香港金域假日酒店Bistro on the Mile咖啡廳由11月1日至30日誠意呈獻「環球海鮮自助晚餐」,選用來自不同產地的海鮮,運用不同的烹調技巧,為大家帶來一頓豐富的海鮮盛宴,必定能滿足各海鮮愛好者的胃口,價錢每位由$589*起。
推介菜式有冰鎮海鮮如即開生蠔、凍龍蝦仔、瀨尿蝦、凍蝦、凍藍青口、日本長腳蟹,而前菜方面則有帶子卷伴蘋果蓉、香辣牛油果帶子杯、蠔肉凍湯、越南蠔肉卷、車厘茄鮮蝦串燒、小龍蝦蟹肉咯嗲、煙三文魚、鮮蠔八瓜魚沙律、菠蘿帶子沙律、蜜橘青口配沙律、鮮蝦甜椒沙律、大蝦天婦羅及香味濃郁的川貝燉鱷魚肉湯;還有少不了的主菜包括麵包糠炸帶子、烟肉芝士白汁焗蠔、黑松露忌廉汁鮑魚闊條麵、酒煮青口配大蔥及辣肉腸、照燒魷魚筒、蒜蓉粉絲蒸扇貝、三杯炒蜆燒、美國西冷及香煎鴨肝(只限週末供應),各式各樣的菜式,務求令海鮮迷大快朵頤。壓軸甜品更是數不完,有最新推出的鐵版炒果味冰卷(每晚會推出一款味道包括有熱情果、芒果、紅桑子、士多啤梨、菠蘿、椰子味)伴Haagen Dazs雪糕、意式菠蘿撻、牛油麵包布丁、朱古力布朗尼、栗子蛋糕、法式蘋果撻、熱情果啫喱、希臘乳酪奶凍及葡撻等美味甜品。
自助餐成人價錢:港幣$589 (星期日至四)/ 港幣$659(星期五及六) 自助餐兒童價錢:港幣$412 (星期日至四)/ 港幣$461(星期五及六) 自助餐長者價錢 (65歲或以上):港幣$471 (星期日至四)/ 港幣$527(星期五及六)
2小時無限添飲品(訂購自助午餐或晚餐時適用): HK$48 + 10%(冷凍果汁及汽水) HK$78 + 10%(冷凍果汁,汽水及啤酒) HK$98 + 10%(冷凍果汁,汽水,啤酒及特選葡萄酒) 10%服務費 11月1日至11月30日,自助晚餐時段Holiday Inn Golden Mile’s Bistro on the Mile is proud to present “International Seafood Extravaganza” Dinner Buffet from 1st to 30th Nov, 2018, bringing together mouth-watering cuisines around the world along with the freshest ingredients from the ocean to satisfy your seafood cravings at $589* per person only.
Guests can enjoy a fresh bounty of seafood dishes such as: fresh oysters, mantis shrimp, blue mussels, Japanese crab leg, half shell lobster, oyster and crab salad, spicy scallop and avocado cup, baked oyster with cheese, mussels with cider, leeks and chorizo, Japanese-style grilled squid with teriyaki sauce, steamed scallop with glass noodle and garlic, and sautéed clam with three cup sauce, etc.
Top off this feast with an array of delectable desserts featuring warm pineapple frangipane tart, Portuguese egg tart, bread and butter pudding, chocolate brownie, tarte au crème brulee, French apple tart, Greek yoghurt panna cotta plus Häagen Dazs ice cream teppayaki.
The Seafood Buffet offers seafood lovers the opportunity to indulge in an array of cuisine bursting with oceanic flavors.
Adult buffet: HK$589 (Sun-Thu) / HK$659 (Fri-Sat) Child buffet: HK$412 (Sun-Thu) / HK$461 (Fri-Sat) Senior buffet (65+): HK$471 (Sun-Thu) / HK$527 (Fri-Sat) 2-hours free flow beverages (when ordering lunch or dinner buffet): - HK$48+10% (chilled juices & soft drinks) - HK$78+10% (chilled juices, soft drinks & beer) - HK $98+10% (chilled juices, soft drinks, beer & house wine) 10% service charge applies1 - 30 Nov 2018, dinner only