原籍意大利的主廚 Paolo Federici,精心為食客炮製蘆筍意大利美食,誠邀對追求健康的饗客卒先親嘗其精心研製的佳餚菜式。精緻的蘆筍菜式有:焗蘆筍配荷蘭汁巴馬火腿、白露筍湯伴小龍蝦尾及魚子醬、白露筍免治蝦意大利飯配忌廉山羊芝士、燒牛仔扒配白露筍及茄子沙律、白露筍豬肉腸塔之噢軟芝士薄餅及扒白露筍,以不同食材與清新白露筍的配合,盡顯大廚廚藝及心思。每道菜式由港幣$98起。

From May 9 to 3 July 2018 guests can enjoy the unique flavour of in-season Italian White Asparagus at the Holiday Inn Golden Mile’s popular Italian restaurant, Osteria Ristorante Italiano.
Asparagus has long been hailed as the ‘Food of Kings’. Before the Romans started cultivating it over 2,000 years ago, Roman emperors had their own fleet of ‘asparagus ships’ that would sail to the Asia Minor region to collect it. Julius Caesar preferred the spears served with melted butter and King Louis XIV of France loved asparagus so much that he ordered special greenhouses built so as to enjoy it all year-round.
Today, Italian White Asparagus is highly prized for its taste and texture. It has a more delicate flavour than its green counterpart – but is no less tasty, or packed with vitamins, potassium and iron.
So, as we start the New Year looking to be happier and healthier, Chef Paolo Federici has created an enticing menu featuring Italian White Asparagus. “This is the best season of the year to eat Italian White Asparagus,” says Chef Paolo. “I have created this menu so that diners can enjoy this exquisite treat while it lasts”.
Let your royal palate indulge in the soft and crunchy textures of Gratinated Asparagus with hollandaise sauce and Parma ham. Savour the moreish flavours of Cream of white asparagus, scampi tail & caviar or the perfectly cooked Roasted veal chop, grilled white asparagus & eggplant salad. Rice-lovers can delight in a hearty dish Carnaroli risotto, white asparagus, shrimps tartar & cream of fresh goat cheese, while pizza-fans will be intrigued by the White pizza with asparagus, pork sausage & Italian Taleggio cheese. Guests can also order delicious Grilled white asparagus.
Once only served at the tables of emperors and royalty, asparagus is now enjoyed by all, the world over. We look forward to welcoming you to an authentic dining experience and presenting you with a seasonal slice of history. Buon Appetito.
Promotional dishes will be served at Osteria Ristorante Italiano at dinner.