隆堡麗景酒店AVA Restaurant Slash Bar及咖啡亭餐廳窩心譜奏「聖誕希望樂章 美食交響樂」,炮製連連佳節美食,多重滋味激盪舌尖味蕾,提早預訂12月24、25及31日之晚餐,可享8折優惠。
為了讓今個聖誕更添意義,於2016年12月19至26日於AVA 或咖啡亭享用聖誕晚餐,隆堡集團將代表每位客人捐出港幣10元予受惠機構聯合國兒童基金香港委員會,為發展中國家的弱勢兒童送上珍貴的聖誕禮物,包括25粒淨水丸(每粒淨水丸能夠把4至5升的污水過濾成乾淨的飲用水)、一包高營養花生醬、一支鉛筆及一本練習簿,幫助活在危難中的弱小心靈燃亮生命希望。
凡於12月24-26日期間,惠顧AVA 或咖啡亭午餐或晚餐,每位客人更可獲贈由hmv送出之限量型格手挽袋(價值HK$199)。
AVA Restaurant Slash Bar
居高隆堡麗景酒店38樓的AVA Restaurant Slash Bar坐擁270度維港美景,兩岸的璀璨燈飾盡收眼底。由全新法籍大廚Jean-Charles Devillard主理的烹飪團隊,以多款矜貴食材入饌,帶來嶄新而又別具聖誕色彩的味覺享受。
AVA Restaurant Slash Bar 平安夜六道菜晚宴
供應日期及時間: 2016年12月24日晚上6:30 – 10:30 價目:每位HK$1,188 (另加一服務費) 每位奉送香檳酒一杯 優惠:於2016年12月7日或之前訂座及繳付全數費用,即可享早預訂8折優惠
AVA Restaurant Slash Bar 聖誕夜五道菜晚宴
供應日期及時間: 2016年12月25日晚上6:30 – 10:30 價目:每位HK$788 (另加一服務費) 優惠:於2016年12月7日或之前訂座及繳付全數費用,即可享早預訂8折優惠
AVA Restaurant Slash Bar 除夕夜五道菜晚宴
供應日期及時間: 2016年12月31日晚上6:30 – 10:30 價目:每位HK$1,588 (另加一服務費) 每位奉送香檳酒一杯 優惠:於2016年12月7日或之前訂座及繳付全數費用,即可享早預訂8折優惠

咖啡亭 –豐盛節日自助晚餐 及 空中花園除夕煙火倒數
今個聖誕,咖啡亭推出豐盛節日自助晚餐,呈獻琳瑯滿目的冷盤熱葷佳節美食,包括芝士火鍋、即切烤火雞肉、即切烤肉眼牛扒等,更有新鮮即開生蠔、阿拉斯加皇帝蟹腳、鱈場蟹腳等多款貴價海鮮坐陣,即製甜點區將供應巧克力噴泉、焦糖爆谷、棉花糖及火焰雪山等,定能讓客人大快朵頤! 咖啡亭 – 平安夜自助晚餐 供應日期:2016年12月24日 價目:成人 | 小童/長者 * | |
首輪: 6:00pm-8:00pm | HK$608 | HK$428 |
次輪: 8:30pm-11:00pm | HK$628 | HK$448 |
成人 | 小童/長者 * | |
首輪: 6:00pm-8:00pm | HK$608 | HK$428 |
次輪: 8:30pm-11:00pm | HK$628 | HK$448 |
成人 | 小童/長者 * | |
首輪: 6:00pm-8:00pm | HK$468 | HK$358 |
次輪: 8:30pm-11:00pm | HK$648 | HK$358 |

This Christmas, AVA Restaurant Slash Bar and Café Express at Hotel Panorama by Rhombus present a hearty array of festive cuisine, playing the best symphony of Christmas gourmet, guest can reserve in advance and enjoy 20% off early bird discount for dinner menus on 24, 25 and 31 December.
During 19-26 December 2016, HK$10 donation to Hong Kong Committee for UNICEF (UNICEF HK), the beneficiary organization, will be made by Rhombus Group on behalf of the guest for each purchase of Christmas Dinner menu at Rhombus restaurants. Turn the Christmas feast to a precise gift for vulnerable children in developing countries, which consists of 25 water purification tablets (each treating 4 – 5 litres of drinking water), a sachet of therapeutic spread, a pencil and an exercise book. This charity gift will reach and help vulnerable children and provide them with hope and happiness. During 24-26 December 2016, each lunch or dinner guest will receive a complimentary hmv limited edition totebag (valued at HK$199).
