唯港薈 Hotel ICON一向致力追求創新,飲食團隊更不時以新食材入饌,為食客提供獨特的飲食體驗。 唯港薈將成為全港首家酒店與美國植物製肉開發商 Impossible Foods合作,引入The Impossible®漢堡,即日起在大堂餐廳GREEN供應。
The Impossible®漢堡是由Impossible Foods 研發出以植物製成的「肉」,其蛋白質及鐵質含量,可媲美真正的牛肉。卡路里與真正牛肉相若,總脂肪較低,而且完全不含膽固醇及抗生素。
食客可在GREEN 品嚐The Impossible®漢堡,每個配上秘製醬汁、素包及薯條,售價港幣$148 (另加一服務費)。同時可額外加配料,如煎蛋、牛油果、美國/煙燻芝士。
The Impossible®漢堡不含激素、抗生素、膽固醇或人造香料。The Impossible® 的製作效率遠比真正牛肉為高,使用的土地面積可減少達 95%,使用的水量減少達 74%,而且更可減少達 87% 溫室氣體排放量。
唯港薈總經理海德先生 (Richard Hatter)表示:「此合作提供機會讓本酒店將優質產品呈獻給來自世界各地的客人,當中包括香港人。在這裡的客人喜愛探索獨特及令人耳目一新的事物。The Impossible®漢堡將吸引喜愛嘗試的客人。同時,作為這片土地的管家,我們有責任確保所提供的產品具有可持續性的發展。」
Innovative hospitality thought leader Hotel ICON partners the Impossible Foods as the first hotel outside its home market of U.S. to launch the Impossible Burger.
Hotel ICON’s Food & Beverage team of innovators are working closely with food suppliers, spawning a whole new generation of exclusive food collaborations where patrons can enjoy one-of-a-kind products, customised just for them.
The first of these products is the Impossible Burger, Impossible Foods’ delicious first product -- meat made entirely from plants, for meat-lovers, and a much more sustainable alternative to conventional ground beef. Impossible Foods is a food technology company whose mission is to create a truly sustainable food system through its innovative platform of “uncompromisingly delicious” meat, dairy, and fish products.
From design to daily practice, Hotel ICON is fully-resourced as a live research lab. Hotel ICON’s partnership with Impossible Foods represents its interest in more innovative and sustainable food products.
According to Richard Hatter, the General Manager of Hotel ICON, “The Impossible Burger cooks, tastes and smells like ground beef from cows—but is made entirely from plants”.
Hatter said, “It’s about being a steward of the land, making sure that the products that we serve are sustainable and healthy.”
The Impossible Burger is produced without hormones, antibiotics, cholesterol or artificial flavours. It uses about 74 percent less water, generates about 87 percent fewer greenhouse gases, and requires around 95 percent less land than conventional ground beef from cows.
“We have customers from over 15 countries around the world as well as Hong Kongers, and this collaboration brings a superior product to our customers, and gives us the ability to learn a new way of enjoying non meat. At ICON, our customers are explorers looking for something different, original and refreshing. The Impossible Burgers will appeal to the adventurous and creative customers.” added Hatter.
The new ICON Impossible Burger, a plant-based burger, will come topped with onions and pickles, served on a vegetarian bun with special sauce and French Fries. Available at GREEN, it costs HK$148+ 10% individually and can be loaded with additional ingredients including Fried Egg, Avocado, American or Smoked Gouda at additional charges.