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Michelin-starred Chef Fabrizio Tesse Showcases a Celebration of Italian Cuisine and Wines @ Cucina - Marco Polo Hong Kong Hotel

Michelin-starred Chef Fabrizio Tesse Showcases a Celebration of Italian Cuisine and Wines @ Cucina - Marco Polo Hong Kong Hotel


Read in English

來自意大利的米芝蓮一星名廚 Fabrizio Tesse 將由 2017 年 9 月 20 日至 24 日於 Cucina 作客席廚師,與 Cucina 意籍總廚 Andrea Delzanno 攜手合作,為賓客帶來意大利北 部至南部的傳統佳餚。

出生於意大利米蘭的 Fabrizio 畢業於 Arona Lake Maggiore 酒店及餐飲學校。畢業後隨即於米芝蓮 餐廳 Taverna del Pittore 工作,為他的烹飪技巧打下穩固基礎。及後他加入了 Caffé Groppi,在吸 取豐富經驗的同時,亦成為了他廚師生涯的轉捩點。於 Novara 的 Hotel La Bussola 工作了一段短 時間後,他再次回到了 Caffé Groppi 與意廚 Fabio Barbaglini 攜手為餐廳摘下米芝蓮一星榮譽。 Fabrizio 更曾得到多位星級名廚的指導及啟發,當中包括米芝蓮 2 星餐廳 Villa Crespi 的名廚 Antonino Cannavacciuolo,Antonino 更形容 Fabrizio 是「天生的廚師」。2012 年 Fabrizio 創立了 Locanda di Orta 餐廳,並於 2015 年榮獲米芝蓮一星殊榮。

只限於 2017 年 9 月 22 日晚供應的 5 道菜餐酒配對盛宴呈獻兩位大廚 Fabrizio 及 Andrea 精心設計 的意式美饌,每道菜皆配上來自意大利皮埃蒙特 Vietti 酒莊的精選葡萄酒,包括 Barbera 、Barolo 及 Barbaresco。屆時, Vietti 酒莊的葡萄酒釀製大師 Francesco Cordero 先生將親臨晚宴,與賓客 一同品嚐及分享他釀酒的心得。5 道菜餐酒配對盛宴,前菜有矜貴的淡水小龍蝦伴牛肝菌及鵝肝,為 晚宴揭開完美序幕。接著出場的是那不勒斯的傳統菜式意大利短通粉伴八爪魚及海草,鮮甜的八爪 魚以大蒜、番茄、紅酒及黑胡椒燴製而成,Fabrizio 更加入了海草,為菜式增添鮮味。短通粉每一口 都充滿鮮甜味道,滿口盡是芳香精華,是舌尖的最佳享受。主菜分別有忌廉意大利飯伴藏紅花、牛 骨髓汁及咖啡泡沫 及鹽焗西冷牛扒伴乾蔥蓉及蜜糖辣椒汁,Fabrizio 稱以鹽焗方式烹調牛扒可保持 肉質多汁及嫩滑,醬汁以牛骨、蜜糖及辣椒汁炮製,味道豐富濃郁,別具滋味。完美的晚餐當然少 不了甜品, Fabrizio 為賓客帶來菠蘿奶油脆卷伴白朱古力、香蕉慕絲及熱情果,為這頓意國晚餐劃 上完美句號。這場非凡的意大利餐饗體驗價格為每位港幣 1,188。

Fabrizio 更於推廣期間為 Cucina 帶來一個共 4 道菜式的晚市套餐,每位港幣 988,客人可選擇配以 3 款意大利皮埃蒙特 Vietti 的美酒,每位港幣 1,388。賓客亦可於 Cucina 的半自助午餐及單點菜譜品 嚐 Fabrizio 的菜式。推介菜式包括生西西里紅蝦薄片伴魚子醬及熱情果;海鱸魚扒伴蘑菇、栗子、 南瓜及薑蓉,以地中海鱸魚及意大利北部的特色食材包括蘑菇及栗子入饌,配搭薑蓉進食,份外清 新;甜品推介包括榛子果仁糖伴朱古力及開心果海棉蛋糕配紅莓 及 Fabrizio 設計的意式提拉米蘇 3.0 ,以意大利馬斯卡邦芝士(Mascarpone Cheese)、手指餅乾、可可粉及凍咖啡炮製,同樣令人回 味不已。

