蛋及花生燕麥曲奇。萬勿錯過4月19日至22日自助午餐的面部彩繪活動,一同歡度復活節。 午餐: 4月19/20/21/22號:自助餐成人價錢:HK$468 / 自助餐兒童價錢:HK$288 / 自助餐長者價錢 (65歲或以上):HK$262 晚餐: 4月19/20/21/22號:自助餐成人價錢:HK$688 / 自助餐兒童價錢:HK$428 / 自助餐長者價錢 (65歲或以上):HK$408
Embrace the joyful Easter holidays with intriguing dining choices and a range of fun-filled festive activities at InterContinental Grand Stanford Hong Kong.
Celebrate with Theo Mistral by Theo Randall’s Easter Sunday brunch with a spread of Italian Easter delicacies to bring guests and families a truly memorable holiday experience, or indulge in a lavish Easter buffets with sumptuous seafood and an impressive selection of Easter specialities at Café on M.
Delightful Easter Sunday Brunch at Theo Mistral by Theo Randall Look no further but Theo Mistral by Theo Randall for a proper festive brunch this Easter. Relish in a generous spread of Italian delicacies and Easter specialities, such as freshly-shucked oysters chilled lobsters, crab legs, roaster Easter lamb, pan-fried artichokes and potatoes, as well as a host of divine Italian desserts. Treat the kids to a range of fun-filled activities from joyful clown performance, balloon twisting to make-your-own Easter baskets filled with chocolate eggs. Date: April 21 Time: 11:30am – 2:30pm Price: Adult HK$598, Child HK$338 Additional HK$68 per person with free-flowing soft drinks and chilled juices Additional HK$138 per person with free-flowing Italian Prosecco, red and white house wines All prices are subject to a 10% service charge. Dazzling Easter Buffet Feast at Café on M
Enjoy an extravagant feast featuring sumptuous seafood and all-you-can-eat Easter specialities. Fill up on the freshly-shucked oyster, Snow crab leg, roasted suckling pig, crown roast of Easter lamb, shepherd’s pie and many more. The dessert corner will adorn with precious little cutie pies as well as kids’ favourite Nutella chocolate fondant, chocolate Easter eggs and peanut granola cookies. Do not miss the face painting fun during lunch buffet between April 19 and April 22.
Lunch: 19/20/21/22 Apr: HK$468 (Adult buffet) / HK$288 (Child buffet) / HK$262 (Senior buffet) Dinner: 19/20/21/22 Apr: HK$688 (Adult buffet) / HK$428 (Child buffet) / HK$408 (Senior buffet) 10% service charge applies