誰說復活節留港不能盡興? 香港君悅酒店為留港歡度復活節假期的客人一家大小預備了多項歡樂滋味的精彩活動。
- 面部彩繪
- 扭氣球
- 魔術表演 (中午12時至12時15分; 中午1時30分至1時45分; 中午3時至3時15分)
- 泡泡秀
- 復活蛋繪畫
於復活節周日 (4月16日)品嚐咖啡廳、Grissini意大利餐廳、露天池畔餐廳及茶園的復活節主題周日自助早午餐。餐廳將添置復活節裝飾品,如迷你色彩繽紛的朱古力蛋及朱古力兔。巨型復活蛋敲打活動還會於茶園及Grissini意大利餐廳。
咖啡廳 - 復活節周日自助午餐及晚餐
Grissini意大利餐廳 - 復活節周日自助午餐

露天池畔餐廳 - 復活節周日早午燒烤自助餐

茶園- 復活節周末自助午餐

餐廳 | 價格 | 時間 |
咖啡廳 | 成人︰$698 / 小童︰$ 349 | 中午12時至下午2時30分 |
Grissini意大利餐廳 | 成人︰$758 / 小童︰$ 379 | 中午12時至下午2時30分 |
露天池畔餐廳 | 成人︰$638 / 小童︰$ 319 | 上午11時30分至下午3時 |
茶園 | 成人︰$ 798 / 小童︰$ 399 | 中午12時至下午2時30分 |

For those who do not want to spend time checking for budget flights and hotels during the Easter short break, Grand Hyatt Hong Kong will save them the time and hassle of travelling but still enjoy a “stay local” vacation with these colourful options:
Easter for children
Set your children free to a range of egg-citing Easter fun and games which will include:
Kids Playroom Located at Poolhouse on 11/F and open from 11:00 AM – 4:00 PM.
- Face Painting
- Balloon twisting
- Magic show (12:00NN - 12:15PM; 1:30PM - 1:45PM; 3:00PM - 3:15PM)
- Soap-bubble show
- Egg drawing
Egg Hunting
The game will last from 2:00 PM – 2:15 PM at The Courtyard on 11/F. Children have to find as many hidden decorated eggs or Easter eggs as possible. At the end of the game, the collected eggs will be given to the children.
Easter Dining Options
Indulge in a gorgeous spread amid an Easter atmosphere at Grand Café, Grissini, The Grill, and Tiffin on Easter Sunday (16 April). All restaurants will be decorated in the Easter spirit, and feature mini-chocolate eggs and standing rabbits. Giant chocolate egg breaking will also be held in Grissini and Tiffin at 2:30PM (16 April).
Grand Café – Easter Sunday lunch and dinner buffet
Begin your Easter at Grand Café where you will be able to enjoy a five-dimensional sensory experience like no other. There will be delicious made-to-order specialities, such as seafood stew, Japanese scallops in the shell, Grilled Selva prawns, cold-cut and carving stations providing Torta Pasqualina and whole roasted lamb leg. Also, signature homemade Easter desserts – Cranberry Pecan Hot Cross Buns and Easter Zopf with Glace Fruits will be served.
Grissini – Easter Sunday Lunch Buffet
Savour an authentic Italian lunch with a range of cold appetisers, vegetarian choices, a selection of Italian hams and dried meat, a live pasta cooking station and made-to-order seafood specialities, such as lobster and mussels.

The Grill – Barbecue Sunday Brunch
Relax by the pool and enjoy al fresco dining at The Grill. Highlights include “Giant Paella” Seafood and roast whole baby lamb at the carving station and, of course, a lavish selection of fresh and healthy salads and different char-grilled specialties will also be served.

Tiffin – Easter Sunday Buffet
Celebrate a relaxing Easter in the warm and cozy Tiffin and enjoy garden and city views. Highlights include seafood on ice such as Fine de Claire oysters, eggs from the Easter egg station, slow cooked beef sirloin Wellington and goodies from the not-to-be-missed ice cream station and dessert counter.

Restaurant | Price | Time |
Grand Café | Adults: $698 / Children: $349 | 12:00 PM – 2:30 PM |
Grissini | Adults: $758 / Children: $379 | 12:00 PM – 2:30 PM |
The Grill | Adults: $638 / Children: $319 | 11:30 AM – 3:00 PM |
Tiffin | Adults: $798 / Children: $399 | 12:00 PM – 2:30 PM |