以美酒佳餚好好輕鬆一下或許是很多人於假期用以調劑平日工作及生活繁忙的良方!位於31樓的Alto 88可欣賞到醉人維港海景及維多利亞公園,於假日前來品嘗受歡迎的海鮮早午合併自助餐,顧客可盡情以意大利美食及美酒度過一個悠閒的假日。

由頭盤、海鮮以至甜品,自助餐供應的美食均以上乘意大利進口食材配合創新烹調方法炮製,為顧客帶來意式美食新體驗。最受矚目的必定是餐廳為喜愛海鮮的食客準備的多種凍海鮮,包括新鮮法國生蠔、阿拉斯加蟹腳、帶子及鮮蝦等。為讓客人體驗到更具品味的早上,餐廳亦特意選擇了意大利高質素風乾火腿Prosciutto di Parma為其中一道前菜,其味道帶點甘甜,肉質細嫩,細味嘴嚼更帶陣陣油香,令人再三回味。

Alto 88的早午合併自助餐亦設有雞蛋及意大利麵食即煮區。為讓客人品嘗到更多口味,餐廳會定期輪流推介不同意大利麵菜式,當中最受歡迎的有白汁煙肉意大利粉、意式肉醬意粉、香草長通粉、意式雲吞配番茄香辣汁及意式雲吞配煙三文忌廉汁等。客人可以選擇符合個人喜好的炒蛋、煎蛋、蛋奄列或水煮蛋,愛肉食的客人就不容錯過席切扒類。

其他頭盤方面,吞拿魚他他、意大利車厘茄釀吞拿魚、各款凍肉及多款沙律如意式烤什菜、意大利香草沙律、意式芝士配番茄及香草汁及意式什菜凍批等同樣是不可錯過的選擇。最後又怎能錯過一系列令人目不暇給的意式甜品?主打傳統意式咖啡酒香芝士餅,而意大利雪糕 (Gelato),提供多款特色口味包括開心果、焦糖、咖啡等,均極受顧客歡迎。
Alto 88位於酒店31樓,室內以優雅歐洲風格為藍本,以湖水綠色作主調配上白色襯托,佈置及擺設都充滿歐陸色彩,揉合現代與典雅的精緻設計,風格時尚簡約。餐廳落地玻璃設計,環境開揚優雅,充滿浪漫風情。客人能居高臨下欣賞維多利亞港及公園之迷人景色,度過浪漫醉人時刻。
成人 HK$528 / 小童 HK$328

Indulge in a holiday feast after a busy week is an ideal way for relaxation. The ever popular Oyster and Bubble Brunch at Alto 88 is now available for guests’ savour. Located on the 31st floor of the Hotel, Alto 88 allows guests to enjoy the spectacular view of Victoria Harbour and Victoria Park. Guests are encouraged to recharge themselves with Italian delicacies and wine for a splendid Sunday morning.

From starter, seafood to dessert, items on the buffet table are made of jet-fresh Italian ingredients. Seafood lovers would be amazed for the selection of seafood includes fresh oyster from Brittany of France, Alaskan Crab Leg, Scallop and Shrimp. To spoil guests with a superb Italian culinary experience, the special flavoured and tender Prosciutto Di Parma is available for guests’ unexpected experience of tasting ham.

Home-made pasta of Alto 88 is well acclaimed for its unique flavour and excellent texture by guests. To let guests savour as many choices as they can, pasta dishes will rotate on a regular basis. Carbonara, Bolognese, Pesto Penne, Spicy Tomato Ravioli and Smoked Salmon Ravioli are some of the hot picks from guests. Next to the pasta cooking station, guests can choose their favourite egg dishes including scrambled egg, fried egg, omelette or poached egg. Those who crave for meat cannot miss the carving station nearby.

The brunch also offers a wide variety of refreshing salad and starters for guests to start the bubbly morning, including Grilled Vegetable, Fennel Salad, Mozzarella Roll with Tomato and Pesto, Vegetable Terrine, Tuna Tartare, Cherry Tomato Stuffed with Tuna Mousse, and many other assorted cold cuts are bites guests cannot afford to miss.
Last but not least, a series of Italian desserts on the buffet table like the traditional Tiramisu and home-made Italian Gelato with flavours of pistachio, caramel, coffee, etc, are available to add up to a sweet touch on holiday.
Perched on the 31/F with breathtaking harbour and park view beyond, designing with elegant interior design features fresh bright color, together with grand European decoration, diners of Alto 88 can surely enjoy a stunning sea view and romantic atmosphere at the restaurant.
Adult HK$528 / Child HK$328
Extra HK$128 per adult for unlimited serving of Italian Prosecco, red, white wine and soft drinks
Subject to 10% service charge
11:30 am – 3:00pm (Sunday)