AVA Restaurant Slash Bar
Christmas Feast with Dazzling Harbour View
Perched on the 38/F of Hotel Panorama by Rhombus, AVA Restaurant Slash Bar owns 270-degree stunning views of the brightly decorated Victoria Harbour. The talented culinary team led by new Chef Jean-Charles Devillard specially crafted the festive feast with luxurious ingredients, bringing creative yet classic Christmas dining experience to the diners.
French Duck Foie Gras
The smooth and delicate French Duck Foie Gras makes the best duo with mulled wine jelly. Spread on the crunchy ginger bread and taste the ensemble of various textures.
Smoked Salmon & Royal Crab
Smoked Salmon is a traditional Christmas dish for French. Chef skillfully wraps the Canadian Royal Crab with Smoked Salmon. Every bite ensures a taste of freshness and satisfaction.
Roasted Capon Supreme
Give an innovative touch on the Christmas dinner, Chef replaces the traditional Christmas turkey with capon, a kind of rooster has been castrated that has a softer and tenderer texture than the usual chicken meat.AVA Restaurant Slash Bar Christmas Eve 6-course Set Dinner
Smoked Salmon & Royal Crab
With apple cannelloni & horseradish cream
Crab Bisque
French Duck Foie Gras
With mulled wine jelly & crumbled ginger bread
Steamed Sole fish & Shellfish
With parsley foam
Roasted Capon Supreme
With potato bouchon, asparagus, morel & suprême sauce
Brownie with Chestnut Sauce
Available Date & Time: 24 December 2016, 6:30 – 10:30pm
Price: HK$1,188 per person (subject to a 10% service charge)
Each guest can enjoy a complimentary glass of Champagne Offer: Enjoy 20% off early bird discount with reservations and full payment made on or before 7 December 2016
AVA Restaurant Slash Bar Christmas 5-course Set Dinner
Smoked Salmon & Royal Crab
With apple cannelloni & horseradish cream
Crab Bisque
French Duck Foie Gras
With mulled wine jelly & crumbled ginger bread
Roasted Capon Supreme
With potato bouchon, asparagus, morel & suprême sauce
Brownie with Chestnut Sauce
Available Date & Time: 25 December 2016, 6:30 – 10:30pm
Price: HK$788 per person (subject to a 10% service charge)
Offer: Enjoy 20% off early bird discount with reservations and full payment made on or before 7 December 2016
AVA Restaurant Slash Bar New Year’s Eve 5-course Set Dinner
Smoked Salmon & Royal Crab
With apple cannelloni & horseradish cream
Rock Lobster in Parisian Style
With curry mayonnaise
Slow-cooked Atlantic Cod Fish, Saffron & Chorizo Risotto,
With parmesan foam
Seared Venison Tenderloin
With cèpes brussel sprout, potato bouchon & poivrade sauce
Brownie with Chestnut Sauce
Available Date & Time: 31 December 2016, 6:30 – 10:30pm
Price: HK$1,588 per person (subject to a 10% service charge)
Offer: Enjoy 20% off early bird discount with reservations and full payment made on or before 7 December 2016
Café Express – Festive Cuisine Dinner Buffet
& Firework Countdown at Sky Garden
This Christmas, Café Express presents Festive Cuisine Dinner Buffet, offering sumptuous hot and cold dishes that echo with the celebratory ambience of the season, including Cheese Fondue, Roasted Turkey Carving, Roasted Beef Rib-Eye Carving and extravagant seafood counter, featuring freshly-shucked oysters, Alaskan King Crab Legs and Snow Crab Legs. Don’t miss the live dessert station, offering heart-warming treats like Chocolate Fondue, Caramel Popcorn, Cotton Candy, Baked Alaska and more. Café Express – Christmas Eve Dinner Buffet Available Date: 24 December 2016 Pricing:Adult | Child * | |
Session One: 6:00pm-8:00pm | HK$608 | HK$428 |
Session Two: 8:30pm-11:00pm | HK$628 | HK$448 |
Adult | Child * | |
Session One: 6:00pm-8:00pm | HK$608 | HK$428 |
Session Two: 8:30pm-11:00pm | HK$628 | HK$448 |
Adult | Child * | |
Session One: 6:00pm-8:00pm | HK$468 | HK$358 |
Session Two: 8:30pm-11:00pm | HK$648 | HK$358 |