適值大閘蟹當造季節,城中著名中菜食府富豪香港酒店富豪金殿首度邀請有「酒祖宗、蟹大王」美譽的上海王寶和大酒店主廚及其團隊,於2017年10 月 9日晚至10 月15日期間到訪富豪香港酒店,親自主理備受業界及一眾老饕趨之若鶩的百年歷史華麗蟹宴。
來自上海的「王寶和」創建於 1744 年,以釀製黃酒起家,後來逐步發展成為集餐飲、酒店等多元化的品牌。多年來獲獎無數,包括於2009 年獲評「上海十大最具影響力老商標」、2011年榮獲「上海餐飲名店」、2012-2017年被評為「上海市著名商標」、2013年酒店行政總廚及蟹宴第三代傳人王浩先生獲頒「中國名廚白金獎」、2013年榮獲「中國十大名宴」等殊榮。
上海王寶和推介菜式) |
售價 |
熟醉蟹 |
$138 / 隻 |
蟹肉松茸盅 |
$168 / 位 |
菊花對蟹形 |
$488 |
蟹粉明蝦球 |
$338 |
蟹粉嫩豆腐 |
$298 |
蟹粉獅子頭 |
$68 / 隻 |
蟹腿炒蘆筍 |
$298 |
蟹粉炒飯 |
$198 |
蟹粉小籠包 |
$128 / 6隻 |
蟹形酥 |
$38 / 隻 |
蟹殼黃 |
$28 / 隻 |
薑汁湯圓 (黑洋酥餡) |
$38 |
大閘蟹 |
時價 |
是次推廣菜譜更設有6人套餐 及12人套餐,並配上年華煉成的著名花雕「咸亨雕皇」,酒精含量約15度,入口醇厚,口感豐盈,呷每一口均散發江南米香,與大閘蟹同嘗可謂完美相輝映,帶來無暇的蟹宴。
王寶和精選頭盤 (熟醉蟹、燻魚、水晶羊肉、桂花鹽水鴨)
薑汁湯圓 (黑洋酥餡)
每位 $738
王寶和精選頭盤 (熟醉蟹、燻魚、水晶羊肉、桂花鹽水鴨)
薑汁湯圓 (黑洋酥餡)
每位 $888
多款滋味蟹饌佳餚加上頂級美酒供應期有限,機會難逢,萬勿錯過 。

Wang Bao He Restaurant in Shanghai, “Ancestor Wine and King of Crabs”, is renowned for its authentic Shanghainese crab cuisine. Regal Hongkong Hotel is honored to invite the Chef team of Wang Bao He Restaurant to demonstrate the crab masterpiece at Regal Palace from the evening on 9 October to 15 October 2017. Don’t miss the opportunity to experience fine Hairy Crab delicacies.
Wang Bao He was first opened in 1744 producing Chinese yellow wines. With its great success and recognition in the wine production, the brand was further expended to dining and hotel industries and has gained many great awards. To name a few, they are “Top 10 Influential Time-honored Trademarks of Shanghai” in 2009. “Famous Restaurant of Shanghai” in 2011, “Shanghai Famous Trademark” in 2012 to 2017, “Plantium Award for China’s Outstanding Cooks (Wang Hao - Executive Chef of Central Hotel Shanghai)” in 2013. “Top Ten Chinese Feasts” in 2013.
Regal Hongkong Hotel and Wang Bao He will join hands to present over 10 authentic crab dishes to whet your appetite. Some of the highly recommended dishes are Fried Hairy Crab with Spring Onion and Hua Diao Wine Presented with Chrysantemum, Braised Prawn with Hairy Crab Roe and Spinach, Xiao Long Bao with Hairy Crab Roe, etc.
Wang Bao He Recommended Delicacies Price Marinated Hairy Crab in Yellow Wine $138 / each Braised Matsutake Soup with Crab Meat $168 / per person Meat Ball with Crab Meat in Soup $68 / each Sauteed Asparagus with Crabmeat $298 Fried Rice with Crab Roe $198 Steamed Xiao Long Bao with Hairy Crab Roe $128 / 6 pcs Baked Crabmeat Bun with Minced Pork and Sesame $28 / each Crabmeat, Shrimp and Asparagus Stuffed in Puff Pastry $38 / each Sweetened Dumping with Ginger Soup $38 Steamed Hairy Crab Seasonal price The promotion also features two set menus for six persons and twelve persons to enjoy. Wine and dine is always the best match. The restaurant has specially selected Chinese yellow wine “Hua Diao” from Xian Heng. Every zip of Xian Heng Hua Diao is refined by the essence of ages which reflects the genuine taste of Jiangnan. The easy-to-drink style best thrives with the freshness of hairy crabs that make them the best partner to perfect guests enjoyment. Wang Bao He Set Menu for Six Wang Bao He Deluxe Appetizer Marinated Hairy Crab in Yellow Wine, Smoked Fish in Sweet Soy Sauce, Lamb Jelly Shanghainese Style and Marinated Duck Scented with Osmanthus Flavour Braised Matsutake Soup with Crab Meat Fried Hairy Crab with Spring Onion and Hua Diao Wine presented with Chrysanthemum Marinated Beef Braised Beef Sirloin with Black Vinegar Braised Bean Curd with Crab Roe Sauteed Asparagus with Crabmeat Steamed Xiao Long Bao with Hairy Crab Roe Baked Crabmeat Bun with Minced Pork and Sesame Sweetened Dumping with Ginger Soup $738 / per person Wang Bao He Set Menu for Twelve Wang Bao He Deluxe Appetizer Marinated Hairy Crab in Yellow Wine, Smoked Fish in Sweet Soy Sauce, Lamb Jelly Shanghainese Style and Marinated Duck Scented with Osmanthus Flavour Bean curd Soup with Crabmeat Fried Hairy Crab with Spring Onion and Hua Diao Wine presented with Chrysanthemum Braised Prawn with Hairy Crab Roe and Spinach Sauteed Sliced Grouper with Egg White and Minced Ham Meat Ball with Crab Meat in Soup Steamed Xiao Long Bao with Hairy Crab Roe Fried Rice with Crab Roe Sweetened Dumping with Ginger Soup $888 / per person Selected Hua Diao Price Xian Xeng Hua Diao, 10 years $188 / pot Xian Xeng Hua Diao, 12 years $238 / pot Xian Xeng Hua Diao, 20 years $288 / pot Xian Xeng Hua Diao, 25 years $398 / pot *All prices are subject to 10% service charge |