LIS Café於這個春季為您呈現一系列令人垂涎的日韓美食。 滋味亮點包括傳統韓式牛肋骨湯﹑木魚大阪燒﹑日本關東煮﹑韓式炒五花肉﹑香辣韓式炸雞及日本冷素麵等。
當然還有海鮮吧中的冰島大蝦﹑新鮮海蜆及爽甜藍青口,現場更設有即叫即製天婦羅及手握壽司,誘人的烤肉檔,各式芝士及凍盤,以及時令的日韓甜點包括白明月冰卷﹑日式抹茶和菓子及水果福餅等。LIS Café 的5小時假日自助早午餐必定能滿足您的味蕾! 優惠期由2019年4月5日開始,逢星期六、日及公眾假期,早上11時30分至下午4時30分供應 自助餐菜式輪流供應

自助餐成人:HK$288 自助餐兒童:HK$188 自助餐長者 (65歲或以上):HK$188
兒童及長者免費(Holiday Brunch)! 3-11歲兒童及65歲或以上長者免費假日早午餐(週六,週日,公眾假期)(每1位免費兒童/長者需對應1位付費成人,每檯最多6位兒童/長者可享受免費) 適用於2019年5月31號前 條款約束: - 須預先訂座方可享用優惠 - 每檯最多6位兒童/長者可享受免費 這樣訂? 1. 選擇日子 2. 選擇"Holiday Brunch - Kids/Seniors dine free promotion" 3. 選擇時間 4. 選擇免費兒童/長者數目(每1位付費大人,每檯最多6位兒童/長者可享受免費),選擇付費成人數目, 選擇付費兒童/長者數目 5. 輸入你的資料及點擊OK, I Book確認你的訂檯
LIS Café presents you a series of lip-smacking Japanese and Korean cuisines for this Spring season. Highlights include Beef Short Ribs in Ginseng Soup, Okonomiyaki (Japanese Pancake with Dried Fish Flakes), Japanese Oden, Samgyupsal (Grilled Pork Belly), Spicy Fried Chicken and more.
The not-to-be-missed LIS Café’s seafood bar featuring fresh Prawns, Clams and Blue Mussels, Japanese sushi and tempura, enticing grilled station, cheese and cold cuts, and our dessert counter showcases seasonal Japanese and Korean treats including Red & Green Bean Roll, Matcha Crystal Balls and Fruit Dangos. Our 5-hour holiday brunch will definitely satisfy your craving for the Japanese and Korean authentic cuisines!

Adult buffet: HK$288 Child buffet: HK$188 Senior buffet (65+): HK$188
Kids / Seniors dine FREE (Holiday Brunch)! Free Holiday Brunch (Saturday, Sunday, Public Holiday) for children aged 3-11 and seniors aged 65 and above (one for one paying adult, six free kids/seniors per table maximum) Available until 31 May, 2019 Terms & Conditions: ·Advance reservation is required to enjoy the offer ·Applicable to a maximum of 6 children/seniors per table How to book? 1. Select Date 2. Select "Holiday Brunch - Kids/Seniors dine free promotion" 3. Select Time 4. Select number of free kids/seniors (one for one paying adult, not more than 6 per table), number of paying adults, number of paying kids/seniors 5. Enter your information and click "OK, I Book" to confirm your booking