食客不可錯過甜品師精心製作的一系列朱古力特色甜品,包括芝麻朱古力沙架蛋糕、炸朱古力泡芙及綠茶朱古力拿破崙等,令甜蜜加倍。而賣相吸引的各式蛋糕亦將俘虜蛋糕迷的芳心。適逢花季,Haagen-Dazs 的薰衣草藍莓口味雪糕將繼續登場,必定讓食客心花怒放。
自助餐成人價錢:HK$498 自助餐兒童價錢:HK$448 自助餐長者價錢 (60歲或以上):HK$448 另加一服務費

Spring is approaching and Easter is just around the corner. Guests can celebrate the Easter weekend with Garden Café's Easter dinner buffet which features an array of seasonal international delights including Australia Wagyu Beef, Sashimi, Fresh Seafood and Japanese Teppanyaki prepared by our Executive Chef Eric Chan and his team. Guests can also indulge in festive chocolaty and floral desserts such as Sesame Sachertorte, Green Tea Chocolate Mille Feuille, Deep-fried Chocolate Puffs and Häagen Dazs Lavender & Blueberry ice cream.
The Easter dinner buffet is available from 30 March to 2 April 2018.
Adult buffet: HK$498 Child buffet: HK$448 Senior buffet (60+): HK$448 10% service charge applies