canton pot全新推出「滋味海貝」主題火鍋,主打一系列以貝殼類海鮮入饌的湯底及鍋物,去躍動您的味蕾。點題主打有清酒煮刀貝湯鍋,陣陣酒香,加多杯日本清酒慢慢品嚐,才算享受!另一方面有白酒煮法國藍青口湯鍋,白酒經過煮熱後味道更加香濃,放入新鮮的法國藍青口湯鍋更是絕配!當然少不了其他滋味貝類鍋物,務求令一眾饕客得到最鮮甜美味的享受!
清酒煮刀貝湯鍋 $218

白酒煮法國藍青口湯鍋 $168

蝴蝶蜆 $238
四頭南非鮑魚 每隻$198
紐西蘭刀貝 每隻$38
貴妃蚌 每隻$38
海膽帶子丸 $138

XO醬海鮮餃 $108

canton pot has newly launched the "Shellfish" pot cuisines, featuring a series of soup bases and shellfish hot pot items to delight your taste buds.
The hot pot highlights include sake-boiled Tuatua Clams in Sake broth, it is perfect to pair with a glass of Japanese Sake to enrich the tastiness! Another highlight is a French Blue Mussels with White Wine Sauce. The fragrant of White Wine levels up after being boiled, and it is a perfect match with the fresh Blue Mussels as well! Of course, there are other shellfish selections, all in all is to get you the most delicious enjoyment!
Tuatua Clams in Sake Broth $218

French Blue Mussels with White Wine Sauce $168

Butterfly Clam $238
South Africa Abalone (4 Heads) $198/pc
New Zealand Tuatua Clam $38/pc
Royal Clam $38/pc
Minced Scallop Balls Stuffed with Sea Urchin $138

Seafood Dumplings with XO Chili Sauce $108

Promotional period from March 1, 2019 to May 31, 2019 10% service charge applies