特大尺寸的葡萄酒瓶不時都會在餐廳裏出現,讓人不禁猜想那到底是真酒,抑或只作觀賞。Grissini即將推出超凡奢華的品酒主題晚宴 - 「DEGUSTANDO ALLA GRANDE」,讓賓客享受各款由主廚Alessandro特別精心設計的時令菜式,細品特大瓶葡萄酒的精緻韻味。僅限時供應一個月的獨特美酒配佳餚,必定能為晚宴點綴上別具新意的回憶。
除了大小,大瓶裝和普通裝葡萄酒在味道上亦有分別。有研究指出,由於以大瓶盛載的葡萄酒需要較多時間陳放讓其熟成,因此味道會較標準裝豐富出眾。主廚Alessandro與酒店侍酒師Julien Peros攜手締造出全新的用餐體驗,務求讓客人品嚐到傳統意大利美食之餘,亦可遊走於意大利佳釀產區——由佛里烏利至皮埃蒙特、托斯卡納及威尼托的品酒旅程。我們採用了特別的倒酒架Vcanter,為賓客的品酒體驗增添驚喜。
經典傳統的前菜。自家製的麵包與橄欖油,加上以露西安娜醬汁烹調的八爪魚。充滿嚼勁的質感適合配以較為輕盈的白酒來中和香濃味道,比如這支Ronco del Gelso, “Toc Bas”, DOC Friuli Isonzo White 2015 – Magnum —— 產自佛里烏利區的經典作品弗里那諾。酒味清爽,酸甜適中,淡淡果香亦不會蓋過八爪魚的鮮味。
這道時令菜式取材新鮮又合時宜的野生牛肝菌。牛肝菌有著獨特的刺烈木香,而牛仔舌的肉味醇厚,加上黑香豆出眾的果香和辣味,結合成精細複雜的美味菜式。配合蘊含泥土芳香的 Cantina del Pino, DOCG Barbaresco Red 2008 – Magnum,陳年內比奧羅葡萄帶出一絲焦香與玫瑰味道,突出的酸度及乾澀的丹寧成分亦完美襯托了主菜的精細的口味。
主廚 Alessandro的招牌麵食菜式,採用聖馬爾扎諾奧蕃茄、卡秋塔牛奶芝士與辣椒烹調而成。聖馬爾扎諾奧蕃茄濃郁的甜味通常不易配酒,但搭配Montevertine, IGT Toscana Red 2009 – Jeroboam則能夠以其酸度來平衡菜式中的蕃茄香甜。
半焦香的牛柳佐以紅菜頭汁及西芹忌廉,搭配Allegrini, DOCG Amarone della Valpolicella Classico Red 2011 – Jeroboam。阿瑪羅尼屬於味道濃厚、丹寧較高的乾身紅酒。乾身的特質與牛柳的軟嫩肉質口感配合得天衣無縫,而甜度亦與紅菜頭呼應得恰到好處。
讓80%黑朱古力慕絲配上桑莓和黑莓來為整晚的「特大號旅程」畫上完美句號。要為黑朱古力選上合適的酒作搭配極具挑戰性,因為兩者有不少相似之處,比如相近單寧的含量。若搭配不當,便會令味道有所衝突。因此,Julien選上Masi, “Angelorum”, DOCG Recioto della Valpolicella Classico 2012,讓其圓滑口感及適當的甜酸度彌補黑朱古力的酸澀並突出細緻的甜味。
晚餐 – 晚上6時30分至10時
五道菜套餐 – HK$980
五道菜套餐(包含四款酒類) – HK$1,480
五道菜套餐(包含四款酒類及甜品酒) – HK$1,580
We often notice oversized wine bottles in different restaurants and bars, especially on the wine shelf, and often wonder if they are for display purposes or for sale. Exclusively for one month only, Grissini will be presenting an extraordinary wine pairing menu for diner’s to experience the true flavour of ‘Grande’ wines, along with the seasonal Italian dishes crafted by Chef Alessandro.
People may start to wonder about the difference between big and small wines. Research has claimed that drinking from large formats produces a better taste, as longer ageing and maturation processes are required. Hence the wine is generally better, as it develops greater nuances and more complex flavours than standard bottles of wine.
Chef Alessandro and hotel sommelier Julien Peros have joined forces to create a brand new dining experience for guests, where diners can savour authentic cuisine while enjoying a journey to Italian wine regions, from Friuli to Piedmont, Tuscany to Veneto. The wines will be served with the spectacular Vcanter.
The exquisite Degustando Alla Grande five-course menu will include:
Bocconcino All’ Olio Di Oliva, Polipo, Salsa Alla Luciana
This is a traditional appetizer served with homemade olive oil bocconcino with octopus in Luciana sauce. Since the texture of the octopus is chewy, it complements the light white wine, balancing the intense aroma. Hence, Ronco del Gelso, “Toc Bas”, DOC Friuli Isonzo White 2015 - Magnum will be served, as Friulano is the most typical and famous white wine in Friuli and these wines are usually lively and fruit-driven which does not mask the flavour of the octopus.
La Zuppetta Di Porcini, Lingua Di Vitello, Tortellini Alla Fava Di Tonka
This is a seasonal dish as fresh wild Porcini mushrooms are harvested in early September. With a pungent and woodsy flavour from the Porcini mushrooms, a rich and deep flavour from the veal tongue cube and a distinctive fruity and spicy flavour from the Tonka beans, the complexity of the dish will go well with an earthily flavoured wine – Cantina del Pino, DOCG Barbaresco Red 2008 – Magnum as aged Nebbiolo carries scents of tar and roses and has a great amount of acidity and mouth-drying tannins to pair perfectly with the food.
I Maccheroni Gerardo Di Nola, O’ Scarpariello
This is a signature pasta dish of Chef Alessandro, which includes San Marzano tomato, caciotta cheese and chilli pepper. Generally, tomatoes influence a wine pairing because of their acidity. Hence, Montevertine, IGT Toscana Red 2009 – Jeroboam has been selected as it contains plenty of acidity beneath to balance the tomato flavour of the dish.
IL Tenero Di Manzo, Rapa Rossa, Mosto Cotto
The seared beef tenderloin is served with beetroot and celeriac cream, where the idea is to match the protein of the beef with the tannins and richness coming from the wine – Allegrini, DOCG Amarone della Valpolicella Classico Red 2011 – Jeroboam. Amarone is an intensely flavoured dry red wine that presents a strong tannic structure. The dry texture of the wine complements the beef tenderloin well and the sweetness of the grapes go well with the beetroot in the dish.
Cioccolato 80%, Lamponi, Mirtilli
To end the ‘Grande’ journey on a sweet note, 80% dark chocolate mousse with raspberries and blackberries will be prepared. It is somewhat challenging to pair wine with chocolate as chocolate and wine have a lot of similarities, such as the level of tannins. If they are not paired well, they will end up clashing against each other on the tongue. Hence, Julien has carefully selected Masi, “Angelorum”, DOCG Recioto della Valpolicella Classico 2012, which is a red dessert wine that offers a smooth and refined texture, with a wonderful balance of alcohol, sugar and structure.
From 4 September – 31 October, the five-course wine pairing menu will be available daily from 6:30 PM – 10:00 PM.
Five-course menu – HK$980
Five-course menu (including four wines) – HK$1,480
Five-course menu (including four wines plus dessert wine) – HK$1,580
All prices are subject to a 10% service charge.