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${Intl.NumberFormat().format(points.value)} points
「蠔」情派對自助晚餐 週末推出「情迷芝士蛋糕」下午茶自助餐 / Oyster Party Dinner Buffet & 
Cheesecake Fantasy Weekend Afternoon Tea Buffet @ add@Prince - Prince Hotel

「蠔」情派對自助晚餐 週末推出「情迷芝士蛋糕」下午茶自助餐 / Oyster Party Dinner Buffet & 
Cheesecake Fantasy Weekend Afternoon Tea Buffet @ add@Prince - Prince Hotel


Read in English


新鮮的即開生蠔向來是自助餐最受歡迎的美食之一。來自澳洲、愛爾蘭及法國的3即開生蠔 款款肉質豐腴,每晚於海鮮桌上無限量供應,蘸上清新的檸檬汁和雞尾酒汁享用,更顯鮮甜細膩。來自泰國、印度及香港的大廚團隊亦炮製選擇豐富的鮮蠔熱葷,包括每晚輪流供應的泰式鮮蠔奄列香蒜炸生蠔 薑蔥炒蠔 等。泰籍大廚特別推介泰國名物之一的泰式鮮蠔奄列 ,香脆的蠔餅配上啖啖肥美鮮蠔,份外可口美味。大廚又會親自將新鮮熱辣的即製天多利鮮蠔薄餅 送到每位食客檯上,充滿印式風味。

另一推介西式焗蠔同樣令人唾涎,每晚同時供應菠菜煙肉焗蠔芝士焗蠔 煙肉焗蠔。熟蠔加入不同配料烹調,別有一番風味。其他熱葷包括鮮蠔海鮮意大利粉鮮蠔周打湯 酥炸鮮蠔芝士薯蓉。此外,中菜大廚精心巧製各式惹味鮮蠔美食,包括鮑魚蠔豉燴時菜 蠔豉花生炆豬手,讓一眾嗜蠔的賓客大快朵頤。

週末及公眾假期期間,芝士愛好者別錯過add@Prince的「情迷芝士蛋糕」下午茶自助餐,12款芝士蛋糕一次過呈獻在自助餐桌上,包括杏仁朱古力芝士餅泡沫咖啡芝士餅合桃芝士餅香蕉芝士餅雲石芝士餅酸忌廉芝士餅意大利芝士餅芒果熱情果芝士餅脆朱古力曲奇芝士餅、一口流心芝士撻、鬆軟的日本芝士餅 及太子酒店的招牌藍莓芝士餅。傳統加創意之作,共冶一爐,令賓客大飽口福。


add@Prince Prince Hotel 太子酒店 - OKiBook Hong Kong - Restaurants, Buffet, Booking, Reviews Deals, Discounts, Dining Promotions 香港,餐廳及預訂,自助餐, 評價,折扣,優惠, 餐飲促銷

Oyster season has arrived! From 3 October to 30 November 2017, add@Prince presents an Oyster Party Dinner Buffet to satisfy cravings for oyster indulgence. A lavish selection of freshly shucked oysters from three countries, plus an array of delicious oyster dishes from East and West will be served nightly. Also, during weekends and public holidays in October and November, 12 delightfully rich and creamy cheesecakes will tempt diners on the Weekend Afternoon Tea Buffet.

Freshly shucked oysters at the seafood counter are an all-time favourite. Three kinds of jet-fresh oysters including Coffin Bay Oysters, Irish Oysters and Fine De Claire Oysters are available with classic garnishes of fresh lemon and cocktail sauce. The oyster feast continues with a selection of mouthwatering hot dishes. Oyster Tandoori Pizza will be passed around to each table while Oyster Omelette in Thai Style, Deep-fried Oyster with Garlic and Chili and Stir-fried Oyster with Ginger and Spring Onion are served on rotation basis at the buffet counter. Our resident Thai chef is cooking up Oyster Omelette in Thai Style, a crispy, spicy and briny omelette packed with plump oysters that is beloved as a local comfort food in Thailand.

Another highlight is the baked oyster station. Classic Oyster Rockefeller, Oyster Mornay and Oyster Kilpatrick are all served on their glistening shells. Other savouries include Oyster and Seafood Pasta, Oyster Chowder, Oyster Croquette with Cheese. A series of delicious Chinese style oyster dishes, such as Braised Seasonal Vegetables with Dried Oyster and Abalone, and Braised Pork Knuckle with Peanut and Dried Oyster will be prepared by the Chinese culinary team.

During weekends and public holidays, indulge your sweet tooth with an extensive selection of luscious homemade cheesecakes during the Afternoon Tea Buffet. Twelve exquisite cheesecake creations include Almond Praline Cheesecake, Cappuccino Cheesecake, Pecan Cheesecake, Banana Cheesecake, Marble Cheesecake, Sour Cream Cheesecake, Tiramisu Cheesecake, Mango & Passion Fruit Cheesecake, Oreo Cheesecake, bitesize Cheesecake Brulee Tart, fluffy Japanese Cheesecake plus the not-to-be-missed signature Blueberry Cheesecake.

OKiBook Hong Kong - Restaurant & Buffet Booking Reviews Discounts Promotions - OKiBook香港,餐廳及自助餐預訂, 評價,折扣,優惠
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