投入傾情仲夏,問月酒店與法國著名G.H. Mumm瑪姆香檳聯手呈獻全新「瑰麗香檳下午茶」,讓您細味粉嫩動人的鹹甜美點,並以醉人泡沫讓午後約會更添愉悅!「瑰麗香檳下午茶」供應期為7月5日至8月31日,每兩位只需HK$498*,更同時配上醉人汽泡G.H. Mumm瑪姆香檳乙枝連同香檳杯一對/每兩位只需HK$438,讓您隨心點選您所好!
陶醉於粉紅夏日,讓「瑰麗香檳下午茶」以令人垂涎的紅粉美點於午間上演超「月」平凡的滋味盛宴,讓悠閒時光更添圓滿。Supergiant Tapas & Cocktail Bar 陳家俊總廚以瑰麗迷人的粉紅夏日為創作靈感,為充滿少女心的儷人獻上一口甜蜜。以造型跳脫迷人的接骨木莓果糖環粉飾夏日,並以紅粉緋緋的粉紅檸檬杯子蛋糕為午間派對揭開序幕!由陳總廚匠心炮製的甜點更包括細滑如絲的士多啤梨大黄慕絲蛋糕,以層層嬌艷鮮果與慕絲呈獻時而幼滑的口感、時而果香四溢的甜美夏日!
夏日甜點仍教您戀戀不捨? 不妨細嚐法式紅桑子馬卡龍、清新柚子完美配對而成的柚子撻,最後以自家製的英式提子鬆餅伴玫瑰果醬與令人傾心不已的白桃美點讓味蕾來一場夏日果漾饌頌!愛嚐鹹點的品味饕客,可別錯過「瑰麗香檳下午茶」的特選美點,如惹味誘人的明太子櫻蝦三文治、紅菜頭芝士忌廉三文魚卷、脆味無窮的西班牙鴨肉春卷,以難抗滋味令您心花盛放!
下午茶逢星期四至星期日下午3時至6時供應,每兩位 HK$498*配上醉人汽泡G.H. Mumm瑪姆香檳乙枝連同香檳杯一對/ 每兩位 HK$438。

Drench your Summer love with passion and cast a romantic spell with Supergiant Tapas & Cocktail Bar’s latest Rosy Cozy Afternoon Tea in collaboration with G.H. Mumm Champagne, the prestigious champagne house at HK$498 for two, romantically paired with G.H. Mumm Champagne & a stunning pair of aluminum flutes* / HK$438 for two only, available from now until August 31, 2018.
Rewrite afternoon luxe with a brand new Rosy Cozy Afternoon Tea Set including a vast array of enticing pink and meticulously flavoured sweet and savory nibbles. Bite-sized confectionery tidbits handcrafted by Supergiant Tapas & Cocktail Bar’s Chef de Cuisine Jeremy Chan will leave no details to impress. Stay PRETTY IN PINK and savour Elderberry Donut, Pink Lemonade Chocolate Cupcake and more. Tailor-made sweet treats also include the alluring Strawberry & Rhubarb Mousse Cake which features layers of summer flavours.
Still can’t get enough of the sweet summer love? Think Raspberry Macaroon or indulge in the sweet and sour temptation of the Fresh Grape Fruit Tart before you head straight to the homemade Raisin Scone with Home-made Jam and Rose Cream and the noteworthy White Peach Verrine.
The afternoon tea set also showcases a selection of savoury Spanish tidbits including Sakura Shrimp with Mentaiko Sandwiches, Beetroot Cured Salmon with Dill Cream Cheese and the Duck Habana Cilindro(a.k.a. Confit Duck Spring Roll) that will do so much more than meets the eye.
Have a sip of the Pink Summer Romance cocktail perfectly fusing gin, rose syrup with Cranberry & Lemon Juice with a dash of Angostura Orange Bitters.
The afternoon tea is available between Thursday and Sunday from 3:00 PM to 6:00 PM, priced at HK$498 for two, romantically paired with G.H. Mumm Champagne & a stunning pair of aluminum flutes* / HK$438 for two only.
All prices are subject to a 10% service charge.
*gift sets available only while stock lasts