客席主廚Rin呈獻曼谷 Celadon味覺之旅﹝4月11-14日﹞:
主廚Rin於The Regent Bangkok 精進廚藝超過十年,之後走訪世界各地包括澳洲及日本呈獻源遠流長的泰菜真味,在加入曼谷素凱泰酒店前,亦曾於英國著名食府Siam House及曼谷千禧希爾頓酒店擔任副總廚。
在保存泰菜傳統風味的同時,才華橫溢的主廚 Rin亦注入了嶄新的個人風格,為曼谷飲食文化締造別樹一幟的獨特格調,將Celadon匠心打造成深受中外饕客歡迎的食府。
- 泰式鮮蝦炒脆米粉 (หมี่กรอบทรงเครื่อง)

- 香辣椰汁烤大蝦沙律 (แสร้งว่ากุ้งย่างใบชะคราม)

- 泰式酸辣蝦湯﹝冬蔭功﹞(ต้มยำกุ้งแม่น้ำ)

- 鱈魚海底椰黃咖喱 (แกงจาวตาล ปลาหิมะ)

- 泰式香草焗鱸魚 (ปลากะพงหมกสมุนไพร)

- 泰北和牛臉頰咖喱麵 (ข้าวซอยเนื้อ)
- 鹹蛋黃椰汁糯米飯糰 (บัวลอยไข่เค็ม ใน มะพร้าวอ่อน)

Yamm泰籍主廚Danita Srisuwan推介﹝4月11 – 29日﹞:
陶醉於泰籍主廚Danita為您匠心烹調的泰國風情,細味三款以新鮮香草及香料入饌的主菜,以及2款讓人回味不已的垂涎甜點:- 生薑胡椒冬瓜燜豬腩肉

- 金不換豆醬炒茄子﹝素食﹞

- 香辣雞肉香草炒米粉

- 香糯米片配新鮮椰子及泰國香蕉

- 泰式綠豆糕

Voted “Best Restaurant in Bangkok” by Travel and Leisure magazine, Celadon at the luxurious Sukhothai is one of the city’s most acclaimed Thai restaurants, serving an authentic palette of flavors such as Southern yellow curry with Toddy Palm and Snow Fish. Feast on beautifully presented and divinely spiced timeless specials by Celadon’s Thai Chef Rin and Yamm’s Thai Sous Chef Danita Srisuwan in celebration of the Thai New Year festival!
Available from 11 – 29 Apr, from 12nn – 2:30pm (Mon – Sat) and 11:30am – 2:45pm (Sun) Thai Guest Chef Rossarin (Rin) Sriprathum at Yamm: 11 – 14 Apr Mon – Fri: HK$328 (Adult) / HK$198 (Child) Sat: HK$368 (Adult) / HK$248 (Child) Sun: HK$438* (Adult) / HK$288 (Child) *with free-flowing sparkling wine All prices are subject to a 10% service charge.Celebrate the wondrous Thai New Year festival at Yamm with a show-stopping Songkran Spread by 2 accomplished female Chefs: Yamm’s Thai Sous Chef Danita Srisuwan who previously cooked side by side Masterchef Nooror of the world-famous Blue Elephant at The Mira, and Celadon’s Chef de Cuisine Rin who brings artfully presented traditional Thai specials from Bangkok’s urban retreat, The Sukhothai.

Celadon’s Culinary Flair by Chef Rin (11 – 14 Apr):
Born and raised in Thailand, Chef Rin got the inspiration to cook from her grandmothers who are also Thai Chefs and Pâtissiers. She carefully observed how they prepared the food with recipes using secret techniques, allowing her to get in-depth knowledge of the culinary world of traditional Thai cuisine from early days.
Following over a decade of honing her skills at The Regent Bangkok, Chef Rin travelled the world to showcase authentic Thai flavours from Australia to Japan only to become Assistant Head Chef at the renowned Siam House Restaurant in UK and Millennium Hilton Bangkok before joining The Sukhothai Bangkok.
Adding a distinct personal touch to traditional recipes maintaining original Thai taste which may be hard to find even in Bangkok, Chef Rin helps Celadon set itself apart as the preferred Thai restaurant for local and foreign diners.