除了將其著名的楓糖漿和象拔蚌出口至世界各地的華人社區,楓葉之國亦是蜚聲國際的農業大國,出產的食材不但是質素、新鮮和風味的指標,更是烹調佳餚的關鍵。「廚意」以「加拿大寰宇美食」為主題,供應午餐 (每位港幣238元,另加一服務費) 和晚餐 (每位港幣438元,另加一服務費),以及單點菜式,供應期至2018年2月28日。

天然魚鮮和各類海產採自不列顛哥倫比亞省和加拿大東岸附近的太平洋和大西洋水域。前菜包括加拿大楓糖漿煎扇貝、西班牙香腸及豆蓉配希臘橄欖醬,將加拿大兩種最受歡迎的出口食材 ── 扇貝和楓糖漿的風味盡情發揮。烤比目魚按照北國餐飲盛宴專家Michele Genest的食譜,在烘烤前以乾雲杉葉和杜松子擦醃。餐單上最矚目的海鮮美饌非烤游水龍蝦海鮮拼盤莫屬,除龍蝦外,還網羅牡丹蝦、新鮮蜆類和扇貝等,反映出「廚意」總廚尊重食材,並讓其盡展其精髓的烹飪哲學。

在「加拿大@登臺酒店 (Canada@Hotel Stage)」活動舉行期間,楊總廚亦不忘為素食者精心創製多款美饌,包括採用加拿大黃豆製成的豆腐、野菌、有機藜麥和野米,以及當季蔬菜,讓不吃肉類或海鮮的饕客食指大動。


加拿大駐港、澳總領事Jeff Nankivell表示:「我們非常高興加拿大的優質美味食材獲行政總廚楊國章青睞,成為『加拿大@登臺酒店』活動的主角。『廚意』寬敞開揚的空間,是呈獻新鮮加拿大美食的最佳舞台。」
Canada@Kitchen Savvy - A La Carte Menu Canada@Kitchen Savvy - Set Dinner Canada@Kitchen Savvy Lunch Menu Canada@Kitchen Savvy - Tea Set Menu

Kitchen Savvy at Hotel Stage is celebrating the new year with some of the world’s best-known dishes prepared with the finest ingredients from Canada. Chef Justin has taken his unmitigated obsession with freshness and quality of ingredients to new heights as he brings in naturally-reared and minimally processed pork and beef, seafood from pristine waters including live lobsters and clams, as well as maple syrup, organic grains and natural wines from Canada for an extravaganza of global dishes that have long been favourites of Hong Kong diners.
Beyond the renowned exports of maple syrup and supply of geoduck to Cantonese communities worldwide, The True North has a reputation as an agricultural super power, making it a compass for quality, freshness and flavour, critical to make any dish a success with the dining public. Kitchen Savvy will showcase Fresh from Canada: Global Flavours with a special Set Lunch ($238 plus 10% per person) or Set Dinner ($438 plus 10% per person) and à la carte options until 28 February 2018.
“Nothing makes our job as chefs more enjoyable and rewarding than cooking with the best and freshest ingredients, which lend themselves well in any regional or national dish,” said Chef Justin.
Roaming the open ranges of Alberta are healthy, well-exercised cattle and pigs that enable the Chef to prepare a Southeast Asian-styled Braised Rendang with boneless beef short rib that melts in the mouth, a Portuguese Pork Ragout with Sweet Peppers and Almonds, and a European Grilled Meat Combo with different cuts and small bites of meat for those who want a taste of more than one meat dish on the menu. Each table with at least one order of Alberta meat will receive a cowboy hat from the land of happy cows and pigs, first come, first served. Meat lovers should go sooner rather than later.
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From the Pacific and Atlantic waters off British Columbia and the East Coast come a natural bounty of fish and all manners of marine species. An appetizer of Canadian Maple-Seared Scallop, Warm Chorizo, Kalamata Olive Paste over Pea Puree, shines the light on diver’s scallops and maple syrup, two of Canada’s most sought-after exports. The Grilled Halibut receives a dry rub of spruce leaves and juniper berries before grilling, a recipe from Michele Genest, an expert on Boreal culinary feasts. The pièce-de-resistance seafood dish on the menu has to be the Grilled Live Lobster Seafood Platter that serves up spot prawn, live clam, as well as scallop, which reflects Chef Justin’s philosophy of respecting the ingredients and letting their essence shine through.
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Vegetarians are not forgotten either during Canada@Hotel Stage, as the Chef has concocted many delectable creations featuring bean curd from Canadian soy, wild morel, organic quinoa and wild rice, alongside seasonal vegetables, to entice diners who don’t eat meat or seafood.
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To pair with dishes from the exciting new menu Kitchen Savvy offers a list of select Canadian red, white and Icewines, and specialty drinks such as honey mulled wine, organic soy milk and honey lager. Canadian wine specialist, Ozen International, will be selling its entire range of Canadian fruit and table wines, as well as the beloved Icewine, exclusively at Kitchen Savvy, at special, promotion prices during Canada@Hotel Stage.
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“We are thrilled that high-quality and delicious Canadian ingredients have been given a starring role by Chef Justin for the Canada@Hotel Stage event. Kitchen Savvy’s bright and airy space is the perfect showcase for the fresh flavours of Canadian food,” said Jeff Nankivell, Consul General of Canada in Hong Kong and Macau.
Canada@Kitchen Savvy - A La Carte Menu Canada@Kitchen Savvy - Set Dinner Canada@Kitchen Savvy Lunch Menu Canada@Kitchen Savvy - Tea Set Menu