「綠茵閣」自助晚餐將於復活節期間為食客帶來一系列節日美食,包括傳統「十字包」、「香草羊肉批」、「復活雞仔蛋」及多款以雞蛋入饌的佳餚。 食客更不可錯過甜品師精心製作的佳節限定甜品,包括造型趣緻的「香蕉朱古力賓尼」、濃滑致極的「栗子雀巢蛋糕」、鮮艷奪目的「彩色班戟」及五彩繽紛的「復活節雞仔蛋」。各款甜品賣相吸引,定能俘虜大人和小孩的芳心。食客更可開懷品嘗各式雪糕,包括Häagen-Dazs季節限定口味-茉莉花紅桑子石榴及清甜橙花佛手柑。
自助餐成人價錢:HK$548 / 自助餐兒童價錢:HK$398 / 自助餐長者價錢 (65歲或以上):HK$498
Indulge in a scrumptious Easter-inspired dinner buffet filled with festive delights, including Hot Cross Buns, Roasted Lamb Pie, Deviled Eggs and other delicacies crafted with eggs.
There will also be a colourful range of Easter-inspired desserts to delight kids and families on holiday. Guests can also expect "Banana and Chocolate Bunny", Chestnut Nest Cake, multi-coloured pancakes, panna cotta and unlimited ice cream including Häagen-Dazs' newest seasonal flavours - Jasmine, Raspberry & Pomegranate ice cream and Orange Blossom ice cream.
The Easter dinner buffet is available from 19 to 22 April 2019.
Adult buffet: HK$548 Child buffet: HK$398 Senior buffet (60+): HK$498