今個假期不單為盛夏而狂歡,也一同來為漢堡而興奮狂熱吧!由9月1日開始, 華岸酒吧扒房主廚設計了一系列八款漢堡,主打美式及亞洲風味,採用自家製的漢堡包以不同賣相及口味亮相。另可加配推介酒精飲品,與一群好友暢飲並分享無窮滋味便最合適不過!
- 和風吞拿魚扒漢堡 – 烤吞拿魚扒配煙肉、牛油果配芥末沙律醬
配搭推介啤酒︰Gweilo Pale Ale - 帶有柑橘香氣的本土手工啤酒
- 中式五花腩漢堡 – 中式的蒸包微煎過後、外邊有烘脆感,裡面是慢焗豬腩及蘋果
配搭推介啤酒︰Maisel Weisse Dark - 入口微苦但夾雜著別具一格果香的德國麥啤
- 泰式軟殼蟹漢堡 – 脆炸軟殼蟹、青瓜及泰式醬汁
配搭推介啤酒︰Sapporo Premium Beer - 最標誌性的日本啤酒品牌
- 手撕豬肉漢堡 – 手撕豬肩肉、自家製燒烤醬及薄荷蘋果沙律
配搭推介啤酒︰Somersby Apple Cider - 以發酵蘋果汁釀製的有汽酒
- 燒烤雞肉漢堡 – 滋味脆雞、燒菠蘿配墨西哥辣椒沙沙醬
配搭推介啤酒︰Menabrea 1846 Pale Lager - 花香及果香完美平衡的意大利啤酒
- 雙重芝士牛肉漢堡 – 牛肉漢堡、水牛芝士及車打芝士、配焦糖洋蔥
配搭推介啤酒︰Special London Ale – 發酵後再加入啤酒花保持啤酒新鮮香味的英國酒
- 安格斯牛肉漢堡 – 配以瑞士芝士、煙肉及磨菇
配搭推介啤酒︰Corona Extra – 這款墨西哥啤酒比一般傳統啤酒淡一些,卻有更清爽的口感
- 純素漢堡 – 香煎Beyond Meat、百分百植物製造,配蕃茄及芝士
配搭推介啤酒︰Leffe Blonde –入口甜膩滑順,帶花香和水果香氣的比利時啤酒

Nothing goes better with a burger and a beer. Here you can go on a burger spree with an extensive range of mouth-watering burger combinations paired with beers at The China Coast Bar + Grill. Our Chef has designed eight different burgers with homemade buns and the fillings in American and Asian flavours. Served along with the tempting fries, Combo set with recommended brews are also available to complete your gastronomic appetite! Promotion will start from 1 September until 31 October.
Some highlight burger choices start from HK$248 and combo sets from HK$298:
Asian Flavours:
- Tuna BLT Burger – Nicely grilled Tuna Steak in burger bun served with Bacon, Avocado and Wasabi Mayo
- Pair with Gweilo Pale Ale, local fine craft ale with citrusy aroma
- Pork Belly Burger – Slow Roasted Pork Belly in steamed Chinese bun served with Green Apple and Fennel
- Pair with Maisel Weisse Dark, aromas of spicy-malty character in harmony with a typical, slightly fruity wheat beer note.
- Soft Shell Crab Burger – The crispy Deep Fried Soft Shell Crab in burger bun with Thai Dressing
- Pair with Sapporo Premium Beer, the iconic Japanese lager with crisp flavour
American Style:
- Pulled Pork Burger – Pulled Pork Shoulder placed in burger bun with homemade Barbeque Sauce
- Pair with Somersby Apple Cider, made from fermented apple juice
- BBQ Chicken Burger – Deep Fried Chicken with Grilled Pineapple in burger bun in Jalapeno Salsa
- Pair with Menabrea 1846 Pale Lager, the Italian well-balanced brew with citrus, floral and fruity aroma
- Cheese Burger – Mozzarella & Cheddar Cheese stuffed in Beef Patty served with Caramelized Onion
- Pair with Special London Ale, a 100% malt brew from UK with Golding and Target hops added after fermentation which creates an exciting, fresh and hoppy bouquet.
- Prime Handmade Angus Beef – Choice of Monterey Swiss Cheese, Bacon, Mushrooms
- Pair with Corona Extra, a pale lager from Mexico, recognized for its refreshing taste, as well as its unique and iconic lime ritual
- Veggie Burger – Pan-fried Beyond Meat Beast Burger, Sliced Tomato and Cheese
- Pair with Leffe Blonde, a smooth Belgian Pale Ale style beer, well balanced with fruity warming flavours
Come with buddies to try out all the burgers to fulfill your burger craving desire.