秋冬,正是品嚐「餐桌上之白鑽石」白松露的黃金期,由2017年10月21日至2018年1月10日,Cucina意籍總廚Andrea Delzanno精挑來自意大利北部皮埃蒙特(Piedmont) 的頂級白松露入饌,讓賓客細嘗6款白松露美饌及傳統皮埃蒙特佳餚。
Andrea推介包括日本九州炒蛋多士伴香煎帶子及白松露( (港幣408),以日本雞蛋炮製,熱騰騰的炒蛋配上鮮甜的北海道及濃濃的白松露香,菜式做法簡單,卻味道層次豐富,絕對不能錯過。
來自皮埃蒙特的Andrea擅長炮製意大利粉,手製意大利蛋麵伴巴馬芝士配白松露 (港幣498)更是他家鄉的傳統菜式之一。煙韌的手造意大利蛋麵夾雜著雞蛋、Parmigiano芝士、牛油及白松露的芳香,香氣四溢。Andrea謂:「這菜式簡單又美味,是最能夠突顯白松露芳香的傳統食法。」
意大利飯是另一與白松露非常匹配的食材,意大利飯伴巴馬及瑪斯卡布芝士、香濃雞汁及白松露 (港幣498) 意大利飯與兩款芝士融成一體,口感煙韌,加入雞汁更能提升白松露的香氣。
其他推介還有薄切牛仔片伴吞拿魚蛋黃醬汁、水瓜柳及鯷魚 (港幣288)、香煎魷魚及淡水小龍蝦串伴燈籠椒及香蒜鯷魚汁 (港幣308)及傳統意大利薄牛仔扒伴阿里斯白酒汁、薯蓉及白松露 (港幣588)。
The perfect season to experience the magic of precious white truffles is here. Don’t miss this once-a-year opportunity to savour six exquisite white truffle delicacies and classic Piedmontese dishes prepared by Cucina’s Italian Chef Andrea Delzanno from 21 October 2017 until 10 January 2018.
The unique aroma and taste of white truffles – dubbed the ‘White Diamond of the Dining Table’ – are cherished by gastronomes around the world during their short annual season. Chef Andrea recommends Taiyouran Scrambled Egg on Toasted Bread with Seared Hokkaido Scallops and White Truffle (HK$408), the home-style favourite from the Piedmont region has been enhanced with the addition of plump, juicy Hokkaido scallops and the Taiyouran egg.
The silky Handmade tagliolini with butter, Parmigiano cheese and shaved white truffle (HK$498) is Chef Andrea’s personal favourite and promises to take diners on a sensorial joy ride with its simple yet sublime flavour explosion.
Risotto is another great dish to showcase the unique white truffle. Risotto with Parmigiano Cheese, Mascarpone, Chicken Gravy and White Truffle ($498) is a rich and aromatic dish with a balance of bold, savoury flavours and indulgent textures making it irresistibly delicious.
Other superb Piedmontese dishes on Cucina’s special menu include: Thin Slice of Veal with Tuna Mayonnaise Sauce, Capers and Anchovy (HK$288); Cuttlefish and Scampi Skewer with Bell Peppers, Anchovy and Garlic Sauce (HK$308); and Piedmont Veal Scaloppine with Arneis Wine Sauce, Mashed Potato and White Truffle ($588).
Cucina’s Italian Piedmont White Truffles and Classic Flavours menu is available during lunch and dinner from now until 10 January 2018.