所有價目以原價計算加一服務費母親節「泰滋味」自助晚餐 - 藝廊咖啡室
藝廊咖啡室於自助晚餐推出一系列精選泰國菜式及鮮甜皇帝蟹腳。廚師推介菜式包括香烤豬肋骨、咖哩炒蟹和超過15款口味的Movenpick 雪糕等。更特別為各位母親獻上滋補養顏的蟲草花燉竹絲雞湯和充滿熱帶風情的菠蘿沙冰系列。供應期為5月12日至13日。
自助午餐 成人$318, 小童/長者 $248
自助晚餐 成人$518, 小童/長者 $338

母親節套餐(美式扒房) - 華岸酒吧扒房

母親節和風套餐 - 空港居酒屋

上海風味精選套餐 - 龍門客棧

Treat your beautiful mom with a sumptuous array of gourmet and delectable sweets to show her love and appreciation on 13 May 2018.
To infuse Mother’s Day with love, complimentary scented floral tea bag will be presented to great moms as a gift on 13 May.
All prices are subject to 10% service charge based on original price
Mother’s Day International Dinner Buffet - Café Aficionado (G/F) Indulge your mom with luscious King crab legs and authentic Thai delicacies including Roasted Pork Spare Rib in Thai Style, Crab Curry and over 15 flavours of Mövenpick ice-cream etc. Silky Chicken with Cordyceps Flower Soup and Tropical Delight Smoothie with seasonal pineapple, mango and coconut are specially tailored to nourish and refresh your lovely mom! Festive menu is available during 12 - 13 May.
Lunch Buffet Adult $318, Child / Senior $248
Dinner Buffet Adult $518, Child / Senior $338

Mother’s Day Set Menu - The China Coast Bar + Grill Enjoy an impeccable 4-course set menu featuring Charcoal Grilled 'De Charolles' Beef Striploin and White Asparagus Vanilla Ice-cream with Warm Chocolate Pudding with your beloved family to immerse your mom in sweetness all the way. Menu priced at HK$788 up for two persons.

Mother’s Day Japanese Set Menu - Airport Izakaya An exceptional Japanese Set Menu allows you to pamper your mom by featuring Assorted Sashimi platter, Baked Lobster with Sea Salt, Scallop and Hiroshima Oyster Cutlet and more. Menu priced at HK$1,988 for three persons.

Shanghainese Set Menu - Dragon Inn Savour the traditional Shanghainese cuisine with your dearest mom. Menu features Braised King Prawn with Black Mushroom and Braised Sea Cucumber with Pork Belly and Camphor Tea Smoked Duck. Menu for four priced at HK$1,688up, on offer from 5 - 13 May. Complimentary Double-boiled Pear for every guest upon ordering Mother’s Day set menu.