入廚38年的泰籍大廚Nontra-Udon Buapha經驗豐富,自1998年加入太子酒店以來主理的泰式美饌味道正宗,深受食客歡迎。「泰國菜擁有非常鮮明的特色,色、香、味俱全,這全因泰國人喜歡使用形形色色的天然香料製作醬汁和佳餚。」泰籍大廚表示,他最愛運用不同的泰式香料和醬汁製作各式沙律,包括青木瓜沙律、牛肉沙律、泰式鳳爪沙律 及海鮮沙律,令人特別開胃。
傳統泰菜當然不少得招牌泰式冬蔭功湯,以新鮮大蝦混入十多種香料熬製湯底,口味既濃且香辣。泰廚Buapha又特別加入另一款在泰國常見的椰汁雞湯,以椰奶作湯底,充滿泰式風情。香港人最愛的炸魚餅、炸蝦餅、炸春卷及香蘭葉包雞等泰式拼盤小食每晚輪流供應,琳瑯滿目,款款精彩。熱葷方面,黃咖喱蟹 的咖喱膽由泰廚Buapha親自調製,濃而不辣,充滿蛋香,配以泰式薄餅或白飯,尤其滋味。雜錦沙嗲 包括雞肉、豬肉及牛肉,配以自家秘製的沙嗲醬,香濃惹味。其他泰式風味選擇包括泰式燒魚、肉碎生菜包、炒金邊粉 及菠蘿炒飯 等,均令人回味無窮。
泰國傳統甜品種類繁多,尤以椰汁炮製的美點最受食客歡迎,包括椰汁西米糕、泰式千層糕、班蘭米網春卷、芒果糯米飯 等等,加上以泰國新鮮芒果即場製作的芒果班戟及窩夫,為泰國美食之旅作完美的總結。
自助餐時段 | 成人 | 3至11歲小童 |
自助晚餐 (晚上6時30分至10時) 星期日至四 星期五、六、公眾假期及前夕 | $508 $548 | $278 $298 |

Vibrant Thai cuisine is adored in Hong Kong and around the world. add@Prince introduces its cheerful resident chef from Thailand by showcasing a Quintessential Thai Gastronomic Journey Dinner Buffet during April and May. Savour the unique flavours of this favourite Southeast Asian cuisine with an extensive array of authentic Thai dishes served nightly.
Devoted to the kitchen for over 38 years, Chef Nontra-Udon Buapha has been held in high esteem by guests and gastronomes since joining Prince Hotel in 1998 for his terrific food and friendly character. "People living in Thailand love to use local natural spices to create a variety of colorful, aromatic and scrumptious Thai delicacies”, says Chef Buapha. The chef demonstrates this passion for Thai spices and sauces in his mouth-watering appetizers, such as Thai papaya salad, Thai nam tok, Chicken feet salad and Seafood salad.
Chef Buapha’s signature Tom Yum Kung features over 10 kinds of spices plus fresh prawns, and his Chicken Coconut Soup is another highlight. Other traditional dishes on the menu include Yellow curry crab, Pineapple fried rice, Mixed satay, Thai grilled fish, Larb with lettuce and an impressive Thai snacks platter featuring fish cake, shrimp cake, spring roll and chicken with pandan leaf.
Complementing the Thai hot specialties will be a variety of Thai desserts prepared by the talented pastry team. Sago coconut pudding, Pandan taro net spring roll, Thai mango sticky rice and Pancake or Waffle freshly made with sweet Thai mangoes will be available alongside Mövenpick ice-cream and other exquisite desserts.
Buffet period | Adult | Child aged 3-11 |
Dinner buffet (6:30pm – 10:00pm) Sundays to Thursdays Fridays, Saturdays, Public Holidays and Public Holiday Eves | $508 $548 | $278 $298 |