食自助餐的頭盤之選莫過於生蠔,當生蠔變成主角,就更加不可以錯過!香港金域假日酒店Bistro on the Mile咖啡廳特別為一眾生蠔迷由7月1日至8日31日推出全新以生蠔為主題的自助晚餐,各位生蠔迷一定可以食到捧住個肚走,推介菜式有三款即開新鮮生蠔包括紐西蘭的Rock Oyster與及澳洲的Smokey Bay及Coffin Bay、煙蠔薯仔沙律、蠔肉凍湯、八爪魚蠔肉沙律、蟹肉蠔沙律、煎蠔多士、香檳蠔肉啫哩、越南蠔肉夏卷、蠔玉子燒、蠔夀司卷、炸蠔、砵酒焗蠔、蠔仔粥、香煎蠔餅、香煎煙蠔肉巻、烟肉莧菜焗蠔、烟肉芝士白汁焗蠔、蠔肉卡邦尼意粉等各式各樣的菜式,務求令生蠔迷大快朵頤。而每位食客更可獲贈一盅鮑魚佛跳牆,必定讓您吃過痛快。

而自助晚餐每天除了供應主題菜式外,更有特式燒烤海鮮、凍龍蝦仔、凍蝦、凍藍青口、日本長腳蟹、燒羊扒、香燒牛肋骨、泰式燒雞、照燒魷魚筒、香煎鴨肝(只限週末供應)、煎鱸魚紅甜椒汁、老干媽炒蟹、燒西冷、燒乳豬及中式湯等美食。壓軸甜品更是數不完,源源不絕供應的Haagen Dazs雪糕、藍莓芝士蛋糕、希臘乳酪奶凍、麵包布丁、芒果拿破崙、芝麻芝士蛋糕、好立克法式燉蛋、豆腐花及葡撻等美味甜品。
自助餐成人價錢:港幣$569(星期一至四及星期日)/ 港幣$639(星期五至六) 自助餐兒童價錢:港幣$398 (星期一至四及星期日)/ 港幣$447 (星期五至六) 自助餐長者價錢 (65歲或以上):港幣$455 (星期一至四及星期日)/ 港幣$511 (星期五至六) 10%服務費

Are you craving the oceans most delicious delicacies? Then don’t miss out on the opportunity to indulge in the ‘Ocean Fresh Oysters’ at the Holiday Inn Golden Mile’s Bistro on the Mile from July 1st to August 31st 2018.

Using only the finest oysters from the cold and pristine waters from Smokey Bay and Coffin Bay, Australia and northern New Zealand, our chefs have prepared an all-ocean feast that will guarantee to dazzle any seafood aficionados. Guests can enjoy a delicious variety of fresh oyster dishes such as: Oyster and octopus salad, Oyster with crab salad, Oyster gazpacho shooters, Oyster with champagne jelly, Oyster summer roll, Oyster maki roll, Japanese egg roll omelette, Oyster and bacon roll, Oyster croquette, Oysters with Bacon and Spinach, Baked oyster with cheese, Deep-fried oyster with orange mayonnaise, Fried oyster cake, Braised Oysters in Port Wine and Baby oyster congee. All of our guests will be served delicious double boiled soup with Abalone, Sea cucumber, and fish maw. There is also a choice of oceanic delights for seafood lovers. Cooked seafood delicacies include shrimp in their shells, blue mussels, Japanese crab leg, and green whelk.
Top off this feast with an array of delectable desserts featuring Italian tiramisu, Portuguess Egg Tart, Mango Napoleon, Cappuccino Cake, American Cheese Cake, Greek Yoghurt Panna Cotta plus three selections of Häagen Dazs ice cream.
Adult buffet: HK$569 (Mon-Thu & Sun) / HK$639 (Fri-Sat) Child buffet: HK$398 (Mon-Thu & Sun) / HK$447 (Fri-Sat) Senior buffet (65+): HK$455 (Mon-Thu & Sun) / HK$511 (Fri-Sat) 10% service charge applies