位於荔枝角D2 Place 二期的Si Simply Italian Restaurant,於2016年10月開業,由意大利籍餐廳老闆Paolo Sala經營,一直堅持[真正的意大利人味道]為理念,希望熱愛飲食的香港朋友能以合理價錢享受優質及正宗的意大利菜。
餐廳更於2018年1月,邀請到連續10年榮獲米芝蓮指南一星榮譽 Il Cantinone 的意藉名廚 Stefano Masanti加盟,出任 Si Simply Italian Restaurant 的顧問總廚一職,為餐廳設計菜單。
今個夏天,總廚Stefano為餐廳帶來最近風靡米蘭的高檔街頭食品 -- Panini Mare。
[Panini]即意大利人的三文治,而[Mare]為意大利語,意指[海],Panini Mare 就是指海鮮三文治的意思。
售賣Panini Mare這種新興美食的餐廳,近年在意大利不同區域相繼出現,如Corso Como (米蘭最時尚熱點之一),Navigli (運河區最活躍的俱樂部和餐廳集中地),以及Porta Nuova (新商業區)。
由 Stefano親自設計的 Panini Mare,所有用料經Si Simply Italian 本地團隊精心挑選,將生或熟的海鮮,混合意大利的傳統食材,如水牛芝士、番茄乾、香蒜及羅勒等,再配上新鲜特製的醬汁及炸意大利薯角。
Panini Mare 由2018年7月1日
星期一至五: 5:30pm 至 10:00pm
星期六、日及公眾假期 : 12:00pm 至 10:00pm
炸銀鱈魚意大利包配生菜、蕃茄及他他醬 (HK$168)

挪威煙三文魚意大利包配水牛芝士、蔥、生菜、醃青瓜及檸檬蛋黃醬 (HK$178)

扒八爪魚鬚意大利包配水牛芝士、生菜、蕃茄及蕃茄蛋黃醬 (HK$188)

北海道帶子意大利包配脆巴馬火腿、水牛芝士、醃青椒及蒜蓉蛋黃醬 (HK$188)

紅蝦他他意大利包配水牛芝士、士多啤梨、薯片及蝦濃湯蛋黃醬 (HK$198)

Si Simply Italian at D2 Place II in Lai Chi Kok is proudly owned and run by Paolo Sala, an Italian owner. Treating customers to quality authentic Italian cuisine with competitive pricing, this Italian restaurant has been a true rarity in the area.
Since January 2018, chef Stefano Masanti of Il Cantinone from Madesimo, Italy, a restaurant awarded one Michelin star for 10 consecutive years, joined Si Simply Italian at D2 Place II, Lai Chi Kok, as Consulting Chef.
Stefano prepared a selection of several panini (sandwich) with fresh seafood.
In Milano, the city where chef Stefano was born, people are going crazy for this kind of high class street food. New restaurants with this particular specialty are popping up in different areas of the city, like Corso Como (one of the most stylish hotspot in Milan), i Navigli (canals area were the most vibrant clubs and restaurants are located) and Porta Nuova (the new main business district).
The fresh seafood is carefully selected from our best suppliers.
Panini Mare (seafood sandwiches) are prepared combining raw or cooked seafood, with ingredients from the Italian traditional cuisine like Mozzarella, Burrata, sun-dried tomatoes, pesto, basil and so on. All the sauces are freshly prepared in the restaurant. Panini are served with un-skinned fried potatoes, cut in half moon shape (Italian country potato fries)
Si Simply Italian restaurant is the first spot in Hong Kong where guests can have the chance to try this delicacy.
Panini Mare Starting from July 1st 2018
Monday to Friday: 5:30PM to 10PM
Saturday, Sunday and Public Holiday (Lunch, afternoon and Dinner): 12noon to 10pm.
Beer-battered cod fish, with lettuces, tomatoes & tartare sauce (HK$168)

Norwegian smoked salmon, buffalo mozzarella, shallot, lettuces, pickle cucumber, lemon dill mayonnaise (HK$178)

Grilled octopus tentacles, with mozzarella buffalo, lettuces, tomatoes & pink sauce (HK$188)

Hokkaido scallop, with crispy Parma ham, burrata cheese, marinated Italian bell pepper & garlic aioli (HK$188)

Red prawns tartare with burrata cheese, strawberries, potato chips & shrimp bisque mayonnaise (HK$198)