由台灣當紅美妝大師張景凱(小凱老師)創辦的 KAI DELUXE 深受專業化妝師、明星藝人、愛美的時尚女生所追捧,憑著嚴謹的物料選用及精心製造,並將小凱老師所追求的完美感注入,令每一位擁有 KAI DELUXE 產品的人士都可以擁有最理想的妝容,散發出最動人的美貌和氣息。
Hotel Stage 以 KAI DELUXE 的黑白色主調設計及重點妝品「玫瑰光潤爆水粉餅」的「玫瑰水」、「水漾」和「紫炫」三種元素,精心創作出多款主題甜點,加上 Kitchen Savvy 招牌作港式奶茶鬆餅,成就了一份色彩繽紛、有12 款鹹甜美點的下午茶套餐。
每位下午茶套餐奉送 Kai Deluxe 美妝禮品一份 (總值超過HKD400)
HKD288 + 10% 每位收費 17.09 - 30.11
3:00pm to 6:00pm小凱老師美妝分享會HKD388 + 10% 每位收費 - 11.11 & 12.11

Having spent years as a professional make-up artist for some of the biggest brandnames and celebrities, famed make-up artist Kai Chang (aka Xiao Kai) started his own brand with a strong belief that beauty is in the details. Through Kai Deluxe, he aims to transform every aspect of life with the ultimate aesthetics concept.
In collaboration with Xiao Kai, Hotel Stage has created an exquisite afternoon tea set that playfully riff off KAI DELUXE’s colour palette with black and white and lavender shades. Served together is a refreshing butterfly pea flower tea (which miraculously changes colour from blue to purple).
Each set comes with a complimentary Kai Deluxe Perfect Eyebrow Duo gift pack (valued at over HKD400)
HKD288 + 10% per person - 17.09 - 30.11
Meet-the-Artist: HKD388 + 10% per person - 11.11 & 12.11
3:00pm to 6:00pm