想享受鮮嫩多汁的頂級澳洲牛肉加上入口即溶的鴨肝?金域假日酒店的Bistro on the Mile咖啡廳,將會是你一個好選擇。由三月一日起至四月三十日推出肉嫰味濃見稱的澳洲牛肉及世上其中之一最矜貴的食材–油香甘腴的鴨肝自助晚餐, 各種不同的牛肉滋味和口感在舌尖上交織成美味的交響樂章,為您帶來味覺視覺的享受。置身於寬敞的Bistro on the Mile內,超過二十多款的鮮嫰澳洲牛肉菜式為您源源不絕地奉上,包括有不同部位的頂級牛肉燒烤如扒牛肋條、西冷牛扒及側腹牛扒,與及威靈頓牛柳、燒美國頂級牛肉、燒肉眼牛肉澳洲和牛漢堡、韓式燒牛排骨、金菇和牛牛肉卷、黑椒牛肉片、牛尾雜菜啫哩杯、火炙和牛壽司、燒牛肉沙律配日本冬菇露筍, 還有一系列的鴨肝為主的前菜及熱盤如鴨肝凍批、雞肝慕絲伴烤桃、鴨肝白菌雞卷、日式鴨肝壽司卷﹑鴨肝醬多士、香煎鴨肝、日式蟹肉鴨肝蒸蛋等美食,必定讓您吃過痛快。
若你想一次過品嚐以肉嫰味濃見稱的澳洲牛肉及世上其中之一最矜貴的食材–油香甘腴的鴨肝,機會來了!Bistro on the Mile於今個初春為大家獻上以澳洲牛肉及鴨肝為題的自助晚餐,當中連串豐富惹味菜式,保證讓大家「肉」罷不能。
而自助晚餐每天除了供應主題菜式外,更有即開新鮮生蠔、凍蝦、凍藍青口、凍龍蝦、凍麵包蟹、日本長腳蟹、薑蔥炒麵包蟹、三杯炒蜆、蒜蓉粉絲蒸扇貝等。壓軸甜品更是數不完,源源不絕供應的鐵版炒果味冰卷伴Haagen Dazs雪糕、雲呢拿紅莓蛋糕、檸檬白朱古力蛋糕、麵包布丁、芒果拿破崙、雞蛋仔、意式菠蘿撻、芒果意大利芝士蛋糕、葡撻等美味甜品。
晚餐: 菜單平均消費:港幣$250 自助餐成人價錢:港幣$598 (星期日至四)/ 港幣$668(星期五及六) 自助餐兒童價錢:港幣$418 (星期日至四)/ 港幣$467(星期五及六) 自助餐長者價錢 (65歲或以上):港幣$478 (星期日至四)/ 港幣$534(星期五及六) 10%服務費
Australian beef is famous for its earthy and beefy flavor whereas foie gras, considered as one of the most expensive ingredients, is well known for its rich and buttery taste. Now is your chance to experience them both at Holiday Inn Golden Mile's Bistro on the Mile’s Dinner Buffet from 1st Mar to 30 April 2019.
Guests can relish a scrumptious variety of their favourite Australian prime beef dishes such as: roasted beef with asparagus roll, BBQ beef sirloin, ribs & skirt steak, roasted prime rib of beef and beef wellington. Foie gras is a delicacy deeply rooted in the Western world of gastronomy. This melt-in-your-mouth delicacy will be served in different ways. Accompanied with fruit, we have the pan-fried foie gras with roasted Granny Smith apple, steamed egg with crab meat and foie gras, duck liver and artichoke terrine, foie gras crème brulee, foie gras pate on toast, chicken galantine stuffed with foie gras and mushroom , duck foie gras maki roll, etc. There is also a choice of oceanic delights for seafood lovers. Cooked seafood delicacies include shrimps in their shells, blue mussels, Japanese crab leg, cooked mantis shrimp, bread crab and blue mussel. Diners can also indulge in succulent fresh oysters.
Top off this feast with an array of delectable desserts featuring the vanilla raspberry cake, lemon white chocolate cake, Portuguese egg tart, bread and butter pudding, warm pineapple frangipane tart plus Häagen Dazs ice cream teppanyaki.
Dinner: Adult buffet: HK$598 (Sun-Thu) / HK$668 (Fri-Sat) Child buffet: HK$418 (Sun-Thu) / HK$467 (Fri-Sat) Senior buffet (65+): HK$478 (Sun-Thu) / HK$534 (Fri-Sat) 10% service charge applies