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意籍總廚Andrea Delzanno演繹拉素傳統菜式 / Authentic Lazio Specialties @ Cucina - Marco Polo Hotel Hong Kong

意籍總廚Andrea Delzanno演繹拉素傳統菜式 / Authentic Lazio Specialties @ Cucina - Marco Polo Hotel Hong Kong


Read in English

由即日起至4月10日,Cucina的意籍總廚Andrea Delzanno推出7款意大利拉素地區的傳統家庭美食,讓賓客欣賞醉人的維港景色,同時盡情享用經典意國美饌。


頭盤推介包括西西里生紅蝦薄片配雅枝竹沙律 (港幣308),Andrea稱:「我以雅枝竹甘甜爽脆的花芯做沙律,雅枝竹的淡淡果仁味道配上鮮甜的西西里紅蝦,兩者互相輝映,令人一試難忘。」

雅枝竹營養價值豐富,不含脂肪及膽固醇,更提供豐富的維他命C兼具抗氧化功能,是最佳的天然健康食材。來自皮埃蒙特的Andrea擅長炮製意大利粉,他今次更推介小龍蝦香蒜意大利扁麵 (港幣428),意大利麵吸收了小龍蝦的鮮甜味道,每一口都滋味非常。

另一主菜推介,龍蝦雅枝竹意大利飯 (港幣438),集龍蝦的鮮味與雅枝竹的獨特芳香於一身,加上散發濃郁牛奶芝士香氣的意大利飯,滿口盡是芳香精華,是舌尖的最佳享受。


Cucina Marco Polo Hong Kong Hotel 馬哥孛羅香港酒店 - OKiBook Hong Kong - Restaurants, Buffet, Booking, Reviews Deals, Discounts, Dining Promotions 香港,餐廳及預訂,自助餐, 評價,折扣,優惠, 餐飲促銷

From now until 10 April 2017, savour the spectacular panoramic Victoria Harbour views and Hong Kong iconic skyline at Cucina along with seven sumptuous home-style Lazio specialties presented by Italian Chef de Cuisine, Andrea Delzanno.

Located in central Italy, the Lazio region showcases the essence of Roman cuisine. Lazio’s rich farmland produces superb meats, Roman artichokes, succulent olives and other fresh ingredients. The signature classic cooking style of this region is deliberately rustic to allow you to enjoy and savour the exquisite rich subtle flavours that are unique and indicative of these produce.

Red prawn Carpaccio, raw artichoke salad, lemon dressing (HK$308) is a refreshing starter packed with natural goodness. “The best way to taste the amazing flavour of the artichoke is to eat it raw,” explains Chef Andrea. The nutty and sweet flavours combine beautifully with the freshness of the Sicilian red prawn.

Linguine with garlic, olive oil, chili and seared scampi (HK$428) is another must-try dish recommended by Chef Andrea. The classic Italian favourite with a unique twist combines the savoury taste of seared fresh scampi and the delicate texture of the linguine for a perfect bite experience.

Risotto with lobster, Roman artichoke and mascarpone cheese (HK$438) delivers a decadent taste of the sea with artichoke adding extra dimensions of flavour and aroma to the perfectly cooked creamy rice and fresh lobster.

Cucina invites you to indulge in these and more authentic Lazio specialties. Available from now until 10 April 2017, this special menu is offered during both lunch and dinner, set against the sparkling backdrop of Victoria Harbour and Hong Kong’s iconic skyline.

OKiBook Hong Kong - Restaurant & Buffet Booking Reviews Discounts Promotions - OKiBook香港,餐廳及自助餐預訂, 評價,折扣,優惠
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