投入中國古代神話嫦娥奔月以及深海迷幻奧秘,發掘怦然心動時刻。美麗華酒店系列 (隸屬美麗華集團) 的第一所精品酒店、以中秋節嫦娥奔月故事為設計主題的問月酒店,首度與以精湛工藝著稱的奢華西班牙首飾品牌ARTĒ Madrid合作,誠意推出「懾人魅力」下午茶,於8 月至9 月的每個星期五至星期日為你送上目不暇給的海底世界。
不論是化作優雅曼妙的月亮女神嫦娥,或是散發閃亮動人光芒的美人魚,請即盡情投入以ARTĒ「Ocean Miracle」系列為靈感的下午茶,探索湛藍海洋下變化萬千的神秘面貌。Ocean Miracle系列以深蔚藍色海洋下,存在關於神話、傳說中的生物與遠古寶藏的國度為靈感,讓你感受仿如第一次潛入水裡的海洋奇觀的難忘感覺 – 盡入眼簾的美麗魚類、令人目不暇給的海洋動物和植物。海洋神秘複雜,活力澎湃,既迷人又多變,有時令人透不過氣來,卻又戀戀不捨。
問月酒店Supergiant Tapas & Cocktail Bar陳家俊總廚受ARTĒ「Ocean Miracle」系列中蔚藍而變化多端的大海啟發,匠心創作多款賞心悅目、以藍色為主色調的甜點,包括海洋杯子蛋糕,香濃鬆軟朱古力蛋糕上滿佈柔滑細緻的忌廉芝士,以細碎的開心果粒、藍白珍珠及各種海洋動物朱古力裝飾加添深海魅力,造型小巧精緻的甘筍棒棒糖蛋糕同樣誘人,粉藍色朱古力下有清新怡人的甘筍及薑味蛋糕,配上朱古力、蕎麥及糖粒一同細味,玩味口感同樣滿分。
陳家俊總廚為了突顯出ARTĒ Madrid的發源地西班牙,亦同時設計了多款以西班牙食材為主的甜點,如西班牙吉拿棒,伴上辣椒朱古力醬一起食用,與別不同的微辣滋味於舌尖縈迴繚繞。廚師重新演繹傳統西班牙焦糖奶凍,加入香氣撲鼻的陳皮中和焦糖的甜味,甘香味道令味蕾為之一振。其他令人心花怒放的美食還有自家製英式鬆餅配奶油及獨創的紅椒粉香芒果醬、紅桑子朱古力冬甩及不可缺少的甜美馬卡龍。
「懾人魅力」下午茶的鹹點同樣富西班牙傳統美饌的特色,包括最甜蜜誘人的松露蜜糖煙燻三文魚多士,與乳酪一同享用立刻悸動你的細緻味蕾;每顆金黃香酥的脆炸火腿丸內充滿軟綿的伊比利亞黑毛豬風乾火腿餡料;蕃茄多士主要材料為細碎的新鮮蕃茄粒及特级初榨橄欖油,為饗客獻上難以忘懷的清新滋味;最後,總廚挑選西班牙北部的Piquillo 紅椒,炮製西班牙紅椒伴吞拿魚沙律,釀入鮮味滿載的吞拿魚沙律,傳統滋味叫人齒頰留香。
由8月12日至9月30日,「懾人魅力」下午茶於星期五至星期日下午3時至6時供應,每兩位賓客可獲贈ARTĒ Madrid經典系列Deseo時尚購物袋乙個 (價值HK$150) 及HK$300購物禮券。
ARTĒ Madrid x 問月酒店「懾人魅力」下午茶 | |
日期 時間 價錢 | : 2017年8月12日至9月30日, 星期五至星期日 : 下午3時至6時 : 每兩位HK$348 (連ARTĒ Madrid禮品乙份及HK$300購物現金禮券) |
- 所有價目另加一服務費。
- 禮品每兩位限送乙份,數量有限,送完即止。

Uncover the magical moment when the ancient Chinese moon mythology meets the mysteries under the sea. Mira Moon, the first story boutique hotel designed with Chinese fairytale under the Mira Hotel Collection has teamed up with the opulent Spanish jewellery brand ARTĒ Madrid presenting The Mesmeric Myth Afternoon Tea to the discerning few exclusively available at the stylish Supergiant Tapas & Cocktail Bar from August to September between Friday and Sunday.
Dress like a charming Moon Goddess or be the enchanting mermaid and indulge in the ARTĒ Madrid’s Ocean Miracle Collection inspired afternoon tea exploring the unknown world of myths beneath the blue sea. Ocean Miracle Collection is inspired by the unknown world of myths deep down beneath the blue sea, fabled creatures and ancient treasures. Offering you an impressive feeling just like the first time diving into the sea – the amazing fishes, a great diversity of marine animals and sea plants come into sight. Captivating and seductive, the sea sometimes overwhelms you with its mystery, vibrancy and complexity.
To echo the collection, Supergiant Tapas & Cocktail Bar’s Chef de Cuisine Jeremy Chan has hand-crafted a myriad of eye-catching tidbits in a navy and baby blue hue that match with the ever-changing scene of the ocean. Tailor-made nibbles include The Ocean Cupcake with chocolate fudge cake and the cream cheese frosting decorated with shaved pistachio, white and blue pearl and various marine-themed ornaments, the delicate Carrot Cake Pop coated with baby blue chocolate featuring starfish and seahorse atop the mixture of chocolate chips, diced buckwheat and brown sugar.
To align with the Spanish brand image of ARTĒ Madrid, Chef Jeremy also designs an array of sweet delights featuring Spanish ingredients including Spanish Churros served with a chili chocolate dip associated with lightly spicy aftertaste, the sensuous Crema Catalana with a touch of decadent aged citrus skin, Homemade Raisin Scone with Whipped Cream and Paprika Mango Jam offering a delicious trio of flavors, the vivid Chocolate Donut with raspberries and the not-to-be-missed alluring macaroon.
Tuck into a selection of savory treats, including the tantalizing Smoked Salmon Pintxo with Black Truffle Honey, the crispy Croquetas with creamy Iberico ham filling, the enticing Pan Con Tomate served with diced tomato and Piquillo Pepper stuffed with Tuna presenting an original Spanish flavors.
Sail away when you are sipping on a glass of customized Breezy Ocean. The mixologist concocts it with fresh mint leaves, peach and pineapple juices and its refreshing taste is surely the reminiscent of the Ocean which you cannot resist.
The afternoon tea is available between Friday and Sunday from 3:00 PM to 6:00 PM, priced at HK$348 for two persons. Every two guests will receive a complimentary ARTĒ Madrid signature Deseo Tote Bag (valued at HK$150) and HK$300 gift certificate during the promotion period upon patronage.
ARTĒ Madrid x Mira Moon The Mesmeric Myth Afternoon Tea | |
Date Time Price | : 12 August and 30 September, Friday to Sunday : 3:00 PM – 6:00 PM : HK$348 for two persons Including a complimentary ARTĒ Madrid gift and HK$300 gift voucher |
- All prices are subject to a 10% service charge.
- Complimentary gift set is presented on a first-come-first-served basis while stock lasts.