Café Express: 2018年3月30日至4月2日復活節期間,咖啡亭推出充滿節日氣氛的「繽Fun復活節自助餐」,讓一家大細盡情投入親子歡聚的假期。大廚精心設計一系列冷盤熱葷和精緻甜點,當中包括肉桂胡蘿蔔湯、炸牛肉球釀鵪鶉蛋、香烤蜜糖大蝦配胡蘿蔔、抹茶芝士蛋糕及免子杯子蛋糕等。下午茶自助餐期間更會舉行「朱古力夢工場」兒童工作坊,一同巧手製作獨一無二的朱古力產品!
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為迎接和暖的春季,AVA Restaurant Slash Bar推出全新 「春日花盛五道菜晚餐」,以味覺、視覺和嗅覺感受春天的來臨。菜單包括北海道帶子、綠蘆筍濃湯、菠菜芝士意大利雲吞、慢煮伊比利亞黑毛豬腩及焦糖香梨撻,讓賓客嚐到新鮮春日滋味。
Menu: 香脆蟹餅配芒果莎莎醬 *** 綠蘆筍湯配Crostino山羊芝士脆麵包 *** 烤澳洲羊肋排配意大利芝士茄子麵卷 OR 荷蘭多寶魚柳配菠菜意大利雲吞, 烤蕃茄醬 *** 榛子和咖啡雪糕冰蛋雪糕冰蛋,蛋白甜餅
HK$588+10% [caption id="attachment_7542" align="aligncenter" width="533"]

Celebrate Easter in gourmet style at Café Express with special festive dishes served from 30 March to 2 April 2018. Café Express presents you a variety of Easter dishes and desserts, including Cinnamon Carrot Soup, Deep Fried Beef Ball Stuffed Quail Egg, Honey Roasted Rainbow Carts with Shrimps, Green Tea Cheese Cake and Bunny Cupcakes. “Chocolate Factory Workshop" will also be held during tea time for kids to tailor made their own chocolate!
Lunch: Adult buffet: HK$368 / Child buffet: HK$298 / Senior buffet (65+): HK$298 Afternoon-tea: Adult buffet: HK$308 / Child buffet: HK$258 / Senior buffet (65+): HK$258 Dinner (6pm - 11pm): Adult buffet: Adult buffet: HK$708 / Child buffet: HK$548 / Senior buffet (65+): HK$548 Dinner (6pm - 8pm): Adult buffet: Adult buffet: HK$648 / Child buffet: HK$508 / Senior buffet (65+): HK$508 Dinner (8:30pm -11pm): Adult buffet: Adult buffet: HK$648 / Child buffet: HK$508 / Senior buffet (65+): HK$508 10% service charge applies
Create an “Egg-cellent” memories with your family from 30 March to 2 April 2018 at AVA Restaurant Slash Bar. Impress your sweeties with the iconic views of Victoria Harbour and the exquisite cuisines. The exclusive Easter 4-course Set Dinner is priced at HK$588+10% per person.
Menu: Crispy Crab Cake With Mango Salsa *** Green Asparagus Soup With Goat Cheese Crostino *** Roasted Australian Lamb Loin With Eggplant Ricotta Cannelloni, Chocolate & Coffee OR Dutch Turbot Fillet with Spinach Ravioli & Roasted Tomatoes sauce *** Hazelnut & Mocha Semifreddo, Meringue
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