意籍總廚Andrea Delzanno以意大利威尼托區的著名食材包括海鮮及白露筍等入饌,呈獻6款地道菜式,讓賓客體驗意國東北部的獨特風味,展開浪漫迷人的威尼斯之旅。
位於意大利東北部的威尼托區,其首府是風景如詩如畫的水都-威尼斯。當地以海鮮為主要食材,而魚類更是主菜中不可缺少的。Andrea將以一系列特色佳餚帶您的味覺遊走威尼托區。多款以新鮮食材炮製的傳統美食將逐一呈獻於Andrea 的菜譜中。
水煮白露筍配意大利風乾火腿及荷蘭汁 (港幣328) 是Andrea的推介之一,香濃的荷蘭醬與鮮甜的白露筍味道匹配,配以咸香的意大利風乾火腿同吃,帶給您多重享受。Andrea稱:「白露筍貴在香嫩,一年當中也只有在春夏之間才能一嘗其特產,加上產量不多,更突顯其矜貴。我精挑來自德國黑森林最上乘的白露筍入饌,此品種較粗壯及鮮甜,散發獨特的果仁幽香,質感幼嫩而少纖維,為賓客帶來別幟一格的鮮嫩甘甜。」
源自於威尼斯著名地標哈利酒吧(Harry's Bar)的生牛肉薄片配芥末沙律汁 (港幣288),生牛肉薄薄切片後以檸檬汁及橄欖油調味,配上Andrea特製的威尼斯芥末沙律汁,入口清新爽口,讓賓客品嚐牛肉最原始的味道。
另一主菜推介,維琴蒂納式焗鱈魚配忌廉汁、燴洋蔥及薯仔 (港幣428),是每個維琴蒂納(Vicenza)家庭都會烹調的傳統美食,Andrea說:「鱈魚以慢煮方式烹調,讓鮮味完全保存在薯仔中,加入了忌廉汁及燴洋蔥,味道非常正宗,是舌尖的最佳享受。」
Asparagi bianchi al vapore con salsa olandese e prosciutto san daniele
水煮白露筍伴意大利火腿配荷蘭汁 $328
Carpaccio di manzo con salsa alla veneziana, senape e maionese
生牛肉薄片配芥末及威尼斯醬 $288
Spaghetti alle vongole ,pomodoro, soave, prezzemolo
意大利麵配蜆肉番茄白酒汁 $358
Linguine all’aglio, olio, ricci di mare, zucchine, bottarga
扁意大利麵配海膽, 意大利青瓜及乾魚子 $388
Risotto agli asparagi bianchi , granchio, mascarpone e prosecco
意大利飯配白蘆筍及蟹肉 $428
Filetto di merluzzo con salsa alla vicentina, cipolle stufate e patate
焗鱈魚配洋蔥,薯仔及忌廉汁 $428

Signature restaurant Cucina invites lovers of Italian cuisine to embark on an irresistible journey to romantic Venice. Italian Chef de Cuisine Andrea Delzanno presents 6 mouthwatering specialties from this beloved region, showcasing fresh seafood and the local delicacy, white asparagus – revered as the "royal vegetable” due to its supreme taste and rarity.
Veneto lies in the north of Italy, along the picturesque Adriatic coast. The region’s jewel – the ancient canal city of Venice – is known for its fascinating gastronomic traditions as well as its cherished landscapes. Venetian cuisine is inspired by its coastal location and many dishes highlight fresh fish and an alluring taste of the sea.
Using the freshest ingredients from the region, Chef Andrea will whisk you away to ‘The Floating City’ with an array of rustic Venetian favourites. Distinctive white asparagus is now at its seasonal prime and Chef Andrea selects the most tender white asparagus spears from Germany’s Black Forest – regarded by gourmands as the best source of white asparagus in the world – for his elegant appetiser of Poached white asparagus, hollandaise sauce, San Daniele ham (HK$328).
Beef Carpaccio with traditional Venetian dressing, mayonnaise and mustard (HK$288) originated in Venice’s iconic Harry’s Bar. Discover a timeless taste of Veneto featuring thin-sliced beef accompanied by mustard and mayonnaise with a lemon and olive oil dressing, topped with Parmesan cheese.
Baked cod fish in Vicenza style, stewed onions, potatoes, cream sauce (HK$428) is another must-try dish recommended by Chef Andrea. A traditional recipe from the city of Vicenza, succulent fresh cod fish is slow cooked with onions in a rich cream sauce, creating a delectable blend of flavours that is soaked up by the potatoes. Delizioso!
Savour a memorable culinary encounter with the Veneto region of Italy at Cucina. The menu is available for a limited time from now until 13 June 2017 during both lunch and dinner.
Asparagi bianchi al vapore con salsa olandese e prosciutto san daniele
Poached white asparagus, hollandaise sauce, san daniele ham $328
Carpaccio di manzo con salsa alla veneziana, senape e maionese
Beef carpaccio with traditional venetian dressing, mayonnaise and mustard $288
Spaghetti alle vongole ,pomodoro, soave, prezzemolo
Spaghetti with clams, soave wine, tomato sauce fresh parsley $358
Linguine all’aglio, olio, ricci di mare, zucchine, bottarga
Linguine with garlic, oil, sea urchin, zucchini, dry fish roe $388
Risotto agli asparagi bianchi , granchio, mascarpone e prosecco
Risotto with white asparagus , crab meat , mascarpone cheese, prosecco $428
Filetto di merluzzo con salsa alla vicentina, cipolle stufate e patate
Baked cod fish vicentina style, stewed onions, potatoes, cream sauce $428
All prices are subject to a 10% service charge