位於馬哥孛羅香港酒店6樓的Cucina意大利餐廳,將於5月1至6日邀請曾榮獲兩次花式意大利薄餅世界冠軍的Pasqualino Barbasso親臨獻技,以薄餅麵團作花式表演,拋擲和旋轉出巨型薄餅,讓一眾食客享用正宗意大利薄餅的同時能近距離欣賞令人嘆為觀止的國際級雜技表演。
世界冠軍Pasqualino Barbasso來自意大利南部的西西里島,自17歲開始已在家族的意大利薄餅餐廳工作,擁有超過25年製作意大利薄餅的經驗。憑藉技驚四座的的意大利薄餅雜技表演,Pasqualino於2001年及2002年連續兩次奪得花式意大利薄餅世界冠軍的殊榮,現時擔任意大利薄餅學校的行政總裁,希望將製作意大利薄餅的知識與技巧傳授予新一代。Pasqualino亦於世界各地包括法國、英國、俄羅斯、中國、印度、印度及新加坡等地巡迴演出,致力推廣意大利的美食文化。

繼去年於重慶尼依格羅酒店及IFS國金中心演出後,Pasqualino今年隆重駕臨香港的Cucina,於午餐和晚餐時段表演五花八門的花式意大利薄餅雜技,並將與食客作出有趣萬分的互動,視覺味覺享受兼備,帶來精彩難忘的用餐體驗。Pasqualino將呈獻一共8款正宗意大利薄餅,其中招牌薄餅Arrotolata意大利薄餅 (港幣228)以雅枝竹忌廉、水牛芝士、巴馬火腿、火箭菜及巴馬臣芝士片製作;Bolero意大利薄餅 (港幣218) 則加入了水牛芝士、風乾牛肉、火箭菜、車厘茄創作,並特別以12年釀製陳年黑醋配搭,提升層次口味。大廚同時為素食者提供選擇:Profumo d'Alba意大利薄餅 (港幣288)以水牛芝士、意大利雞蛋及松露等材料製作;Mediterranean意大利薄餅 (港幣198)則加入水牛芝士、茄子、風乾蕃茄、黑水欖及羅勒粉末炮製而成。

Pasqualino喜歡將世界各地的特色元素融入料理表演中,因此特意挑選香港的特色經典食材—叉燒,創作香港版意大利薄餅 (港幣248)。「香港的燒味極具本土風味,在別處不容易品嚐得到,因此我選擇了最受大眾歡迎的叉燒,並只加入簡單材料如水牛芝士、煙燻芝士作配搭,希望這款簡單而美味的香港版本意大利薄餅會受到香港人的喜愛。」Pasqualino解釋道。
想一睹Pasqualino Barbasso獨特的手技和品嚐正宗意大利薄餅,密切留意Pasqualino於5月1日至6日期間的表演詳情。

Cucina, the pure Italian restaurant at Marco Polo Hongkong Hotel, is celebrating the arrival of renowned Chef Pasqualino Barbasso, two-time World Champion of Pizza Acrobatics, during lunch and dinner from 1 to 6 May. Chef Pasqualino will wow diners with a fun gourmet experience combining his dough spinning acrobatics and his delicious Italian pizza menu that includes a special Hong Kong flavour, Char siu pizza.

Chef Pasqualino started his ‘pizzaiolo’ career at his family's pizzeria in Sicily when he was 17. He became World Champion for acrobatic pizza in 2001 and again in 2002. With more than 25 years of pizza making experience, he is now CEO of an Italian pizza school with a mission to promote the art of pizza and the Italian food culture. Chef Pasqualino has presented his gravity-defying pizza tricks during world tours to France, the UK, Russia, China, Indonesia, India, Singapore and other countries.
Following the success of his showcase at Niccolo Chongqing last year, Chef Pasqualino will make an appearance at Cucina in Marco Polo Hongkong Hotel. Diners will be entertained by his dough-spinning antics during both lunch and dinner periods. And of course they can also savour his signature Sicilian-style pizzas, including Arrotolata Pizza (Artichokes Cream, Mozzarella, Artichokes, Parma Ham, Rocket, Shaved Parmesan) and Bolero Pizza (Burrata Cheese, Air Dry Beef, Rocket, Cherry Tomatoes, with 12 Years Aged Balsamic Vinegar indulgently added). Vegetarian choices include Profumo d’Alba Pizza (Mozzarella, Red Yolk and Truffles) and Mediterranean Pizza (Mozzarella, Eggplants, Sun-dried Tomatoes, Black Olives and Basil Powder).

Chef Pasqualino has also selected a beloved local flavour, Char Siu, to create a special edition Hong Kong Pizza. “I chose barbecue pork because this is the most well-known Hongkong-style roast meat. Enhancing the barbecue flavour with classic mozzarella and smoked cheese, I hope this simply delicious pizza will appeal to the tastes and creativity of local gourmands,” explains Chef Pasqualino.
The skillful pizza master will be in-residence at Cucina from 1 to 6 May. His authentic pizza menu is offered during lunch and dinner against the sparkling backdrop of Victoria Harbour. Please stay tuned for Chef Pasqualino’s performance schedule.