透過「搖出不凡芳香」(Shake Up the Unusual) 雞尾酒體驗,你可 於萬麗酒店探索每個城市獨特的一面,打造出乎意料的驚喜。萬麗酒店推出 12 款啟發自不同 城市的雞尾酒,每款均可於全球萬麗酒店享用。除了可於香港萬麗海景酒店 Mirage Bar & Restaurant 品嚐這 12 款雞尾酒外,我們更將於 9 月及 10 月呈獻全新雞尾酒配對晚餐,三道 菜配對三款雞尾酒,為客人帶來非凡的雞尾酒配對晚餐旅程。
人生仿似一杯意想不到的雞尾酒,你永遠不會知道箇中的味道。來一起探索每個城市,透過細 味雞尾酒讓味蕾深深發現每種獨特的香料及芬香氣味! 12 杯雞尾酒分別啟發自香港、上海、吉 隆坡、孟買、沖繩、布吉、峇里島、新山、成都、西貢、鳴門市及北京 12 個城市,其中海港 風情更是代表香港的主題雞尾酒。它是啟發於紅色出租車沿繚繞的山路迎風而上,遠處維多利 亞港燈光閃爍,山頂的樹林散發香草糖漿的清甜,檸檬、覆盆子鮮潤清新,一如既往使人神清 氣爽。
我們的總廚 Owen Panzica、糕餅部總廚霍耀文師傅及新酒吧領班 Rashid Joshi 將選用時令 海鮮炮製美味可口的佳餚和令人垂涎的甜點配上代表不同城市的主題雞尾酒。
Rashid 擁有超過 5 年的調酒經驗,是一位充滿活力的專業調酒師,曾於香港高級雅緻及時尚 酒吧工作。他深信憑藉他在國際大都會工作的背景及對雞尾酒文化的熱愛,提高了他在調酒界 的技術水平。他於 2016/2017 年度榮獲 Drinks World 前 25 名香港調酒師的美譽,並在 2016
年的 Giffard 雞尾酒比賽上排名前 4 位。食客可於 Mirage Bar & Restaurant 與他一起 展開 美妙的雞尾酒配對晚餐旅程!
9 月雞尾酒配對晚餐歷奇之旅 於 9 月份掀起舌尖上的餐飲及雞尾酒配對體驗,品嚐著名的刺身日本油金魚配氈酒西瓜作開胃 前菜配代表沖繩島的搖擺木馬。這款雞尾酒由荔枝,熱情果及椰子混合而成,果味濃郁芳香, 為清爽的前菜帶來絕妙的口感。隨後端上的主菜是鮮嫰多汁的 USDA 美國肉眼扒配厚切薯條及 穀物芥末蛋黃醬配以上海绅士,當中的干邑白蘭地與牛扒的味道絕對是完美配搭。最後奉上芒 果布丁甜品,此時與吉隆坡班蘭芳香的清香搭配營造出感官上的完美句號!
10 月非凡雞尾酒配對晚餐旅程 10 月將會為與別不同的雞尾酒配對晚餐帶來第二浪的興奮體驗!您可以由前菜北海道帶子他他 開始,再呷一口代表布吉而具熱帶風味的甘蔗邂逅,為帶子畫上更多的鮮甜味。主菜加利西亞 八爪魚配豬腩肉帶給您豐富和滿口肉汁之感,當您細呷鳴門市的海之古典酒時,一絲黑麥威士 忌和清酒的味道激發你味蕾上的另類體驗。Mirage 提拉米蘇一定是你不能錯過的甜品,當您 享受北京胡同風韻的雞尾酒時,黑朗姆酒及香料會給您帶來令人震撼的剌激感。
2017 年 9 月 1 日至 10 月 31 日晚上 6 時至 10 時 30 分期間供應,定價每人 港幣 398 元。另外,以 12 個城市為主題的萬麗酒店雞尾酒每日於 Mirage 供應,價格為港幣 110 元起。

At Renaissance Hotels, discovering a city is all about shaking up the unusual. Begin your journey with Renaissance quintessential cocktail experience. 12 city-themed cocktails are specially created and served at all Renaissance Hotels around the world. To elevate your taste journey, Mirage Bar & Restaurant at Renaissance Harbour View Hotel Hong Kong presents two new cocktail pairing dinner menus respectively in September and October to indulge our guests in an intriguing cocktail pairing adventure. The three-course menu will be paired with three cocktails.
Life is a cocktail of unexpected flavors. Let the city unfold around your taste buds as you sip on its spices and aromas. The 12 cocktails are inspired by 12 cities including Hong Kong, Shanghai, Kuala Lumpur, Mumbai, Okinawa, Phuket, Bali, Johor Bahru, Chengdu, Saigon, Naruto and Beijing. Harbour Ren, the Hong Kong themed cocktail, is inspired by a cherry red taxi following that winding, dizzying road up-up-up, to the one place in this town where the forest bows-down to the glowing Victoria Harbour below. From The Peak, tree roots rise up from the earth – grounding you like the essence of molasses and vanilla, while energizing you like fresh lime and raspberries always do.
The cocktail pairing dinner menu is thoughtfully curated by our Chef Owen Panzica, our pastry chef Roger Fok and the new bar team leader Rashid Joshi with a focus on the seasonal seafood delicacies and mouth-watering desserts paired with city- themed cocktails.
With over 5 years of bartendering experience, Rashid Joshi is an energetic and professional mixologist who worked at the top-notch lifestyle and chic bars in Hong Kong. He believes his cosmopolitan background and interests in cocktail culture and dedication has sharpened his skills in the art of cocktail gastronomy. He was also the top 25 Hong Kong bartenders of Drinks World 2016/2017 and ranked top 4 in Giffard
cocktail competition 2016. Discerning diners can take a whimsical cocktail and dining journey concocted by Rashid at Mirage Bar & Restaurant!
Embark on the Gastronomic Cocktail Pairing Adventure in September
Begin your cocktail pairing dinner journey in September with our signature crudo Japanese Kingfish with gin compressed watermelon and Yuzu that pairs with Rocking Horse from Okinawa. This fruity cocktail is mixed with lychee, passion fruit and coconut flavours, which is a perfect match for this refreshing appetizer. Followed by the juicy USDA Ribeye with hand cut fries and grain mustard Aioli, which complements well with Shanghai Gentleman from Shanghai, as Cognac is always a good pairing with steak. To round off your dinner, the creamy Mango Pudding and the aromatic Pandan from Kuala Lumpur are a wonderful finale for your sensual dining experience!
Elevate the Unusual Cocktail Pairing Journey in October
October is the time to elevate the cocktail pairing dinner journey with another wave of excitement! You can start with the pleasantly fresh Hokkaido Scallop Tartare with the tropical cocktail of Cane Crush from Phuket, which adds more sweetness to the scallops. Try our signature main course Galicaian Octopus & Pork Belly, bringing you rich and juicy flavours with a sip on Konbu Old Fashioned from Naruto that elevates the experience with a touch of Rye Whiskey and Sake. Don’t miss the enticing treat Mirage Tiramisu with Heart of Hutong from Beijing enriching the flavours with dark rum and spices.
The cocktail pairing dinner menus are available from 1 September to 31 October 2017 from 6 p.m. to 10:30 p.m. and priced at HK$398 per person. The 12 city-themed Renaissance cocktails are available daily and priced at HK$110 up each.