要一嚐 Fabrizio Tesse 的精緻菜式,請於 2017 年 9 月 20 日至 24 日蒞臨 Cucina。米芝蓮星級餐廳 名廚、上等的佳餚、加上 Cucina 醉人的環境,定能為你留下難忘回憶。

Cucina Marco Polo Hong Kong Hotel 馬哥孛羅香港酒店 - OKiBook Hong Kong - Restaurants, Buffet, Booking, Reviews Deals, Discounts, Dining Promotions 香港,餐廳及預訂,自助餐, 評價,折扣,優惠, 餐飲促銷
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From 20 to 24 September 2017, signature Italian restaurant Cucina at Marco Polo Hongkong Hotel welcomes Michelin-starred Chef Fabrizio Tesse from Italy as Guest Chef. Chef Fabrizio will present a selection of authentic favourites from Italy’s north to south alongside Cucina’s Italian Chef de Cuisine Andrea Delzanno, with the stunning Victoria Harbour as a backdrop.

Born in Milan, Fabrizio Tesse graduated from the hotel and catering school of Arona on Lake Maggiore. The first Michelin-starred restaurant he worked for was Taverna del Pittore in Arona. He then worked at Caffé Groppi, which was soon to mark a turning point in his chef career. After a short period as Chef at Hotel La Bussola in Novara, he returned to Caffé Groppi together with Chef Fabio Barbaglini, and the pair conquered their first Michelin-star. Chef Fabrizio was the ‘right- hand man’ of his mentor, the renowned Michelin two-star Chef Antonino Cannavacciuolo in Villa Crespi, where Chef Antonino described him as “a thoroughbred, born to cook”. In 2012, Chef Fabrizio opened Locanda di Orta, which achieved one Michelin-star status in 2015.

For one night only on Friday, 22 September 2017, Chef Fabrizio and Chef Andrea will present a 5- course Wine Pairing menu priced at HK$1,188 per person. Each course of the gala dinner will showcase Chef Fabrizio’s signature dishes paired with five classic Piedmont wines introduced by renowned Italian winemaker, Mr. Francesco Cordero. A few of the wines selected by Mr. Cordero, including Barbera, Barolo and Barbaresco from Piedmont, will be featured throughout the wine and culinary promotion. Highlights of the Wine Dinner menu include a starter of Scampi with Porcini Mushrooms and Foie Gras followed by “Maccheroncini Rigati” Pasta with Luciana’s Style Octopus and Seaweed, a traditional dish from Napoli featuring fresh octopus stewed in a casserole with garlic, tomato, red wine and black pepper. Chef Fabrizio adds seaweed to the rich casserole to enhance the sea flavour. Deliciously creative main courses include Carnaroli Rice Cream with Saffron, Beef Marrow Sauce and Coffee Powder and Beef Sirloin Baked in Salt, Shallot Confit, Honey Sauce and Chili Pepper. The prime sirloin is baked in salt to keep the meat juicy and tender while the gravy is made with beef bones, honey and chilli for a complex sweet and spicy flavour. To complete the meal on a sweet note, Chef Fabrizio offers a decadent dessert of Pineapple Cannoli with White Chocolate, Banana Mousse and Passion Fruit. Throughout the promotional period, a 4-course dinner menu is available at HK$988 per person or HK$1,388 per person with three glasses of specially paired wines. Chef Fabrizio’s dishes can also be savoured from the Semi-buffet Lunch menu and the a la carte menu during lunch and dinner periods. A not-to-be-missed dish on Chef Fabrizio’s special a la carte menu is the Sicilian Shrimp Carpaccio with Caviar and Passion Fruit, Sea Bass Steak with Mushrooms, Chestnuts,

Pumpkin and Ginger Compote, which combines the freshness of the Mediterranean with mushrooms, chestnuts and other seasonal delicacies from northern Italy. The ginger compote complements the dish with a vibrant zing. Finally, be sure to try Chocolate, Hazelnut Praline, Pistachio Sponge Cake with Red Berries and Chef Fabrizio’s version of the Italian classic Tiramisu 3.0, crafted with mascarpone cream, ladyfinger biscuits, cocoa powder and iced coffee.

Savour the limited-time menu by Michelin Chef Fabrizio from 20 to 24 September at Cucina. The one-night-only Gala Dinner will be showcased on 22 September.

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