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Cucina呈獻托斯卡納的傳統風味 / A Taste of Tuscany @ Cucina - Marco Polo Hong Kong

Cucina呈獻托斯卡納的傳統風味 / A Taste of Tuscany @ Cucina - Marco Polo Hong Kong


Read in English

由2017年1月19日至3月3日,意籍總廚Andrea Delzanno以傳統的烹調方法炮製6款充滿托斯卡納家庭風格的菜色,配上精選的托斯卡納美酒,讓您以味覺遊走意國中部。 同時擁有豐富山脈和海岸線的托斯卡納有美食之鄉的美譽,托斯卡納菜式以簡單為主,當地人喜愛以新鮮及時令的食材入饌,炮製豐盛的家庭菜色,配上世界聞名的托斯卡納葡萄美酒,讓賓客體驗極致奢華的味覺享受。 吞拿魚他他托斯卡納沙律 (港幣298) 是一道非常傳統的托斯卡納的菜式,Andrea稱:「我將麵包、洋蔥、番茄及青瓜與橄欖油及醋混合,配上鮮甜的吞拿魚他他,層次豐富而且顏色鮮艷,讓人愛不釋手。」Cucina的品酒師Ringo更推介Felsina I Sistri Chardonnay配襯此菜式。自家制闊條麵配托斯卡納肉腸、黃菌及黑松露 (港幣428) 是經典的意國菜式。闊條麵是由人手以意大利進口的雞蛋炮製,味道特別濃郁,雞蛋的芳香配上肉質嫩滑及味道濃郁的托斯卡納肉腸及芳香的松露,每一口均令人陶醉。配上紅酒Lohsa Morellino di Scansano,更能為菜式增添色彩。 扒M5和牛T骨牛扒配橄欖油及海鹽 (港幣1,488) 是佛羅倫斯的名菜之一。用上重達30安士的優質M5和牛炮製,脂肪平均及肉質豐腴多汁。簡單配上海鹽能令味道更突出,Ringo 更推介Tenute’s Sulvio Nardi, Brunello,讓您細嘗傳統托斯卡納風味。Andrea的另一推介是以7款精選海鮮炮製的意大利海鮮配蒜蓉包 (港幣688),龍蝦、小龍蝦、魷魚、蝦、蜆、青口及帶子等豐富海鮮配以車厘茄及魚骨熬製的湯底及香脆蒜蓉包,每一口都充滿鮮甜味道,是舌尖的最佳享受。


Cucina Marco Polo Hong Kong Hotel 馬哥孛羅香港酒店 - OKiBook Hong Kong - Restaurants, Buffet, Booking, Reviews Deals, Discounts, Dining Promotions 香港,餐廳及預訂,自助餐, 評價,折扣,優惠, 餐飲促銷

From 19 January to 3 March 2017, Cucina’s Italian Chef Andrea Delzanno presents a limited-time menu showcasing rich and hearty Tuscan cooking in 6 authentic home-style dishes, along with selected Tuscan wines.

Located in the central region of Italy, Tuscany is known for its mouth-watering gastronomic traditions. Distinguished by its mountains and coastline, Tuscan cooking champions fresh, seasonal and simple ingredients. ‘A Taste of Tuscany at Cucina’ takes guests on an indulgent gastronomic holiday to the heart of Italy with rich, hearty Tuscan dishes accompanied by the region’s famous wines.

The “Panzanella” salad is a beloved summertime dish in Tuscany. Chef Andrea takes inspiration from this refreshing classic in his Tuna tartar, tomato, cucumber, croutons Tuscan style (HK$298), which features a combination of soaked bread croutons, onions, diced tomatoes and cucumber mixed with olive oil and vinegar, and topped with refreshing Tuna tartar and fresh basil. Felsina’s I Sistri Chardonnay is recommended by Cucina’s sommelier Ms. Ringo Lam to pair with this vibrant dish. Homemade pappardelle with fresh Tuscan sausage, chanterelles and black truffle (HK$428) combines the rich taste of sausage and the delicate texture of homemade pasta, enhanced with the indulgent aroma of black truffle. Lohsa’s Morellino di Scansano makes a superb wine match.

Grilled Wagyu beef M5 T-bone steak, Fiorentina style with Tuscan oil and aromatic sea salt (HK$1,488) is highly recommended by Chef Andrea. The classic cooking style of Tuscany brings out the amazing natural flavour and texture of the M5 Wagyu beef. A glass of Tenute’s Sulvio Nardi, Brunello is an exquisite wine pairing. Seafood Livornese style with lobster, scampi, squid, prawns, clams, mussels, scallops and garlic bread (HK$688) is another must-try dish. From the western side of Tuscany, known as Livornese, the traditional broth is infused with cherry tomatoes and fish bones, while the freshness is further enhanced with seven kinds of fresh seafood from the Mediterranean Sea.

Indulge in ‘A Taste of Tuscany at Cucina’ from 19 January to 3 March 2017. The limited-time menu is offered during both lunch and dinner.

OKiBook Hong Kong - Restaurant & Buffet Booking Reviews Discounts Promotions - OKiBook香港,餐廳及自助餐預訂, 評價,折扣,優惠
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