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意籍總廚Andrea Delzanno 帶賓客味遊意大利西西里 / Embark on a Sicilian Summer Adventure @ Cucina

意籍總廚Andrea Delzanno 帶賓客味遊意大利西西里 / Embark on a Sicilian Summer Adventure @ Cucina


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由6月14日至7月18日,Cucina意籍總廚Andrea Delzanno以6款地中海佳餚帶賓客的味覺遊走位於意大利南部的西西里島。讓賓客一邊品嚐鮮甜的海鮮,一邊飽覽醉人的維港景色。 擁有豐厚歷史文化的西西里島位於意大利南部,氣侯溫和及風景秀麗,是南意的美食天堂。Andrea特別以當地盛產的意大利食材入饌,包括葡萄酒、金橘、茄子以及多款深受大眾喜愛的海鮮包括紅蝦、西西里小龍蝦、劍魚、墨魚、龍蝦及帶子等炮製6款傳統意國美食,讓賓客仿如置身美麗的地中海,享用意式海鮮盛宴。 西西里生小龍蝦薄片配檸檬啫喱及三文魚籽 (港幣308)來自西西里的小龍蝦充滿鮮甜味道,配上清新及味道帶酸甜的檸檬啫喱,正適合夏日時節品嚐。粒粒新鮮的三文魚籽更能提升味道層次,令鮮味更豐富。意大利飯配墨魚、海蜆、青口、龍蝦、帶子及番茄 (港幣428) 以5款精選海鮮炮製,意大利飯吸收了海鮮的精華,每一口都充滿鮮甜味道及濃郁的芝士香氣,滿口盡是芳香精華,是舌尖的最佳享受。 另一主菜推介是金星豚肉配瑪沙拉酒汁及金橘醬 (港幣418),金星豚肉肉質嫩滑而且豐富多汁,配上西西里金橘的獨特鮮甜清香,以及散發著淡淡焦糖香的沙拉酒汁(Marsala wine),味道令人難忘。 Andrea稱:「要品嚐西西里島的菜式,一定要試經典的燉茄子。」燒鯛魚茄子卷 (港幣428) 這道充滿地中海風情的菜式,Andrea 以鯛魚配燉茄子,讓賓客能親身享受當地的傳統風味,絕對不能錯過。其他推介有香煎劍魚配香橙及熱情果沙律 (港幣298)、意大利扁麵配西西里墨魚仔紅蝦他他及番茜 (港幣388)。 請即蒞臨Cucina以味覺遊走西西里島,6款地中海佳餚由6月14日至7月18日,午餐及晚餐時段供應。同時,不要錯過Cucina品酒師Ringo Lam推介的精選意大利酒。 Cucina Marco Polo Hong Kong Hotel 馬哥孛羅香港酒店 - OKiBook Hong Kong - Restaurants, Buffet, Booking, Reviews Deals, Discounts, Dining Promotions 香港,餐廳及預訂,自助餐, 評價,折扣,優惠, 餐飲促銷 Italian Chef de Cuisine Andrea Delzanno invites guests to take their tastebuds on a gastronomic adventure to the Sicilian seaside this summer. From 14 June to 18 July 2017, six masterful Mediterranean specialities will be crafted by the waterfront at Cucina in Marco Polo Hong Kong Hotel, alongside spectacular panoramic views of Victoria Harbour and Hong Kong’s iconic skyline. The largest island in the Mediterranean Sea, Sicily is known for its rugged beauty, unique culture and especially delicious cuisine. South of the Italian Peninsula, Sicily’s healthy, flavourful dishes focus on fresh seafood, pasta and excellent Sicilian wines. For this exclusive menu, Chef Andrea is creating a seafood extravaganza using ingredients specially imported from Sicily. Sicilian raw scampi carpaccio, lemon gel and salmon roe (HK$308), is a refreshing starter that balances the freshness of Sicilian scampi with smooth lemon jelly and the unique texture of salmon roe for a burst of sea flavour. Risotto with squids, clams, mussels, lobsters, scallops and tomatoes (HK$428), showcases five different varieties of freshly-caught seafood cooked to perfection with creamy rice and bold Sicilian flavours. Kinboshi pork loin, Marsala wine sauce, kumquat jam and stewed leeks (HK$418) is a hearty main featuring top-quality Kinboshi pork loin with a rich caramelised Marsala wine sauce. The acidity of the kumquat jam cuts through the sauce bringing delightful flavour dimensions to this dish. Roasted fillet of snapper wrapped with eggplant Sicilian caponata (HK$428) highlights the famous Sicilian eggplant, embellishing the delicate snapper with deep Mediterranean aromas and flavours. Other delectable menu highlights include Cured smoked sword fish with orange and passion fruit salad (HK$298), and Linguine aglio olio, chili, Sicilian cuttlefish, red prawn tartare and parsley (HK$388). Complementing the Sicilian dishes, Cucina offers a wide range of Italian wines recommended by our sommelier Ms. Ringo Lam. Be a part of this symphony of Sicilian summer flavours from 14 June to 18 July 2017, available during lunch and dinner at Cucina. OKiBook Hong Kong - Restaurant & Buffet Booking Reviews Discounts Promotions - OKiBook香港,餐廳及自助餐預訂, 評價,折扣,優惠
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