牛肝菌被意大利人稱為菇菌中的極品,除了本身含有濃郁的堅果味和原始幽香的香味,當中亦含有豐富的營養價值和功效。例如男女老幼都喜愛的抗氧化和增加免疫力。因此金域假日酒店Osteria意大利餐廳的意籍主廚Paolo Federici特別選擇了以它們作為主題,由九月一日至十月三十一日,推出多款特選牛肝菌菜式。更特別搜羅了多款進口食材,並配合意式烹調製法,讓客人品試一頓最正宗的意國風味菜餚。

Holiday Inn Golden Mile’s Osteria Ristorante Italiano is presenting a promotional menu in celebration of Porcini Mushroom. From now through October 31, 2018 diners will have a choice of four tantalizing dishes, each featuring seasonal Italian mushrooms prepared in various ways.
Considered as a “food of the gods” by the Italian, mushrooms are highly prized for their flavour and renowned for their health benefits.
This promotion sees Chef Paolo Federici creatively prepares the mushrooms in a versatile seasonal menu sure to impress even the most discriminating palates.
The main attractions include Selection of Culatello ham and Porcini mushrooms mous with Piedomont toma sauce; Home made chestnut pappardelle and sauteed mushrooms with asiago cheese, black truffle; Home-made ravioli filled with pecorino and sautéed porcini mushrooms, guanciale; White pizza with porcini mushrooms with mortadella, fresh burrata from Puglia and rocket salad. For each course menu is available at HK$258 plus 10% service charge.